Lurkers Invitation 2010

Pam Plyo Legs was a tough one. However you just did Disk 20 and I found I was more sore after that one. Step Blast is a fun one to do. Our cats seem very similar. Last night I made a mistake and didn't kick them out of the bedroom before I went to bed. Boy but I am tired today. They keep on sticking their faces in mine to see if I am still sleeping.....:confused: Because I am so tired I couldn't get up the energy to workout tonight. I should really learn that they can't sleep with me on a work night.

Janie, Glad to hear that things are going well with Rolly. It is nice to know that he is potty trained and that he is getting along better with the cats.

Eunice I wish I could just stay at home and not worry about going to work. Yesterday we had a big windstorm here and the wind knocked a tree down along with power lines down onto our train tracks. I was lucky that my train could at least get to my station but the trains backed up after that waiting for the tracks to be cleared. I heard it took several hours to get it all cleaned up and the commuter trains moving again. 4Ds after Step Blast....crazy LOL.

Have a great Friday

Eunice You put the LIS on FB first and that was the only one I saw till later when I saw you did both! You are crazy! :rolleyes: I'm glad to hear that you finally got your water back!! It's nice that they take care of all of the packing for you, I hate to pack! Will they unpack for you too?! :p When are you supposed to leave for Australia? I bet your legs are sore today after doing legs on Wednesday and then disc 20 yesterday! My legs are KILLING me :confused: Especially my quads and glutes OUCH!

Janie I hope you enjoyed Step Blast yesterday. Who is Anthony? Don't worry about the mothering, it's just because you care! I'm definitely NOT doing as much stretching as I should be, but better than I used to be!

For the things that I am making in class, I leave it there to be slumped because they have the molds. My kiln is too small to fit the sink too. I was there last night and both my sink and bowl are still flat :mad: I hope they are done next week. now I have 3 things there waiting to be slumped. There is a guy in the class who I think is more anxious for the sink to be done than I am! It's the first thing he asks when he gets there!

Cheryl OMG, my legs and glutes are killing me today! I guess I'm where you were last week! I think I'll be the one having a tough time sitting at work all day today. Those darn cats, do they think they really need to stick their face right in yours to see if you're awake or not :confused: The little rats! Hopefully you got more sleep last night. I see you have a birthday coming up! Is it tomorrow? I hope you are going to do something special!

Your wind storm sounds terrible, wow! I wish I could stay home and not worry about going to work too! We have been planning on retiring in 4 years, but with the crazy stock market situation, I don't think we can count on it. What a mess!

This morning was Low Max. Wow Eunice, you were right, all that leg work after disc 20 was painful. It took me the first 2 intervals to feel like they were starting to loosen up a little. I think it's going to be a few days before my legs are not screaming at me. Our new mattress is arriving today so we will finally get to sleep in our new bed today! :D It's such a comfortable mattress I don't think we will ever want to get out of bed!! TGIF, have a good one!

Getting a late start today and since Joey is gone babysitting his grandson Anthony, thought about one of the STS cardios (heavy bag) and long walk with Rolly today. Have to talk to him about peeing in the front room while I was getting my breakfast.:( I didn't say a word to him, I thought it was all under control, but it's not his fault, I wasn't watching him properly. Just a little more reinforcement and he'll be fine. Two accidents in two weeks is pretty good.

Cheryl, Rolly is still doing very well with the cats. In fact he is now in cahoots with one of them. Our calico brought in a shrew and left it on the floor and Rolly decided to roll on it. EWuuu.

Pam, Anthony is our 8 year old grandson (we have 4). His parents are off having fun for several days and Joey gets to babysit him and drop him off to school. I'm caring for our animals and need to attend a funeral Sat., so I couldn't go.

I'm with that guy, I can't wait either for your bowl and sink to be slumped!

Oh, do try to retire in 4 years while you are still young enough to enjoy it. Maybe our economy will get better by then. Lets cross our fingers.

Good job on LM. I bet your legs were fried especially from doing the leg work the previous day.:confused:

Enjoy your new bed/mattress and have a great rest.

