I'm back!! Actually got back on Saturday early - so much has happened. You won't believe this . . .
Saturday morning last week on the way down to the Outer Banks - the entire family - minus my sister Monica and her entire family - stopped for a fast, no nonsense breakfast. My brother John - his wife Linda and their 2 children, Thomas and Kate were sitting and having breakfast together inside the restaurant (I use that term loosely here). The rest of us were scattered about - outside - inside. Thomas usually likes to spoon coffee out of a cup - so he was doing that out of the large coffee my brother ordered - when he tipped the entire cup down on himself!!!! (Don't even ask me about allowing this child to do this - believe me, I know how this sounds) He starts screaming and the paramedics are called. My brother had whipped off all his clothes and threw cold water on him - when the medics came they took Thomas and were preparing to whisk him off to the hospital. My brother comes out of the ambulance momentarily- tells us that more than likely Thomas will be in the hospital for a week - he has 2nd degree burns!!!
We are stunned - how can this happen again??!?!?!? My sister and I are standing there wondering what to do - I told Kelly to head off with her van load of people and take Kate with them. I was left behind - I was riding in a van with John, my mother and his family. They decided to life flight Thomas to the Children's National Medical Center with John. My mom, me and Linda drove to the hospital. Turns out Thomas will be perfectly fine
- he had barely 2nd degree burns on his thighs - they scrubbed his skin and bandaged him up and we were waiting there for him to be released. The hospital said that he would need to be seen by a doctor by Monday and John & Linda decided that they would like to take Thomas home - and have him seen there - besides he would be unable to be outside in the sun, play in the sand, go in the ocean, use the pool or hot tub - no typical vacation type acitivities and it would be better for Thomas to just go home. So we set about renting a car for them to go back in - at about 6 pm - Thomas was released and John & Linda left and my Mom and I drove down to the Outer Banks. Thomas was seen the very next day and they put a silver patch on his skin - had no pain and would be fully recovered in a week. So he is fine now.
On the flip side - I was driving in downtown Washington DC on a Saturday afternoon and saw just a ton of sights!!
I have seen them before and have been to Washington more than a couple times but haven't seen the monuments in quite awhile - so I drove past a whole mess of them - they are impressive every time despite all the traffic and the complicated traffic patterns. It is a great city!!!
I had a pretty good vacation - relaxed on the beach all day long, everyday. Friday it rained so we had packed up and left by 9pm that evening. There was nothing to do but leave - so leave we did. Had a pleasant uneventful ride back - thankfully!!!!
Does anyone know what to about this . . . my OBGYN has me on birth control pills and told me to use them continuously because of the beginning stages of endometriosis. The pills cause my skin to discolor terribly if I've been in the sun. So the skin around my chin and my forehead and upper checks are very dark - the rest of my face is just tan. I look hideous - it looks like my face is dirty. It will eventually fade but geeze I wish this didn't happen at all - I usually like a nice tan - but not like this.
My DH brought our sailboat home!!! She is yar!!! Love her. We cleaned her up, put the mast up and put her in Lake Arthur on Saturday and sailed around a little tiny bit. What fun we had - and we went again on Sunday too. It was dreadfully hot and our pups appeared to have adaped quite easily to the boat but not the heat. We sailed to about 1:30 and then left - took a big long nap - watched a movie and went to bed. It was quite nice just being with my guy again - no matter what we did.
As far as exercise - I ran last year - everyday. I like to run - this year I was planning on that very same thing - but my back couldn't take it. It felt like someone was kicking me as hard as they could in the lower back with every stride I took. I couldn't do it - plus it was HOT!!!! 102 degrees - too hot to run - even in the morning. Scap that - I had some DVDs and did a smattering of them a couple days - did some stretches most days - and swam and played and walked and well, vacationed. So no tremendous fitness gains but it felt good to relax. I slept a good deal the first day and felt refreshed afterwards.
I know this is a long long post - so I'll hold off on the personals, catch up on what everyone else has been doing and do them another day.
My new Cathes did not arrive as yet - that was my ultimate plan and I was super excited to try Pure Strength or Slow & Heavy - but I guess I have to wait. Oh well - I'm not sure what I'll do tonight but I'm super excited to find out.
Hi to everyone!!!! I'm actually quite glad to be back and to begin my usual routine and get back to normal.
Saturday morning last week on the way down to the Outer Banks - the entire family - minus my sister Monica and her entire family - stopped for a fast, no nonsense breakfast. My brother John - his wife Linda and their 2 children, Thomas and Kate were sitting and having breakfast together inside the restaurant (I use that term loosely here). The rest of us were scattered about - outside - inside. Thomas usually likes to spoon coffee out of a cup - so he was doing that out of the large coffee my brother ordered - when he tipped the entire cup down on himself!!!! (Don't even ask me about allowing this child to do this - believe me, I know how this sounds) He starts screaming and the paramedics are called. My brother had whipped off all his clothes and threw cold water on him - when the medics came they took Thomas and were preparing to whisk him off to the hospital. My brother comes out of the ambulance momentarily- tells us that more than likely Thomas will be in the hospital for a week - he has 2nd degree burns!!!
On the flip side - I was driving in downtown Washington DC on a Saturday afternoon and saw just a ton of sights!!
I had a pretty good vacation - relaxed on the beach all day long, everyday. Friday it rained so we had packed up and left by 9pm that evening. There was nothing to do but leave - so leave we did. Had a pleasant uneventful ride back - thankfully!!!!
Does anyone know what to about this . . . my OBGYN has me on birth control pills and told me to use them continuously because of the beginning stages of endometriosis. The pills cause my skin to discolor terribly if I've been in the sun. So the skin around my chin and my forehead and upper checks are very dark - the rest of my face is just tan. I look hideous - it looks like my face is dirty. It will eventually fade but geeze I wish this didn't happen at all - I usually like a nice tan - but not like this.
My DH brought our sailboat home!!! She is yar!!! Love her. We cleaned her up, put the mast up and put her in Lake Arthur on Saturday and sailed around a little tiny bit. What fun we had - and we went again on Sunday too. It was dreadfully hot and our pups appeared to have adaped quite easily to the boat but not the heat. We sailed to about 1:30 and then left - took a big long nap - watched a movie and went to bed. It was quite nice just being with my guy again - no matter what we did.
As far as exercise - I ran last year - everyday. I like to run - this year I was planning on that very same thing - but my back couldn't take it. It felt like someone was kicking me as hard as they could in the lower back with every stride I took. I couldn't do it - plus it was HOT!!!! 102 degrees - too hot to run - even in the morning. Scap that - I had some DVDs and did a smattering of them a couple days - did some stretches most days - and swam and played and walked and well, vacationed. So no tremendous fitness gains but it felt good to relax. I slept a good deal the first day and felt refreshed afterwards.
I know this is a long long post - so I'll hold off on the personals, catch up on what everyone else has been doing and do them another day.
My new Cathes did not arrive as yet - that was my ultimate plan and I was super excited to try Pure Strength or Slow & Heavy - but I guess I have to wait. Oh well - I'm not sure what I'll do tonight but I'm super excited to find out.
Hi to everyone!!!! I'm actually quite glad to be back and to begin my usual routine and get back to normal.