Lurkers Invitation 2010

Hi all,

I have a couple of busy days ahead so probably won't be able to write much. This morning I did the KB/BC cardio pre-mix from 4DS. Another good premix! Graduation is at noon today so now we are getting ready for that. TTYL, Pam
Did MMA Fusion. I love that workout. Will be doing yoga here in a minute.

Eunice, Great job on The MMA: Boxing. Not easy for me, but I can do it. LOL;) Don't worry about the bonus punching bag workout if you did all the others. My Lambs! You are good.! Oh, I love MMA: Fusion too! That is one of my favorites also. Very hard.:rolleyes:

It's almost time for your vacation, Six more days right?

Pam, I got a heavy bag the first time it was mentioned, about a few years ago, hmmmm, maybe longer. Time gets away with me. Any hoo, I reccomentd one to anyone who likes to workout like that. It's a blast and it works the muscles like no other way. Very different.

Have a wonderful party tomorrow. Wish I could help you cook all that great food and be there too.:rolleyes: Sounds like a lot of fun.

Good job on your leg workout today. Whew!

The concert sounded so wonderful! So glad you had a good time. You deserve it.

Eunice,Great job on your workout! You are always good about them.;) It does sound like you are very excited to get on with your vacation! Woo HOO!

Cheryl, Wow, I wonder if you didn't get food poisoning. Glad you were able to get your exercises in after that awful episode. Good job!

I'm looking forward to getting a Dyson one day.

Pam, Great job on your workouts today. Have fun cooking.

Hi ladies,
Work is so keeping me busy, worked until 7:00 most days this week, and may even have to go in tomorrow to catch up on some of the emails that our in our inbox. I'm getting sooooo burnt out....
But it is the weekend, yay! :D I'm going and looking at dresses with my MOH this afternoon for her. That will be fun. Ordered some more stuff that I'll post pics of once they come in - the champagne flutes, serving set, ring pillow and guest book.
Went back to the Dr. on Wednesday and they put me on Thyroid meds, so we'll see what happens. It's not a bad thing, it's just taking some adjusting to say the least. I take it 1/2 an hour to an hour befor breakast, which is fine. But I can't have any calcium or iron within 4 hours of taking it because it affects the absorbtion into the body. Fun times LOL But with that, I've gotten much better about the snackiness, and should actually see some results on the scale tomorrow, I'm so excited. Thomas is out of town for a few days, so that will help my eating too, big time LOL
I had something I haven't had in forever last night becuase he doesn't like fish, I made some baked salmon..... sooooo gooood!! :D
Workout this morning was Imax 3. I'm planning on doing some total body and abs this evening as well.

Off to do some laundry and pick up the apt a little bit.

Cheryl, hope you're feeling better!

Pam, How was the graduation? Hope everything went well! That food sounds amazing!

Eunice, Wow, vacation is getting close now! Yippee!

Hi Janie! Enjoy your yoga.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Yay, Maid of Honor dress has been picked! The picture doesn't do it justice, it's a gorgeous shade of blue! :D

Pam Hope everything went well for the graduation and dinner. Post some pictures when you get a chance.

Janie No I don't think it was food posioning. It sometimes happens to me where food just won't agree with me and I am in lots of pain. It seems to happen mostly when I am eating too many carbs and because the weather was so crappy that seems to be what I was grabing to eat. One time we went to a restaurant and afterwards I was in so much pain I could hardly stand it. The next morning my stomach felt bruised inside. It has never been that bad again and I hope that it never will. Our Dyson is wonderful. I highly recommend it. I can't believe everything that it picks up and because the canister is clear you can see everything.......

Kelly Glad to see that you are back. Hopefully you don't have to work at that pace for too much longer. Let the emails wait. It sounds like you need the day off more. That's what I would do but you would know better if you need to go in or not. It looks like everything is coming together for the wedding. I really like the Maid of Honor dress. It could take awhile to get your Thyroid meds adjusted properly. My mom is on them and it did take a few trys to get the right dosage. I love salmon but my hubby doesn't either. What I do is make salmon for me and something else for him.

Eunice How many more sleeps until you leave????

Tomorrow morning I am off to Ottawa for work. I will be taking my laptop and travel fit DVDs along with some yoga ones. I will try to check in while I am there. I fly back Wednesday night and have to be back at work Thursday morning. Thursday is going to be a rough day.....

