Lurker Invitations Aug, 2009

Deborah, Two weeks off from STS is really OK. It is a lot of strain on your body and those two weeks would only benefit you. One week of course is good too, only you can hear your body and what it needs. Isn't wonderful to be more strong than you have from other DVD's. It's amazing!.

Janie, that's very wise - you're right. My legs really do need a little more time. I pushed them hard. What I think makes sense is to do something lighter with the upper body, perhaps a circuit style or the new TRX, and leave the weights off the legs as I'd planned. I am looking at starting Meso 3 on Thursday next week!

Will be taking care of my other grandson for a day, so tomorrow will have him here during the day and over night. Then have to give him up to his parents for a little while then back to us for a little while through the Summer. He's the one that thinks he learned how to swim by practicing holding his breath in the hot tub. Chasie is 4 and so sweet, he has an imagination. This time will practice sit diving off the hot tub. He'll like that.

He sounds adorable! I love the little ones with imagination. They are such a blast when they are in a good mood - and their parents are the ones who have to deal with them when they are fussy :) I bet little Chasie is having a wonderful time! He'll remember these summers with grandma and grandpa for the rest of his life. My own grandma (96) spoke with me the other day on the phone, and we talked about how I'm drying/canning apricots with my husband, just like when I used to stay with her all those long years ago. Chasie will probably feel the same special feeling about diving :)
Hi everyone. Sister and I biked today. We did a 3.2 mile loop around the island, three times, plus a half mile to and from the marina to the start of our loop. So, 10.5 miles in 70 minutes on one-speed marina bicycles. Not too bad. Cathe had 45 minutes of biking on the rotation today, so we were a little over achieving. Neither sister or I have done our 1RMs yet. We figure it make more sense to do that right before we start doing STS instead of 4 months ahead of time.

Pretty warm here today and we are all drinking water like crazy. We put the dinghy in the water yesterday and it is finally working. Scooted around for a couple of hours; have yet to go out today, but probably will in a little while.

Laura: no DOMS with GS. Hmmm. Sounds like you need to increase your weight amounts.

Janie: enjoy your grandchildren. They will make sure you get plenty of exercise while they are visiting.

Shadowpup: You almost had me crying remembering your late horse. But tears for good memories are the best.

Shoegal: Don't forget to pack some of those great shoes for going to the beach. You are going to enjoy PS and S&H. I'm partial to S&H and the Gym Style dvds over PS, but they are all good.

Don't know how long I'll be able to go before buying a Cathlete shirt. Anyone order one yet? Enjoy the day everyone.
Saturday morning and things are good! I had a private this morning and then hung out with the family for breakfast and then did my workouts, last day of my GS rotation, today was GS BSB! Yesterday the time got to tight so I was only able to do a 48 minute premix from Body Blast's Kick, Punch & Crunch which was pretty much the punching/kicking combos and the core. So today I added on the 37 minute Cardio Conditioning Premix from KPC which was basically the part I didn't do yesterday, so I can say that the rotations is complete!!

Shadowpup: sounds like a good plan you have lined up! Good luck on Meso Cycle 3, are you around for awhile?

Michelle: a bike ride with your sister sounds so fun no wonder you kept going!

Janie: Enjoy that kid! Hope the diving lessons go well

Hi Shoegal how are the DOMS from that B&G premix?
Hi everyone. Sister and I biked today. We did a 3.2 mile loop around the island, three times, plus a half mile to and from the marina to the start of our loop. So, 10.5 miles in 70 minutes on one-speed marina bicycles. Not too bad. Cathe had 45 minutes of biking on the rotation today, so we were a little over achieving. Neither sister or I have done our 1RMs yet. We figure it make more sense to do that right before we start doing STS instead of 4 months ahead of time.

Michelle, it must be the season for biking! I also went out for a ride. There's a nice trail with gentle slopes that I like. And ... I have a new gadget for my bike that came last week. It's a Cateye Bike Computer, wireless, and integrated with a HRM, and shows all kinds of data - speed (max/ave/current), calorie burn, and so on. Since I've been consistent using the bike on weekends, I decided to get it on the second year anniversary of receiving it. It's the first bike I've had since I was a kid, a mountain bike. You must really have been working with those marina bikes! I see the people with lightweight road bikes just streaking by me. Of course, most of that is the ability of me/the biker and not the bigger tires :eek:

Shadowpup: You almost had me crying remembering your late horse. But tears for good memories are the best.