Janie are you doing the rotation with us?! Today I did low max and OMG I'm so tired and sore last night I was having trouble sleeping but I still did not miss my workout...I know its getting close 3 more weeks:D its going to be fun. So you are all along this weekend with Rolly-Polly.
That's the only part I don't like about getting a dog the party training , but your right 2 accidents in two weeks not to bad.

Cheryl before anything Happy Birthday!!! I hope you get to rest tonight so tomorrow you can have a fun day! What are you doing for fun?!
Its funny how your cats check on you at night to make sure you are still sleeping, when I'm sleeping I can feel my daughter walking in to my room, she calls me very softly "mom can I sleep with you?!" OMG she is so cute and still smell like baby.. I love to squish her even when she kicks me and my DH:p she has the thing of right hand she is touching daddy and left hand or leg she is touching cute!:eek:
I wish I can get a job Lol! I'm getting tired of not doing anything and doing everything:confused: At least you got the day off yesterday after the windstorm?! I hope so!!

Pam we have to have a crazy in this group doesn't?! We are supposed to leave August 23 that the date that my DH want to leave... we'll see nothing for sure yet about the date but he has to check in the company some time September... How fun Pam new mattress, new bed, you get to sleep in tomorrow Saturday I hope so awww nice!!.. I need a new bedroom set:D we have ours for almost 9 years but I need one already Lol!!
Today was low max crazy all this week its been focused on the lower body we did not much upper body, I hope next week we do more upper body and leave the legs along... I was about to die when I was doing the workout this morning.. but I cannot cheat at my self beside I think finally I'm loosing the love handles hahaha!!!:p

Tomorrow we have a free concert here on base its going to be Julianne Hough and Joe Nichols both are country music, we get to have one every year last year I didn't go my DH wasn't home so not to much fun, but tomorrow we are planning on going they have free food and drinks and snacks for the kids I hope its fun! one of my daughter's cannot go because she has chorus at school but I'm not going to that one their charging $20 bucks for person.. no thanks..
Maybe I won't have time to check in tomorrow, or maybe I will anyways have a good weekend everyone... and Yes TGIF" finally I know what that mean... and I mean it!!!:p
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes tomorrow is my 50th birthday.....:eek: How the heck did I get so old. It was my brother's birthday yesterday so my parents are having the whole family over for a BBQ tomorrow. It looks like the weather will be good so we can be outside. It is our Victoria Day long weekend so it will be nice having 3 days off. So it will be the cardio mix of BM2 tomorrow morning.

Pam So how was sitting at work today LOL. It really hurts doesn't it. I think that is why I couldn't do Low Max the next day. My legs were saying "Are you kidding me...." I got more sleep last night because I shut the door. It's not so bad on the weekend but on work nights....
The wind storm knocked out power to quite a few people, we were lucky though and didn't lose ours. You should try to retire in 4 years, I can retire in 5 years. I get a good pension so that really helps. I will be making almost the same sitting at home since I won't have all the deductions taken off my cheque and I won't have my transit expense. Wouldn't it be nice to do whatever you wanted. You could go to the lake to waterski mid week not just the weekend. A nice new mattress....enjoy your sleep tonight.

Janie, It is good that Rolly is getting along with the cats. A shrew....Ewwww. How can you get mad at him for peeing on the carpet, he is sooooo cute. Were you going to do the Get Ready for Summer Rotation with us?

Eunice Kids can be so cute. I don't know which is harder to sleep with cats or kids. They both take up a lot of room on the bed so you are squished into one spot and can't move. With your kids it is probably nice that you don't have to work so you can spend time with them. They will grow up fast and if you are doing fine financially I would take advantage of it. Though your own money coming in would be nice wouldn't it. Enjoy your concert. I have no idea who these people are since I am not a fan of country music but it sounds like it will be fun.

Have a good Saturday

I'll join you all with Get Ready For Summer Rotation tomorrow, starting with the 2nd week and do Step Moves. Sounds like a lot of fun. I love Step Moves.

Eunice, Ooooo, LM is one of my favorites, I know why you are sore, it's not an easy workout at all.

I am all alone with Rolly Polly and the two kitties LOL:D. They are wonderful companions. Rolly is so smart, it won't take long now, he is really getting the idea of what to do outside.