Have a great Sunday.

Janie.....are you finally getting really nice weather too?

Hi Everyone I've being busy lately, I workout Friday I did the premixes of 4DS KB-BC... It was good :) I just bought one of the oldies dvd's step volume 1: so I wanted to try to workout with Cathe when she was so young so did Step heat" Its an easy one all the moves on the first drill are kind of silly I've never see those before with the arms, step its pretty basic up, down, up, down, only the first drill after that she push hard and its a good workout I liked!!!!! :) so when I realized I was almost done with the whole thing when I was supposed to do only half... anyways yesterday I took as a rest day I today I'll do what it was for yesterday.
I won't be able to chat with all of you until I get back from my trip after the 23rd, I'm going to be working on packing and living the house kind of clean and food for the girls, they going to have to cook so I have to go groceries and get easy stuff for them.
Other then that I only have 2 more days here .... wooohooo!!!
Pam I hope we get to see some of your graduation pictures and I'll miss talk with you! But when I get back we can go back to normal. Have a good time working out with out me:( I'll talk to you later!!!
Cheryl have a good trip to Ottawa! I will be taking that dvd too, I hope I get the chance to use it... don't work to hard and I'll talk to you when I get back if I don't have time to check in the forums before I live but I'll try.
Janie have a good weekend and keep working with Mr. Joey & taking those long walks with Rolly, like I say just in case I don't get the Chance to say good bye!!
Have a good Sunday everyone!!!
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Will be walking Rolly shortly, it's so beautiful outside.

Kelly, Sometimes jobs have a way to burn us out. Hang in there and hoping you are having a great weekend.

Your workouts sounds wonderful and I too love salmon. Nummy Yumm!

Love the color of that beautiful dress. You make it look so pretty.

Chery, Our weather is now gorgeous right now. I'm taking every advantage I can in staying outside today. After I take Rollly for a walk, I'll go into our sun room and read. Lazy, I know, but I love doing it. Today is a rest day for me.

I'm glad it wasn't food poisoning. Sure hope that doesn't happen to you anymore. It's got to be miserable! Could it be GERD? That's what I have, but the symptoms come in all kinds of disguises.

Have a great time in Ottawa even if you do have to work there. Capital of Canada, right? Such a big city, enjoy it. Try not to think about your busy day Thursday until then.

Eunice, Good job on your workouts. You are so consistent, that's what pays off.

I bet you are so excited! You may not see this post because you will be so busy getting ready for your trip, but do have a fantastic time and take lots of pictures. Enjoy!

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone,

Eunice Have a great trip and tell all about it when you get back. I am going to do Travel Fit tomorrow morning. It is so nice to fit it in then and only have a 5 minute walk to work.

Janie It is so nice that the weather is finally good. It is fine to be lazy once in a while. It allows you to recharge. It is hot here in Ottawa. I went for a walk after I got here and had dinner. Ottawa is the capital of Canada and it is a nice city in the summer. Not so much in the winter when it is really cold. Being from Vancouver I don't have heavy enough winter clothes for it. We had really bad turbulance over the Prairies and I was hanging on for dear life. I have never been in turbulance that bad before.
It isn't fun when I have stomach problems but I don't know what will set it off. I don't think that it is GERD it is just one of those weird things.

Pam I hope everything went well this weekend.

Kelly Hopefully work isn't so crazy for you this week.

Have a great Monday everyone.

Morning ladies!
Well, I'm happy to be able to post a 2-lb loss this week, yay!! I know it can take a while to feel the effects of the medication, but since I've been on it, I really feel much more in control of my eating. I don't know if it's all in my head or what, but it's a really good feeling.

Workout this morning was Pyramid Lower Body, Love how my buns feel after that LOL :p

I so don't want to go to work today, wahhhhhh!! LOL oh well. Not much you can do.

Oh Cheryl, I don't do so well flying with turbulance LOL I get really really nervous.

Janie, I'll take some of your gorgeous weather. It seems like recently we've had either one extreme or the other... Raining cats and dogs and then it's supposed to warm up into the 90's this week.

Have a good Monday everyone!
Wow, looks like I have a lot to catch up on after being 'gone' for a couple of days!

