Deborah, Two weeks off from STS is really OK. It is a lot of strain on your body and those two weeks would only benefit you. One week of course is good too, only you can hear your body and what it needs. Isn't wonderful to be more strong than you have from other DVD's. It's amazing!.
Janie, that's very wise - you're right. My legs really do need a little more time. I pushed them hard. What I think makes sense is to do something lighter with the upper body, perhaps a circuit style or the new TRX, and leave the weights off the legs as I'd planned. I am looking at starting Meso 3 on Thursday next week!
Will be taking care of my other grandson for a day, so tomorrow will have him here during the day and over night. Then have to give him up to his parents for a little while then back to us for a little while through the Summer. He's the one that thinks he learned how to swim by practicing holding his breath in the hot tub. Chasie is 4 and so sweet, he has an imagination. This time will practice sit diving off the hot tub. He'll like that.
He sounds adorable! I love the little ones with imagination. They are such a blast when they are in a good mood - and their parents are the ones who have to deal with them when they are fussy