Have fun and enjoy the country concert. It sounds like a lot of fun!

Cheryl, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Cheryl, Happy Birthday to you. And many more.LOL:eek: Enjoy your family and BBQ tomorrow.

I'll do a full check in later when I have more time but just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cheryl! Hope it's a great day! A BBQ sounds like a wonderful way to spend it!!! Enjoy!

Janie You're right, 2 accidents in 2 weeks is very good and it sounds like he is well on the way to no more accidents. Four grandchildren, fun! It sounds like they don't live nearby though? OMG, my legs were SO fried with disc 20 Thursday, then LM Friday and we went and water skiied Friday night! I think my legs were looking for a new owner. :p

The new mattress and sheets all arrived on Friday so we finally got to sleep on the new bed. We could not believe how HIGH the new mattress is! I almost need a step stool to get on it. I am 5'7 1/2" and I can't sit on the bed with my feet on the floor! It's a great mattress though. I'm still working on bedding, so will post some photos when I get that finished.

Eunice How cute how your daughter likes to touch both of you when she sleeps with you. She is such a sweetie! It's funny how you want to get a job and those of us who have them wish we didn't :p We finally got some upper body work yesterday. I really liked that pre-mix! How did ou like it? I was with you on being about to die during LM. I didn't know how many segments there were, I kept thinking this one must be the last one, and then we'd do another! How was the concert? I haven't heard of those people either, but I love to go to concerts. I think we have one coming up in a couple of weeks. I wouldn't have gone to your daughters chorus for $20 each either! I can't believe that they charge to go to that stuff. Even my DSS middle school soccer team charges to go to the games :confused:

Cheryl How was the birthday BBQ yesterday? I hope you got a nice day for it! We get our long weekend next weekend! :D Sitting at work on Friday was hard! My DH told me that I was walking like I was injured :confused: He also likes to grab my leg and squeeze it - he did that a couple of times on Friday and then had to peel me off the ceiling! :p I was glad to be almost back to normal yesterday. I love the idea of being able to do whatever we want, or even doing nothing and not feeling guilty about it! Our pension is mostly self funded 401(k) so we really need the markets to start cooperating.

Kelly Where are you? We miss you!

Yesterday morning was 4DS BC upper circuit pre-mix. I really liked that pre-mix. That workout has such great cardio but it was nice to break up the cardio sections. And we finally got to do some upper body instead of more legs :p We went to the lake yesterday afternoon, but I only got to ski one pass before a thunderstorm started. My husband kept telling me it wasn't a good idea and I thought I had enough time, but the sky was pretty dark. He said if you see any lightening, drop and get in the boat. I skiied my pass, and luckily it was a good one, got to the end of the lake and looked up to a whole bunch of lightening, so I was done. At least it was a good pass :rolleyes: We woke up this morning to another big thunderstorm and it's still raining now, so maybe no skiing today. I'm glad we went Friday night even though my legs thought I had lost my mind :D Today is my rest day so I guess I should go do an extended stretch......:rolleyes: have a great Sunday!

Yesterday was a lot of fun. the weather wasn't as good as we had hoped for but at least it wasn't pouring rain. My parents had 16 people over for both my brother's and my birthdays. I got lots of nice planters for the garden and one of the best things that I got was the program for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. That was so cool. Now I have the programs for both the opening a closing ceremonies. I put that away right away so nothing would happen to it.

Jaine Pets are wonderful companions aren't they. Sometimes it is nice to have just them around instead of people sometimes. You can just be yourself and they don't care.

Pam They really do make beds high now don't they. I remember when we got our bed and I almost needed a step stool to get into it. I am only 5'4" LOL. So did you have a good sleep? I found the 4DS BC upper circuit pre-mix really hard.

This morning I did Muscle Endurance. I used to have not much problem doing that one but I struggled a bit with that one. Umm maybe it was all the wine that I had last night LOL. Tomorrow is Imax 2.

Cheryl So nice to hear you had a nice time on your birthday! How nice to get the program from the opening ceremony. You have some great ways to remind you of that incredibly special experience! We have been getting good sleeps on the new mattress - I'm not getting pushed off the side of the bed anymore :p I'm thinking the wine may have impacted your performance in MM ;) but you had to celebrate your birthday in style! Imax2 is a toughie too, how did it go this morning? I hope you're enjoying your long weekend.