Janie I love MMA Fusion too. It is my favorite of the MMA workouts. Good for you for following it up with yoga! I do think that it would be fun to have a heavy bag. Maybe I should keep on eye on Craig's list for one. Seems like a great stress reliever if nothing else! ;) I wish you could've been here to help me cook AND enjoy the party too!

Kelly So nice to 'see' you again! Sorry to hear that you are having to work so hard! I hope you were able to relax and recharge a little over the weekend. I bet it was so much fun looking at dresses! The one that you picked is just beautiful! Wow, IMAX 3 and total body and abs?! That is an intense day. We might have to start calling you Eunice! :p I love salmon too but my DH doesn't, so I make it sometimes when he is out of town. It is our youngests favorite food (well aside from bacon!)

Cheryl Both graduation and the party went really well. Eric was a little disappointed that he didn't finish higher in his class even though he finished 11th out of over 520 students! :rolleyes: He said that he was really hoping for single digits!

Wow sorry to hear you had such a terrible evening, but I'm glad that you were feeling better again so quickly. That sounds terrible! Your vacuum sounds great, although I'm not sure I would want to see everything mine was picking up :eek:

What is it with all of these men who don't like salmon?! :confused:
It sounds like you are in for quite the busy week, I hope you get to have some fun while you are gone! I'm glad to hear that you have been getting some nice weather too!

Eunice Wow, your trip is almost here! I know you are excited and probably a little nervous too. And poor Stacy :( It will be good for her to have some quality time with her daddy though! Those arm moves in Step Heat are kind've goofy aren't they?! The first time I did that one I didn't think I was going to like it at all but you are right, it definitely gets better after that!
We took some pictures after the graduation on Friday and then totally forgot to take any pictures at the party on Saturday :rolleyes: I have to get my DH to upload the pictures though because my laptop is so old the USB port isn't compatible with the camera. So there may be some delay in getting them uploaded :confused: I'll miss you when you are gone, I really hope you have a fantastic time and I know you will be better than I am about taking pictures! :p

Janie So glad to hear you are getting beautiful weather. It's been REALLY hot here, but to me that is beautiful weather :)

Cheryl That turbulance sounds terrible, very scary! I don't mind travelling usually but I don't like turbulance.

Kelly Congratulations on your weight loss! :D Even if it is just in your head, the mind is such a powerful thing that if you believe you are in more control you will be! Boy I didn't want to come to work today either it was such a busy weekend I just wanted to stay home and rest! Yesterday we went to my SILs for dinner and I fell asleep on the couch I was so tired!

Despite all of the graduation craziness I was able to get all my workouts in as planned this weekend so I was happy about that. Friday we went to graduation and then went out for lunch, then came home and continued party prep. Saturday morning I got up and did Boot Camp and then finished getting ready for the party. We were all ready to go by 3:00 with the party scheduled to start at 4:00. At 4:20 there was no one there yet so we were starting to get nervous :confused: As it turned out, we didn't need to worry. Once people started coming it seemed like they all came at once. EVERYONE who said they were coming did plus some that didn't respond! We figured that at one point we had about 80 people there at the same time:rolleyes: We were a little worried because about an hour in it started to rain, but it came through really fast and cooled it way down so it was perfect because it had been mid-upper 90's before that! We had volleyball and ping pong going in the front yard, water balloons and bubble wands for the kids and everything seemed to be getting used at the same time. I over did the food a bit - we could've fed twice as many people as we had :rolleyes: I took a bunch of leftovers to my mom and my SIL yesterday and we still have a lot of stuff left. :confused: At least we didn't run out.

This morning was BM2 cardio blast pre-mix. It seems like we just did that one, but I didn't mind because it is a fun one. I wasn't excited about getting back to work, but I am happy to get back to the routine. have a great Monday everyone!

Picked up one of our Grandson for a couple of days. He's only 14 and such a smart guy. We love him. Will be hiking together in the woods tomorrow.

Cheryl, Sounds like you had a memorable couple of days on the plane and with a walk once you got to Ottawa.

Kelly, Congratulations on your weight loss. Great job on PLB. Not an easy workout for sure.

