New Video Poll

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Hi Cathe,

Your 3 tape ideas sound wonderful :) :) :)
But as a fourth suggestion can we have a Cardio Kicks 2, please ? :7

I have 2 suggestions:

1. Cardio Kicks 2, with a warm up. kickbox sequence, POWER DRILLS :7 , a HUGE Planks section, cool down.

2. An Interval type Kickbox workout (floor cardio only), say Warm up, 10 minutes of Kickbox, interspersed with Power Drills (like 10-10-10), Plank work, and cool down :D

Ahhh...this would make my day, say you don't fancy making 5 new videos, do you ? ;)

Anna :7
I know this is greedy but all weight training please! Intense splits for time crunched days and/or splits devoted to serious muscle building would be so savory.

Thank you!
Hello Cathe,

I'M SO EXCITED!!! :) :)

I would love:

1. A 60 minute Power Circuit/10.10.10 workout

2. A 60 minute Cardio Kicks II

3. A 60 minutes total-body workout - 30 mins. floor aerobics + 30
mins. floor work targeting hips, thighs & buttocks

Thanks :) :)
Hi Cathe;I can't wait for your new videos.The stylized step sounds great,I love Rhythmic Step.Also would like another Imax like number 2.That push/pull workout sounds interesting.I think one of my favorite moves is the straddle then skip back in Imax 2.Thanks for hearing us out.~Linda~
OH MY!!! Am I happy????? :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 YEP!!

Wow -- Cathe, an all-step tape in the vein of Rhythmic Step makes my heart go pitter-patter! (A few power moves would rock, too. ;-) )

The push/pull weight training one sounds heavenly!! }(

AND.....the "Intro to Cathe" tape is brilliant!!!!!!

I'm off to the suggestion forum to put in my ideas for other tapes.

Thanks, Cathe!!

Hi Cathe,
Your new workouts sound fabulous. I will gladly buy the Intro to Cathe - it would be great for a less intense day. I really love all the moves from Powermax - the pendulum across, rock horse, 1-2-3 horse... I think it would be fun with new, updated music and outfits.

For the fourth video I am torn between Cardio Kicks 2 and Cardio and Weights 2. I really like your circuit workouts but CK is great too.

If at all possible please include the stability ball and core work in your new vids.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to give our opinions!
Cathe this is my suggestion for your 4th it
Cardio Kicks II (circuit training workout)90
to 110 min. using a HEAVY BAG (add many sequential kicks, front kicks,jumping jacks, power hops, jabs, etc.) background exercisers showing modification with handweights or without, switch back and forth with weights, add jump rope and finish with some tough abs and a well deserve cool-down.

P.S. I use my heavy bag for all kickboxing workouts since it makes the workout extra intense vs. punching in the air.
Hi Cathe,

I would love to see more hi/low workouts and ones similar
to 10-10-10, Power Circuit, Step and Intervals and MIC.

Will be looking forward to the new vids/DVDs!
Yay! New videos!! I feel like you just finished the ISeries. ;-) You rock!

I love all the ideas that you've suggested. I would enjoy a Stylized Hi/Lo just as much as a Stylized Step as well - just another way to add variety to my workouts.

Also, I'm throwing in my vote for a BodyMax II type workout. Something that has high intensity cardio (step, kickboxing or both) followed by the step circuit segment with weights would be awesome. BodyMax was my first step video (2nd Cathe video) and I still get my butt kicked by it everytime.

Thanks for listening to our input!

I love YOUR ideas.I'm sure you have some wonderful ones on the back burner as well. I would vote for your "stylized" Rhythmic Step. The hour long "push/pull" weights sounds really great.
The idea for the "new to Cathe" is also a great idea but....I personally agree with a couple other posters in hoping you could keep up the intesity for those of us who have worked out for years and focus on the modifications for the not so advanced. ?? I guess I'm greedy and selfish.

I would wish for another Kickbox video, and another MIC..hi/low and step(can't believe I said that.LOL)

I love what core work has done for my torso and abs, so if it is possible, I wish you could throw in more of your challenging ab work in this series. I liked what someone suggessted about doing Crunches with the Stability ball.

I dearly love your CTX Series and and Intensity Series. Perhaps one day you could make another someone else suggessted with using a slower count with the weights.

I love all the moves you have for the step. Some of my favorites are
1. horse-straddle-hop
2.double ricochet
3. flying angels

As always, thanks for asking us for our feedback. I know I speak for most of us that we will buy whatever you put together. I'm ready to sign up to pre-order. :D:D
I think Stylish Step aka Rhythmic Step II would be wonderful. I also would love a 60-minute heavy weight training workout, although I hope that you will design it so it can be easily broken into lower body and upper body sections.

In response to some other's comments here, I don't think Intro to Cathe would be low-intensity at all, since many of our "old favorites" are not low-intensity moves. However, I agree that the amount of breakdown should be similar to that in Power Max, somewhere in between lots and lots of breakdown (like in Step Jam, etc.) and almost no breakdown at all (like in Cardio and Weights). I think Intro to Cathe has a lot of potential for being a great athletic step workout for both advanced exercisers who are new to Cathe AND experienced Cathe-ites who want intense, steady-state cardio on a day when they don't want to think a lot about choreography. Intro to Cathe (maybe renamed to something that doesn't imply low-intensity?) could really complement Stylish Step well.