I hadn't meant for all of that to slip out ... sorry about that. It still seems so strange not to see her out there, after two dozen years together. But her kid and I are headed for a nice ride in the woods today. As you say, good memories!

Don't know how long I'll be able to go before buying a Cathlete shirt. Anyone order one yet? Enjoy the day everyone.

You are not watching me scan the cathe stores, are you???? Maybe she'll put them on special :) I'm still fence sitting on the current dvds. Slipping off on the get-them side ...
Saturday morning and things are good! I had a private this morning and then hung out with the family for breakfast and then did my workouts, last day of my GS rotation, today was GS BSB! Yesterday the time got to tight so I was only able to do a 48 minute premix from Body Blast's Kick, Punch & Crunch which was pretty much the punching/kicking combos and the core. So today I added on the 37 minute Cardio Conditioning Premix from KPC which was basically the part I didn't do yesterday, so I can say that the rotations is complete!!

Shadowpup: sounds like a good plan you have lined up! Good luck on Meso Cycle 3, are you around for awhile?

Great job on those workouts! Sounds like a really good start to the weekend :) You know, on KPC, I tend to like the premixes more than the whole thing, for some reason. The cardio conditioning one is what I did earlier this week.

On DOMS - I don't always get them. It seems to depend. If I've been sleeping, warm up really well, stay hydrated, and take care of my pre/post workout nutrition, they are rarely bad, especially now that I often cool off with ten or fifteen minutes of power yoga. Normally it's just a tiredness rather than a pain/stiffening. But I do get them in the upper body more often than lower. I'd read somewhere over on SP from one of the coaches that if you work a particular set of muscles really hard even once (say, going up to X pounds for a few reps), and then get DOMS, it has a protective effect in that you will not get DOMS again until you go significantly over that weight or use a different angle (ie, different muscles) - even if you do far more reps than usual. Did you do anything different - a bigger increase in weights, different angle on the chest, or something like that? Or did you lift something very heavy (in daily life) once or twice some in the past few months, and you're now catching up to that?

I'm not sure I believe the above information about DOMS coming only once for a particular level of effort, because it seems to me I may have gotten them when I've added far more reps. But possibly that's just that when I do more reps, I'm recruiting a different set of muscles.

Unfortunately I have to be gone again, unexpectedly, Sunday night through probably Wednesday night or Thursday midday. Sigh. But, at least when I return, it will be time to start Meso 3! Thursday is the right day to do it: two full weeks off, and I'll have time to get three workouts in before my next trip. Thanks for wishing me luck on that - I am a little nervous :)
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Hello Ladies! Back home from MS... mother and daughter are home and doing well. Laila was born 8/5/09, at 8:34, weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 1/2 inches tall! :D :D :D

Will post a picture Or 2 when I get them on my computer! ;)

Skimmed the posts, everyone has been doing really great! Personals later!
TTFN (ta-ta-for-now)
Hello Ladies! Back home from MS... mother and daughter are home and doing well. Laila was born 8/5/09, at 8:34, weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 1/2 inches tall! :D :D :D

Will post a picture Or 2 when I get them on my computer! ;)

Skimmed the posts, everyone has been doing really great! Personals later!
TTFN (ta-ta-for-now)

How wonderful! Laila sounds like she is a wonderful, healthy litle girl. Congratulations!

And we'll look forward to the pictures :) :) :) :) :) :)
Haven't worked out yet today...later.

Thanks Shadowpup!
Well, picture won't come up!!!:mad: Will keep trying!
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Well I discovered something that does not work for my body at all! Getting up slamming some coffee down my throat and then working out hard. I did B&G this morning and I almost threw up! Yuck! My stomach was a little upset last night so maybe that was it. We are in a hurry today to go see a movie in town at 2pm and the family let me sleep in so I was in a rush to get my workout in.

Ironlady: Congratulations on Laila! So wonderful!:) Can't wait to see the photos.

Shadowpup: I had gone a little heavier on that last time with GS C&T so that is probably the source of the DOMS, but none today from THE GS BSB. I think I really need to look into the magnet weights because I am borderline on the weights I am using already and can't jump up a full 5 lbs, although I also considered going heavier for as many reps as I can squeeze out and see if that helps me increase my weight overtime.

Hi to everyone else....have to dash into the shower to get ready to go....hope the nausea passes soon
Oh I am starting the B&G rotation for 2 weeks, and it also had the All Upper Body Premix from 4DS on it, which is 62 minutes long, which I won't be able to do today as I don't have the time, and considering how bad I feel I think it is wise anyway......maybe I can pick that up sometime later in the week.
Oh I am starting the B&G rotation for 2 weeks, and it also had the All Upper Body Premix from 4DS on it, which is 62 minutes long, which I won't be able to do today as I don't have the time, and considering how bad I feel I think it is wise anyway......maybe I can pick that up sometime later in the week.

