Neat! I made it back in time for pictures! What a cute baby

Sorry about the migraines, though. That can't be any fun. I see you are doing STS, too. It will be there when you are ready again

Laura, it does sound like something is wrong. Have you had your blood checked recently? Anything from slightly low thyroid to low iron could be bringing you down. We all know you well enough to realize that low energy is not "you". Two weeks' worth of that is probably worth a check ... take care of yourself.
Michelle, great on that rotation! GS is such a good series. Ripken clearly takes his coaching seriously. Isn't it funny how they get when your face is on their level??? And ... hmmm, MIC, eh? Laura and I may be doing some purchasing together!!!
Janie, my husband also has an older vinyl collection, and we still have the player - partly because he rigged up the cabinet for it himself, as a first woodshop project, and it really looks great! We've been looking a some of those vinyl-to-mp3 copiers, which are coming down in price and getting better. You can apparently just pop the vinyl record in and get the result on a USB.
Shoegal, I'll have to check back further in the posts to see how you're doing. Hope all is well
Last week I did okay with workouts - I did two of my CardioCoach mp3s on an elliptical, and really got an intense workout. One day I chose the truly high intensity/shorter interval version, and another day I chose the longer intervals. Both were exactly what I needed. In between, many walks - mostly I hit my goal of over 10K steps each day.
First day back, Thursday, I hardly moved! The combination of too little sleep and too much work caught up with me. No workout. I said hello to horses, tussled a bit with dogs, fed the hummingbirds ... that was it. But yesterday was better. I decided to take two hours off to make up for the work I know needs to be done this weekend, instead of working late, and was able to: go for a nice long hike, play with the dogs in the yard, feed hummers again, clean the worst fishtank, ride one horse into some newer areas, and ... trumpets, please ... started Meso 3! That was a blast. The four cycles are killer, though it is nice to be down to only eight reps. On some of those chest presses I could barely get my dumbbells up over my head on the bench. It was funny - once up, I could do just exactly eight reps (not one more). I was using exactly the weights the program predicted I'd need.
Today it is rainy, and I am not sure that there will be either bike riding or horse riding. We'll see.
Take care, all, and I'll check back thru the weekend