This morning was Step Moves for me. I was supposed to do the abs from KPC with it, but I don't have KPC so I did the yoga based abs from ab circuits. Have a great Monday everyone.

Hi! Sorry to keep going MIA.... Keeping busy for sure, and while I have definitely found my groove with working out, eating has been a little lacking. Really have to work on my consistancy.
Kinda crazy week ahead... have dinner with co-workers tonight. I'm hoping to have the willpower to get one of their salads and resist the margaritas - they are sooo good. Just have to remember how much I want this. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels! Then Wednesday we're going and watching our Rockies play~I love watching baseball! Then Thursday is my b-day, I'm not so subtly hinting at Cathe DVD's... really would like the STS cardio set LOL Then Friday is a day off, but Thomas and I are taking our FOCCUS test at the church. Whew!
I'm completely sunburnt from watching him coach yesterday, but it was fun. They played a good game though they didn't win.

Started today off with Pyramid Upper, and challenged myself with using heavier weights. I am soooo going to be feeling that one tomorrow!

I'll try to get on at lunch and play catch-up. Have a wonderful morning!
Pam how are you doing?! OMG I did not know how tall you are 5'7 1/2 you are so tall:D I did not liked the 4DS BC circuit even when it was upper body I don't know why but only that BC drag's me :confused: I liked the upper body though I repeated twice the weight section. Its funny that your DH squeeze your legs just to make you scream :D Good job with SM you already know what I did today changing just a bit but I'll be back to normal tomorrow since we have power hour?!
OMG yes kids are so funny! yesterday I was watching the show "monsters inside me" its about getting sick, virus, or even bugs growing inside people OMG so scary:confused: well when it was bed time Stacy was shaking her head like when you have water in the ear I asked why are you doing that? and she say I'm shaking the bad dreams I don't want bugs in my head"Lol poor baby:eek:

Cheryl sound like you did have a good weekend with your family and you got good stuff...I love when I get stuff that make me happy... last Christmas my DH got me a 30# bell everyone was what???? is she crazy and I was as happy as a kid...
We had a bad weather this weekend too, so cold, windy, rain, Saturday we went to the concert during the day was warm so we did not dress up for the night and it was so cold we come back home we couldn't stay ..

Ok so today no I thought about changing a little bit to keep testing my ankle and burn little bit more extra calories since yesterday was NOT a pretty good day (food) I ate apple pie with ice cream I baked it so I keep thinking it wasn't to bad I control everything I put in:confused:... anyways for today was step, so I did step and abs, I did circuit blast that work's the core and also KPC abs but I did not wanted to put everything down or people its going to think that I'm crazy.... ok just a little bit crazy:)
But I'm ready for tomorrow workout:)

Hi Janie and Kelly... have a good day everyone:D:D
Kelly Nice to see you again! I thought we had lost you! The eating is the hard part, isn't it? I don't think I could ever resist a good margarita. I'm the person who always has margaritas mixed and available in my fridge! :eek: Happy Birthday early! I hope you get the STS cardio! I really wanted BBL or Insanity for my birthday and my husband refused to get them for me because he said that would send the message that he thought I needed to workout :rolleyes: I kept telling him that I really wanted them but no way. He did get me something else that I really wanted - clipless pedals and shoes for my bike. HEY - isn't bike riding working out too??! It sounds like you have quite the busy week this week!

Good job on the Pyramid upper, hope you aren't TOO sore tomorrow!

Eunice I am doing great, how are you? Sorry about the cold weather interfering with your concert. It sounds like you had a nice day though. Too bad you didn't have my big nanook parka :p I love that 4DS BC, you don't like it? That last cardio with the drop down and do push ups always kills me though. I was surprised that you changed the workout this morning because I know how much you love SM. In fact when I was doing it I was thinking about how you would be loving today's workout. Of course that was before I knew about the apple pie and ice cream! :D Poor Stacy worrying about the monsters inside her! I hope she didn't have nightmares!!

