New Video Poll

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I would love another kickbox or hi/lo workout. I agree with the others who want a workout similiar workout to 10/10/10 but longer. I am just begging for one really intense cardio. I love the idea of the push/pull video. Thanks for asking Cathe.
Cathe, I posted this as a response in another part of the Forum but wanted to make sure you read it. Thanks.

For the "Intro to Cathe" video:If you choose to go the 'Move Master' route (i.e. a separate segment from the workout proper, where you demo each move for the viewer, break it down and teach it very slowly step by step), would you please consider demonstrating the moves while facing the viewer (so we would see your front), not with your back to the screen (so we would see your back). I found this very confusing in another workout with this 'bonus' feature. I am used to working out w/ the instructor facing me; I don't think it should be any different when breaking down moves.
Thank you for all you do,
Hey there!

I'm SOOOOO excited about new tapes already!!!!

STYLIZED STEP and PUSH/PULL sound great. I agree that if
"Intro to Cathe" will be an advanced level workout (in spite
of a lot of breakdown), it should probably have a different

As for the 4th vid...I know that I will love anything by
YOU! (I always think I'm gonna' put somebody else in the
machine, but just can't bring myself to do it.) I will just
reiterate some previous suggestions:

1.Core,Core,Core!! Maybe an Abs Hits II after this series???
I LOVE the new moves in the IS with the stabil/med balls!

2.Kickbox II would be great! I would probably love to use a
bag...never tried it. Maybe you could have variations in
the back with a bag.

3.Butt,Thigh,Hamstring work. Not necessarily all floorwork,
just whatever it takes to REALLY WORK these areas. I want
legs/buns like YOURS!! ("You know the buns I'm talking
about" - love that line.)

Good Luck! Linda
I love your weight workouts (PS/S&H/MIS), and like the idea of a Push/Pull workout.

Since my knees are old and I'm not very coordinated, the idea of a "learning Cathe's choreography" step tape sounds good to me, especially if it was one with no jumping and you could get it on DVD by itself or with a couple of weight workouts.

The only Cathe workout I have that includes cardio is Cardio & Weights on VHS. I've avoided your cardio workouts because they look like they are too hard on the knees and too hard to learn.

P.S. I've been weight training for 14 years, and NEVER used videos until finding out about you 6 months ago. You solved my problem of taking too much rest and goofing off between sets which made my workouts too long! People told me to try the FIRM videos, but they were too wimpy. Yours are great! Plus, with your tapes I have someone to work out with when hubby decides he's not going to work out.
Hi Cathe,

What about a tape that features the weight workout for the 1st 30min. and aer. for the 2nd 30min. I had heard to burn the greatest amount of fat you should do weights 1st then aerobics. Then you could create 2 tapes (1) A heavey weight training upper body followed by a 30 min aerobic section. (2) A muscle endurance lower body program followed by a a 30 min aerobic section. I also like the thought of another CTX series. Maybe with 1 muscle group, per tape, for the lower body. I don't know maybe that wouldnt work. Just a suggestion:+ thanks tricia:7 :7 :7
Hi Cathe,
I'd love another cardio interval tape! Step, hi/lo, kickbox, whatever!!!:)
I LOVE the idea of a 1-hour total body push-pull tape.
Can't wait for these new workouts!
I LOVE the idea of a stylized step. I would buy a new step workout instantly. Rhthymic step is one of my favorites! I also would love a hi/lo workout or mixture of hi/lo and kickbox--maybe have the hi-lo
stylized too! The new Push Pull weight workout sounds great also.
Thanks for caring about your customers! Your great. Diane:) :) :)
I have 2 choices for the 4th video:

1) I like SooFit's idea of a "traveling" workout, such that no equipment is required to get a full body strength workout!

2) A 60 minute hi/lo workout. You haven't done this before, so now would be a great time.

Hi Cathe,

Oh, new videos! How exciting!!! I would love to see a Cardio Kicks II and another circuit type of workout. I would probably pass on the Intro. to Cathe video as I am a long-time Cathe fan. Can't wait to hear what you decide on!

The ideas all sound great!!

I would like to see another C&W type tape too. That's my fave tape right now (only intensity series though)and I swear, I can't get enough of it! I love it!

It's so great having tapes that you can actually say are "fun" and mean it!!
Dear Cathe:

I know that I will love whatever you decide to do. My hope is that on the DVD's you will do some pre-mixed workouts which combine several together. How about a Terminator II?

I vote for:

1. New step workout
2. Push pull workout (Please make it a killer!!!!)
3. Intro to Cathe (How about a DVD bonus section with the finished routine repeated several times)
4. Core, Core, Core (Have somebody doing a BOSU option)
5. An off the step workoutout with Hi Lo, Kick boxing, and athletic drills (Have somebody demonstating low impact with high intensity)

I am so excited about the new workouts.