Pam, If you can get a heavy bag you won't believe the workout that can be done with it. It's so cool. :cool:

Looks like you had a lot of celebrating this weekend and a lot of things got done. 80 people is a lot. Glad I didn't have to clean up. Seems everyone enjoyed themselves with all the great food and games.

Great job on those blasts with the premix from BM2 cardio.

Janie It sounds like you have a great day ahead of you hiking in the woods with your grandson. Does he love Rolly? Our 14 year old is a huge animal lover but especially dogs. We aren't home enough to have a dog right now, but that doesn't stop him from pestering us about it on a regular basis :rolleyes: I hope you have a fantastic hike today!

The party cleanup actually wasn't too bad. I got a lot of help from the folks that were there late, and DH took care of folding up all the tables,chairs, linens. We rented those and they came and picked them up the next day.

This morning was Drill Max total body pre-mix. It was amazing how much easier that workout is when you aren't doing to cardio portions!! Seemed like a pretty light day. I added in the ab section from MM since there are no abs in that one and there were no abs on the menu yesterday either. Eunice I was thinking about you this morning - I'm not sure if you are leaving tonight or if you left last night and are already there??! In any case I know it will be a fabulous tr\ip. Cheryl I hope you are enjoying Ottawa. I really need to remember to take travel fit with me the next time I travel. Kelly I hope that work is easing up some for you this week. Have a great day everyone!

Hi ladies, it sure has gotten quiet around here with Cheryl and Eunice traveling, Kelly working like crazy and Janie playing with your grandson and Rolly! And I'm just getting back to my routine.

This morning was Imax 3. I haven't done that one very often on it's own because I was so hooked at Hardcore extreme for awhile and most 6 of the 10 intervals are in that workout. It's definitely a toughie, but just what I needed this morning. Happy Wednesday everyone!

Will do TBS with Joey. Also baking bread today and will do gardening the rest of the day. Heavy duty stuff today. Rolly will be helping me.

Pam, Cody does love Rolly, there is nothing like a boy and a dog. It's magical.

That was really nice that folks will get together to help clean up. Drill Max pre-mix's are awesome. Imax 3 the next day, wow, great job.

Have a great day everyone,

Hi Janie Looks like it's just you and me so far today, but at least I'm not talking to myself again :p Wow, I'm really impressed with your bread baking. I do a lot of cooking and baking but bread still seems like one of those unattainable items! I need to work on it though because there is NOTHING like home made bread right out of the oven :rolleyes: Is that the Susan Harris video that you have been doing? I tried to copy all of my old Firm workouts from VHS to DVD but they have some anti-copying protection on them and our upstairs VCR no longer works, so I don't do the Firms anymore. Too bad because I really like some of them.

This morning I did disc 12 legs. I had kind've forgotten how those meso 1 workouts go bam bam bam from one thing to the next. I think I will be feeling this one tomorrow. Cheryl I'm thinking today is your zombie day after traveling back from the east coast last night. Hope you are doing ok and can get to bed early tonight! I hope your trip went well. Hi Kelly! Eunice I hope you are having a blast with your family!!

I'm Back......
Man I was soooo tired today. I didn't land in Vancouver until almost 9 p.m. Pacific time and then by the time I got off the plane and retreived my luggage and got home and to bed it was 11:00 and then I had to be up by 4:30 this morning to get to work. But on the bright side we got a lot of work done today and so I am taking tomorrow off as vacation. We have a deadline so we went in today to make sure we could get everything done that we needed to. What was really weird is I had been emailing the person who was doing our training for us in Ottawa to set up times and things like that. Well when we walked into the training room she was someone I had gone to highschool with back here in Vancouver. I knew we both worked for the same company but both of us have new last names and I didn't know she had moved.

Kelly Congrats on your weight loss. Two pounds is really good. You lost it and I gained it LOL. The turbulance wasn't much fun. The other person that I went with brought her husband with her. He had some juice in a cup when we hit the turbulance and dumped it all over her LOL. She wasn't too impressed.

Pam I'm glad to hear the graduation and party went well. Wow 80 people is a lot. That is really good to finish 11th out of 520 students. He shouldn't be disappointed. It is scary to see what the vaccuum picks up. But on the bright side you know when to dump out the cat hair and dust since you can see how much you have. With our other vaccuum I was really good at forgetting to check the bag :eek:. Does your husband like salmon? Mine will only eat fish and chips deep fried of course.:rolleyes: Good for you in getting all of your workouts in with it being such a crazy week. Morning is always the best time so you can get it done and not worry about it.

