Shelley allwildgirl

Like WOW! Does anyone know what the record is for posts on a single thread? And to think, this was only meant for Shelley's eyes....
Fanilows are just smiling bullies who are rotten to the core, much like that character Rhoda.
Hey, hey ladies - you guys better watch it! I thought I had been previously offended in this thread but then to speak of Barry, BARRY - without complete adoration. And here I thought he really did make the whole world sing.
Hey, hey ladies - you guys better watch it! I thought I had been previously offended in this thread but then to speak of Barry, BARRY - without complete adoration. And here I thought he really did make the whole world sing.

Well, I can't smile without him and time in New England wouldn't be the same either. :eek:
OK I am now offended at my own lame-assness because it never dawned on me that the "Bully" thread was anything more than a discussion of bullies. Didn't realize it was a veiled scolding of anyone.

If you'll excuse me, I am off to PM myself about this.
Miss Lee - aren't you supposed to be running or working out? Do I need to PM you about that? Because frankly, I'm offended....
I've received a number of heartfelt PMs from the scared to post bullied lurkers that are offended that it wasn't Dr. Pepper.

ETA I'm making fun of all you who don't get that I'm making fun of you. It's what I do when I'm not making fun of Lady GaGa and Barney.
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