As for a fourth workout, how about a kickboxing-based Body Max II? 30 minutes of kickboxing, 30 minutes of kickbox-lower body strength training circuits, and 30 minutes of fast-paced upper body strength training (using pyramids!). I love Pyramid Upper Body but would love to see another upper body pyramid workout someday with lighter weights and a faster pace.

Thanks for giving all of us a chance to chime in!

Hi Cathe:

Wow - you are just the best!!!! I love your ideas so far. I, like many others, would also love an hour long hi/lo video with your usual intensity level added to the mix.

Please add your tough core work to the vids also - using the stability ball and medicine ball. My abs are beginning to look pretty darn good for a 44 yr old, if I do say so myself;-) - better than I ever dreamed of thanks to the Intensity Series!!

Whatever you decide - I will buy without a doubt!

Actually Cathe I think you have done a great job with your last 2 series of videos!! I love them all. I love the cardio and weights and Imax 2 you keep me inspired and movtivated!! I will miss you the day you decide retire. Laughs. Because I worry about the day I no longer have new videos to look forward to. Do you have to wait until this summer. I wish you could pump them out at a faster pace!!:D

I am sure I will enjoy whatever you come up with.
Hi-lo Cathe: (oops! I meant Hello)

Yes, you've probably already guessed it -- another hi-lo please!

After all these years and all your many videos, MIC still kicks my butt! Nothing gets my heart zinging like a good, electrifying hi-lo!

You know, it's getting REALLY hard to find a good hi-lo class in any of the gyms I've tried. Most of the hi-lo offered is just "lo" with teeny-tiny dumbbells, and well, just plain boring.

I love the sound of the Push/Pull video!! Also a new step would be great! How about a Cardio Kicks 2? I truly love your kickbox videos- they're so fun and challenging! Thanks for asking for our input Cathe! All the best, Susan
Cathe, Cathe, are indeed an amazing woman. More tapes already???? As you can see, we are already drooling at the thought and getting our credit cards geared up. I'm so impressed by everything you've ever done that I have no doubts I will buy and love them. Here are my thoughts.

1. Core, core, core, core, core, core!!!! If you recall, I'm currently pregnant with number two and I would WORSHIP you (even more than I already do if that's possible) if you would come up with tough, tough core work (like in IS) to get my abs back into shape after the birth. Please Cathe, you work the core like NO ONE ELSE and I will really need your help.

2. I know that a LOT of women ask you how to trim down their thighs and I, along with my fellow pears out there, would LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOOVE to see a "thigh/butt solution" tape (along the lines of LL) with lots of squats, low ends, maybe some plyometric moves, killer floor work...whatever it takes to trim down our legs. Something that would make our knees shake and change our most hated body part into our favorite. Please think about this are the ONLY one who could give us what it really takes. I'm begging on this one.

3. I know you will, but please chapter the heck outta these to give us lots of options like the Intensity Series. (for example...the heavy weight work tape can be divided into seperate upper and lower body workouts for when you are short on time)

Can't wait to hear more on what develops. Thanks, as always, for including us in the process.
I LOVE CARDIO and WEIGHTS and would like to see another like this.I love the idea of a "beginner" step tape, I can certainly make use of this:7. I would like to see more work with the medicine ball, these exercises are so much fun and effective. I would also love to see more workouts like muscle endurance and bodymax. HI/LO scares me :eek: but I will give it a try!! YOU RULE CATHE!!!
Oh goodness, only four, that leaves so little room!

I like the idea of the push=pull video. I'd definitely get that one.

Stylized step should appeal to those who like your step choreography and intensity. I wouldn't be interested in it because I look for workouts with less torque (no figure 8 moves or ricochets) and at a safer speed (128 bpm or under).

The beginner video would be good for those wanting to know where to start with Cathe. Maybe it could be combined on DVD with the wedding video and a step in motion tape?

My problem is now that the only workout of this new set that it seems like I'd be interested in is Push-pull, and I only want to get dvds, so I'd like a workout that would go on the DVD with PP.

I suggest one of the following (oh, but two would be SO nice!!): cardio kicks II (pehaps with a bonus selection of kickboxing segments from workouts previous to the Intensity series, that could make up part of the "premix" workouts);

circuit weight training (I posted a suggestion for this in the recently-demised suggestion section. Briefly, it would be made up of around 4 sections of around 5 different exercises, done in circuit fashion, for example, cirucuit one could be chest press, followed immediately by lat row, then shoulder press, then squats, then standing abs or abs on the ball. The circuit is then repeated 3 times before moving on to the next segments. I think this would be a good combo with the PP, which seems like it focuses on heavy weights (yay!), as the cirucuit workout would be more moderate weights).
Since I don't work out in a gym, can you explain what you mean by a push pull workout? Also, would there be expensive equipment to purchase?

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
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