Take care,

Yay Cathe!!!:7 :7 :7 Stylized Step sounds WONDERFUL- I am one of those who wished for a straight cardio with the Intensity Series.Push-Pull sounds terrific too.For the fourth tape, I would love to see an all-cardio workout that mixes things up like 10-10-10, but LONGER. I don't know if I would use the intro tape, being fairly advanced (thanks to you!!!!!!) but it's a great idea to help get people started. Can't wait!!!!!:D
Time to Chime in....


This is most certainly welcomed news! I'm excited about more new workouts from you!! Here are my thoughts:

1. I'm excited about Stylized Step. All new choerography would be great. I also like the idea of putting it all together at the end, just like Rhythmic Step. With DVD on my mind, I would like to see the "finished product" chapter at the end of each step segment, just like you did in the Classics DVD.

2. I also like the idea of the push/pull 1 hour total body.

3. I'm not really excited about the "Intro to Cathe" tape. While I can see it useful for many, it would not be for me. I have all of your DVDs, so I know all of the choerography already. Some have said that they think it will still be a challenging workout. That could very well be true... but I don't like my choerography to be broken down very much. It would be something I would never use. I am also another to ask that it not be package with another DVD.

4. For the fourth video, I would love to see some kickboxing and/or hi/lo.

Someone has asked for a kickboxing type BodyMax: 30 min. kickboxing, 30 minutes kickbox/lower body circuits. Instead of 30 minutes of upper body weights... what about 30 minutes of lower body floor work/ abs with the stability ball, medicine ball and ankle weights. Cathe, don't you think that would be fun?! I do!! A format like that would be my FIRST choice.

Someone else asked for a 20-20-20 type workout. That could also be fun. Some "stylized" hi/lo thrown into your normal hi/lo could be quite entertaining! This would be my second choice.

Third choice: An all kickbox video... Cardio Kicks 2!

Thanks for listening to my opinion. It is so appreciated. I really do love your workouts. They are the foundation of my workouts. I look forward to your decision.

All I can say is YIPPEEE!!! I'm very new to Cathe tapes so a "new to Cathe" would be perfect (of course, I've already ordered my stuff). I already have a mental list of people to share this with!

Thank you!

Please consider making the step videos ADVANCED intensity but LOWER impact. (Or at least with intense low impact options. )I don't think "Advanced" and "Able to Do High Impact" are the same thing. Somedays I can jump; other days my knees won't have it. I don't need a beginner/intermediate workout. I need advanced workouts that don't hurt my knees and ankles.

I saw a suggestion earlier for kickbox on the step. I think that would be a great advanced intensity low impact option! Anyone else???

Thanks for being so open to our suggestions. If you can adopt a fraction of these ideas, you are a miracle worker.

Yea!!!! More videos. I like the idea of the push/pull. The intro to Cathe would be great for those days you just aren't feeling 100% and need a lighter day.

Even though the push/pull is a weight training video, I still would like to see another S & H series. I love that one and I know lots of others out there do too!

Keep 'em coming

Hi Cathe--

Your ideas for new videos sound great, and will please many folks in your target market. My suggestions aren't meant to displace any of these BUT ...I would really love to see a series sort of like CTX--a set of workouts that include 30-45 minute cardio options with a 15-20 minute strength training segment featuring a slow and heavy focus on one body part per day. (BTW--My knees and I also have a preference for intense but low impact cardio.) Would also jump on Cardio Kicks II and another circuit workout like Cardio & Weights.

Let's see, that adds up to about 12 new videos, doesn't it? If you'll make 'em, I'll buy 'em!;-)
I am replying without looking at what anyone else has written.

1. I love the first idea. I like to get a groove on (dancy) while stepping! And I love the format of Rhythmic Step!

2. I love the second idea- push-pull. New weight workouts are always appreciated. And this 60-minute time must mean another way to get my body parts worked in a week without missing out on cardio but staying in my one-hour envelope!

3. I also love this idea for neophytes who like a more up-to-date Cathe.

Some of my fave moves that took some time to learn are: moves facing away from the step, ricochets (properly without torquing), the airborne 360 degree repeater from Rhythmic Step (airborne to void torque- this form pointer would be good for beginners).

Other moves I love are triples, 1-2-3-horse, and other high versions of low moves. This video would be a great opportunity to straddle between low and high intensity.

My one idea that may or may not fit in with your plan is an all-cardio workout (one of the above) with an abdominal section, totaling 60 minutes, similar to Step Heat's breakdown. The core work could serve as the cooldown, with a stretch right after. This would serve me well on those weeks I use CTX upper (or other strength work without abs, that takes a whole hour. I like to work my midsection twice a week or so.

Thanks so much for asking for our suggestions, but more importantly, for filming these new videos!! I am really excited!
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