Janie We did do some walking when we were in Ottawa but the weather wasn't that great. Wednesday it just poured so we couldn't really get out and walk too far. On our way to the airport the taxi driver had the radio on and there was a United airplane that skidded off the runway in Ottawa a few hours before we got there. Ummm first really bad turbulance on the way there and then a plane leaves the runway :confused: Well at least it was uneventful for us on the way home. Glad to hear that you have so much fun with your grandson. It is nice to have grandkids that you enjoy spending time with and visa versa.

Well I did do travel fit and some yoga and pilates while I was away. I will get back into really working out tomorrow. I can't remember what is on tap so it will be surprise.

Have a good Friday everyone. Time for bed LOL.

Cheryl Welcome back! It sounds like you had an exhausting week, but it's nice that you will get to take today off. I thought about you when I heard about that plane skidding on the runway in Ottawa. I wasn't sure if you had left yet by then or not but they said it was a plane that was landing from DC so I knew it wasn't your flight. That is so funny about running into your friend from high school - it really is a small world! When we went to Eric's graduation last week my DH and his parents and I were standing outside and someone came up and said 'hi Jack' to my FIL who was here from Pennsylvania for the graduation. It was a friend of his from home who was here for his granddaughters graduation. AND his granddaughter turned out to be the girl that Eric took to the prom!
I know what you mean about forgetting to check the vaccuum bag. I would get to the point where it's hardly picking anything up before it would occur to me that it might be full! Now we have a central vac which is wonderful, but of course you still have to remember to empty the cannister.
No, my husband does not like salmon. He does like a lot of other fish though, just not salmon. Of course we both love fish and chips, just can't eat those very often! What did you end up doing for your workout today?

I was supposed to do LIS from 4DS cardio only and abs, but I felt like I needed something more intense. I did HiiT DWP and no equipment abs. It kicked my butt (which is very sore from disc 12 yesterday!) but that was a good thing! Now I need to run to a meeting so Happy Friday everyone!

OK, I had to share this with my Cathe buddies! I am wearing a sleeveless shirt at work today. I was walking down the hall and ran into a guy that I used to work with and haven't seen in awhile. So we stopped to chat and part way though the conversation he was just staring at my arms and said 'wow, look at your muscles! Are you lifting weights?' Then we had about a 10 minute conversation with him carrying on about my muscles! It made my day and of course I knew you gals would appreciate it! :p

Pam It was an exhausting week but I did learn alot. The plane that skidded off the runway did that about two hours before we got there. That is so funny that Eric took the granddaughter of your FILs friend to the prom. It really is a small world. My workout today was Step Blast SJP Cardio Circut. I enjoyed this one. You do alternate the 3 step workouts from Step Blast with the 4 Hi/Lo segments from SJP. You sure did an intense workout today. I remember being sore after disk 12 too. What a good feeling to have someone notice all of the hard work that you do. That really would make your day....Way to go.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Did gardening for over 3 hours today.

Pam, There really isn't any thing like making your own wild yeast culture and baking bread with it. You should try it if there is any interest there. TBS is from Cathe. Total Body Sculpting. I use heavy weight. It's hard!:confused:

Now that is a compliment coming from a man. Oh, how wonderful you must have felt. Exercise is great!

I still have a VHS player and I do sometimes use it. The Firm, and all the oldies but goodies. LOL:D My DH did copy most of my VHS stuff onto DVD's. I'm lucky.

Great job on legs. Enjoy your DOM's tomorrow.:rolleyes:

Well I did do travel fit and some yoga and pilates while I was away. I will get back into really working out tomorrow. I can't remember what is on tap so it will be surprise.

Have a good Friday everyone. Time for bed LOL.

Cheryl, Welcome back! We missed you. With all the hustle and bustle you had to go through, I'm glad to see you kinda sorta taking off today.:confused: It's a small world when you see a high school classmate at work.

You are so lucky that nothing happened to you on your journey. Someone was watching over you for sure. Glad you are safe, sound and at home.


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