Sounds like one intense rotation! I'll have to take a look :) You're really wise to wait, though, feeling queasy. All you can do is injure yourself if your body isn't ready for the work. Adding it in, or extending the rotation for a day, should be just fine :)

Ironlady, hopefully you'll have the pics up soon; technology can be sooo frustrating sometimes. I'll check on Thursday at least.

Today I did a nice long bike ride again. It was going to be shorter, and I wasn't pushing hard (based on HR), but the miles started adding up, and before I knew it I'd gone much further. And wasn't tired either (then), but realized that I'm going to be driving in the dark tonight as it is. It's a good thing I did turn around, as the whole thing ended up being twenty miles, which is far more than I'm used to putting in. My legs began complaining bitterly at mile fifteen!

Hope everyone else is doing well - Michelle, Janie, Shoegal!

See you again on Thursday.
I'm a little off the August rotation. Yesterday I didn't do the stretch, however I did do it this morning (Stretch routine #1 from Stretch Max) and then Core routine # 1 from Core Max. We'll see if I get the GS BSB workout done tonight, otherwise I'll just pick up with KPC tomorrow morning. It is super hot here today. By 10 am, we were pushing 90 degrees and may hit 100. Drinking lots of water--that's for sure.

Sister went home yesterday. I was sad to see her go, but we had a nice visit. We just hung out in the boat yesterday with the AC--too hot yesterday too.

Shadowpup: I'm thinking I may throw in bike riding on Saturday mornings while we are still in boating season. We'll see. DH and I have really nice bikes at home in the basement. It's just easier to use the marina's bikes. Don't have to deal with transporting the bike back and forth, plus I don't want to leave my really nice bike out in the weather at the marina. There is no covered storage there.

Laura: sorry to hear that you are not feeling 100 percent. But it might have been the drinking coffee right before exercise. I'd probably thrown up on the spot.

Ironlady: welcome back. Congratulations on the addition to your family. Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Hi to Janie--bet your grandson is keeping you very, very busy.

Good Mornin Everyone,

Been busy with my little grandson. He's so beautiful, good and kind. Can't believe I'm talking about a 4 year old.

Haven't had too much time for myself or posting, but once he goes back home (tomorrow I think) will have more time for personals. Can't do our scheduled workout today, so will do that one tomorrow.

4 year olds, even though they are wonderful, take a lot of your time.

See ya all tomorrow, and will try to catch up.

ShadowPup: You know it does seem like an intense rotation, now that I look at it more closely. It has both Lower Body and Upper Body workouts that are about an hour each in length, 3 times a week, with one circuit workout plus cardio workout in between the weight work. I think I will have to modify that as I don't often have that kind of time to spend, and with my work also being physical, I need to be cautious of overtraining. The rotation always has the All Upper Body Premix from 4DS, which as I said, is 62 minutes long, I think I am going to substitute other Upper Body premixes in from other DVD's that are shorter in length and see how it goes. For example I will probably teach an all Upper Body workout for my Total Tone Class tonight, maybe a pyramid style, to make up for the UpperBody mix I missed yesterday and call it good!:eek: I am also subbing a class for a friend/co-worker for the next 2 wednesdays which adds more work on my body...

Michelle: Yikes that does sound hot! You seem to keep a nice balance with your rotations! It is good to go with the flow and do what you can when you can, I need to remember that! I think I am such a Type A personality that if I see a workout on the calendar I feel like I HAVE to do it, which is far from the reality of my life & schedule! Yes it was definitely the coffee! Bad idea! That wasn't pleasant but at least I realized that getting up to workout early doesn't work for me! Which is good because I was considering that as an option for this fall schedule. Someone recently told me that people are generally their strongest at around 5 pm, don't know the research behind that statement, but I prefer later workouts to earlier ones. I also tend to feel stiff and not so embodied first thing in the morning....

Janie: I hear you on young ones taking up so much time and energy! I am amazed at how much effort it takes for mom's of young ones to actually get a workout in! We should all give them lots of credit and support when they do, it is tough to fit it in, and you are often so tired out as well...