How do you like your kettlebell? I have never used one, but I know a lot of people love them. I don't really need more items on my wish list though.

Hi Janie and Cheryl! Hope you had a nice day!

Pam Yes!! I think my baby had nightmares she come in my room in the middle of the night and she say she couldn't sleep, now get this one I was watching the "one ton dad" GROSSSSSS I was telling her go away this is not for you but she saw something, so now every time she wants a hamburger from MacDonald I would remind her that!hehehe:confused:
I think we just did ST not to long ago, I'm thinking about changing the leg workout this week as well I don't want to do ploy or I don't remember if if we still do some weights on this one and some ploy I don't remember:D
I don't know why but just that one its not one of my favorite ones I don't know why, but if I have to pick I wouldn't pick that one:confused: "I'm sorry Cathe but I still love you";)
I don't used it that much I bought a video but if people wants to know boring stuff that kettlebel video its boring:eek: so I don't get to use it that much!
Hahaha now I know what did you mean with one of your status on FB "got a couple sets in in between thunderstorms today"... I was wondering if you workout out doors:eek::confused: funny!!
Have a good night Pam.. I know you will new bed:p
Hi Eunice One ton dad? Yikes, that sounds like quite the show! Your poor daughter will never want to touch a McDonald's hamburger! I understand how there are some workouts that you just can't get into. Most of the kickbox type workouts are like that for me. And yes, we did just do SM recently. What I think I remember about the plyo leg workouts is that you do a set of plyo followed by a set of weights and alternate that for the whole workout. Cheryl should be able to tell us for sure since she just did it last week. It was tough, but not as tough as disc 20 was last week!
From your description I definitely don't need to put kettlebells on my wishlist! What a relief! :D I'm not interested in a boring workout!
My 2 sets on Sunday were water skiing. We had a couple of hours with no rain or storms on Sunday and got down to the lake at just the right time. It was nice the whole time we were there and then on the way home there was just a huge downpour!
This morning was PH. I like the workout but it drives me crazy that Cathe doesn't say what weight she is using until you are several reps in. I was struggling with 20 pound dumb bells for chest and then she said 'I'm using 10s' :mad: I need to write down the weights for next time. Have a great day everyone. Kelly I hope you had a nice dinner last night!

Morning, ladies!
Well, no workout yet today, but it is still on the agenda as Thomas has soccer tonight. I'll come home and do something after dinner. See how much time I have. It will be Pyramid Lower, and time permitting, some cardio too.

Pam~Yeah, I do love me a good margarita... lol We ended up not going, maybe next week.I was considering Insanity too, but I'm not sure, looks really TOUGH. I'm not sure I'm ready for that one. But I guess if I got it, I could just do what I can. We'll see. Either way, I'd be happy. :D And yes, bike riding absolutely is working out too!

Eunice, nothing like a show like that to remind us about eating healthy. I'm actually pretty good about fast weakness ignoring the little voice in my head come 2:00 pm saying "Hey, you need to eat!" Boredom... LOL I had often wondered about kettlebell workouts... more curious than anything, but not enough to actually buy one. Now I know LOL

Hi Janie and Cheryl!

Have a good day!
Joey doesn't feel comfortable with the Summer rotation, so will do other workouts he likes. Today we did Power Hour. He liked that one. I like to keep him interested so he will continue to have fun. Sometimes he is just not coordinated enough to do the other exercises, and it is hard for him to hear women voices. I need to keep him going at all cost with stretching and exercise. I think he is low intermediate and wants to stay that way. He doesn't want to build, just enough exercise to keep him going is fine with him. Me, I will do extra stuff after our workouts are done. I'm thinking a cardio, since I can't run or go too fast walking with Rolly on a rocky road/trail.

Cheryl, Sounds like such a lovely party. Oh how wonderful you getting the opening ceremony of the Olympics. What a nice birthday present!

Don't you just love ME! It is such a great workout. Good for you.

Kelly, I also have a problem getting together exercising and eating right at the same time. Seems one or the other is a little off. Will have to work on consistency right along with ya.:rolleyes:

It does sound like a crazy week ahead for you. You'll do just fine. Any plans for your birthday Thursday?