Ironlady: any luck on those photos yet?
This morning I did KPC and the back workout from GS BSB (since I missed that yesterday). I'm making up one segment from GS BSB each day this week, by adding on 15-20 minutes at the end of the scheduled August rotation workout. This was only my second go with KPC. I did it last month on the boat and that didn't work too well. I needed more room which I definitely had this morning. Even so, I still managed to step on Ripken at one point and he was none too pleased with his mommy about that. I think that KPC could easily become one of my favorites and I was loving those planks and pikes on the ball at the end. I almost got through all of those--woohoo!

So Laura, maybe I am kind of a type A personality too. Once I decide to do something, I hate diverting from the schedule. I have to go back in the check-in string to see what rotation you are on right now. It sounds intense. I'm definitely finding that there is a method to the workout schedule on these rotations.

Janie: 4 year olds are so sweet, innocent, and full of wonder (energy too). 4 is one of my favorite young person ages. You are probably getting more of a workout every day with your grandson than you realize. Is there still nap time when one is 4?

Hope everyone has a great day.
Still hot here--just not quite as hot as yesterday.
Good Morning Everyone,

It's been 3 days of not replying to personal, and I miss it. Lets see, I read about DOM's, Deborah's traveling, you are always missed. My o My, 20 mile bike ride? And part of it in the dark? Weren't you afraid? I'm proud of ya.

Ironlady's healthy Laila. What a beautiful name, congratulations! Give the parents a YEAH for me.

Laura's throwing up. EWWWW! No more coffee for you before a workout!

Michelle, sad about seeing your sister go home and enduring high temps. Also catching up with missed exercises. You go girl!

Today for Joey and me, we will be doing from Meso 3, Disc 28 - Chest & Back. Will bring up details later. Tomorrow will be going to Pike Place Market in Seattle. A treat for us. I want to get a gooeyduck. It's a huge clam so I can make us clam chowder. Use to have them as a young girl. Also at that age was able to get king crab with my baby sitting money. Can't do that anymore. We'll first see how expensive it is though. Let you all know how that goes.

Talk again later,

Hi guys! Feeling some serious DOMS in my Biceps from my class last night which is nice....glutes had some DOMS from B&G on Sunday yesterday. Today was pilates class this morning, a swim at the pool with the girls, and in a bit I hope to the Step Only Premix from Step, Jump, & Pump which is under 30 minutes long and that should do for a lite day for me!:eek:
Finished our workout and am now up to speed. We also do ab work after these exercises, which I keep forgetting to report.

Hi guys! Feeling some serious DOMS in my Biceps from my class last night which is nice....glutes had some DOMS from B&G on Sunday yesterday. Today was pilates class this morning, a swim at the pool with the girls, and in a bit I hope to the Step Only Premix from Step, Jump, & Pump which is under 30 minutes long and that should do for a lite day for me!:eek:
Laura, Love DOM's. You did a great workout. I think I just might do a step workout later tonight, just before dinner. I need it desperately with all the food I ate while taking care of my grandson. Darn.:eek:

Good morning lurkers,
This morning I did GS chest and triceps and then the shoulder workout from GS BSB. I think I know why Cathe split up the GS dvds the way that she did: because loading another uppper body part on C&T is a real challenge. My sister did both GS C&T and BSB yesterday. I don't know how. Shoulders are always a challenge and today mine were screaming. We'll see how I feel later.

Having lunch with a friend who used to work here at CNA years ago. She left but we have stayed in touch over these many years. Her daughter who it seems like was just born yesterday is now 18! Holy cow--I'm sure Tamar and I haven't aged that much. LOL.

Janie: love Pike Place Market in Seattle. Such great food choices there. Can't wait to hear what you bought.

Laura: did you have fun with SJP? Such a great workout.

Hi to ironlady and shadowpup.
So I am about to go sub for a teacher, teaching a class called Chisel and burn, I am planning on doing a easy 30 minute step routine followed by some weights, hope it goes well.

Yesterday I ended up hiking with the girls and Maggie instead of doing the step only Premix from SJ&P. I am feeling run down a little again and one of my Best Friend did get very sick with a cold/flu on Monday that I spend ALOT of time with so something is going around for sure. It could also be pine pollen which is still around up here. Anyway I was super sore from my class and the B&G and thought a gentle hike would be good. Mind you it is still pretty steep hiking around here, flat ground is hard to come by here in the mountains!

Michelle: sounds like a great upper body mix you did and sister doing both upper body from GS in one day! What an Animal!:eek::eek::eek:

Janie: how do you like Meso Cycle 3? Which cycle is your favorite? Did you get a step routine in?

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