Enjoy the Rockies play. What is a FOCCUS test? Take care of that sunburn! Ouch!:confused:

Eunice, Did your ankle fair well with your exercises? Aw, I have those days with food myself. Just keep at it and never give up. It's Ok to do that every now and then. What will tomorrows workout be?

Pam, I had a wonderful day. Rolly and I did a walk in the wood and just escaped the rain that came. Then it was Sunny then cold and it started like that all over again. Crazy weather.

Have a terrific day everyone,

Janie, That sounds good, we'll work on consistency together LOL
No definite plans as of yet for the b-day, but knowing Thomas, he has something up is sleeve. He's pretty good about that. The FOCCUS test is kind of a big compatibility test basically, to reveal anything that could be a potential issue in our marriage. Once we're done with that, we can sign up for the marriage prep classes.
That walk in the woods sounds nice. It looks like we're gonna get some rain this afternoon ourselves.

Have a good evening!
Pam Your're right I think it was the wine too. I really struggled with Imax 2 yesterday. That is one of my favorite workouts but it just wasn't happening. So fustrating.......
Tonight I was suppose to do STS Legs but I was so wiped out from work I just sat down here at the computer. It is only 7:30 and I want to go to bed already. I think I am due for some vacation, I can feel myself getting rundown. I am glad to hear that the new mattress is working out. Ha Ha you're not getting pushed off the side of the bed anymore. Ummm there is enough room now for both you and your husband and the cats....

Kelly Glad to see that you are back. The eating can be the hardest to do. There are always going to be times where your eating gets off track. Just try to get back to healthy eating the next day. Do you bring your lunch to work? I find that really helps. Happy early birthday!!!!! I hope you get your STS Cardio.

Eunice People just don't understand that getting things like a 30# dumbbell is really wonderful. I know I was really happy when I got some 25# dumbbells for Christmas. Too bad the weather didn't cooporate with and you couldn't stay for the concert. I am really tired of the rain now and I could really use some warm weather.

Pam, Eunice Pam you are right, the plyo leg workout alternates between one set with weights and then the next one is a set of plyo. It was tough but I still think disk 20 was worse.

Jaine Even though you can't do the Summer roatation it is nice that Joey works out with you and that you can get him to do it. My DH....will not excercise no matter what. He is doing what he enjoys and that is important. ME is fun and was one that I hadn't done in probably over a year.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Kelly Insanity does look really tough. Yesterday I saw that someone posted a link to a video of a mother (60 years old) and daughter (29) doing it together. They both look like they are dying in some parts, but they modify as needed and get through it. What I noticed in the video clip though was that it looks really repetitive, which I wouldn't like. I figure if I can get through Hiit 40/20 and CCC then I should be able to do it.

Janie It's nice that Joey will do any of the workouts, I don't think I would ever be able to get my DH to do one (although sometimes he likes to sit on the couch and watch :p) He isn't into working out for the sake of working out, he likes to be doing some kind of sport. He plays basketball and water skis and that is how he keeps in shape. He has been complaining that it's getting harder to stay in shape though. My husband claims to not be able to hear women's vooices sometimes too - or at least mine anyway! ;)
So nice that you had such a wonderful day. I walk in the woods with Rolly sounds wonderful! We are having crazy weather too. 90's one day and 70 the next. We've been having quite a bit of rain lately too. We went to the lake on Sunday and our docks were almost underwater and they are usually about 8-10 inches above the water.

Cheryl Sorry to hear that Imax2 was such a struggle. Isn't that annoying how some days can be that way? I guess it's just our bodies telling us we need to take it easy. It sounds like you do need a vacation, do you have any planned? We don't have any summer vacations planned yet either - we were just talking about that last night. I am looking forward to having a long weekend this weekend though! And yes, our cats do typically sleep with us, but they usually like to sleep on our feet. It's just in the morning if we aren't getting up in time that they start to pester us. Or I guess I should say they pester me. They leave DH alone because they know he isn't going to get up and give them treats. :rolleyes:

This morning was supposed to be LIC cardio blast pre-mix but since we just did that one not too long ago I did one of my Mindy discs instead. It's called action packed and I really like it. Have a great day everyone.


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