Checking in .. checking in tired

Hey, really cute pictures! And Shoegal, I am definitely going to have to check yours out.
But before I do ... confession time ...
Having a workout with the name Insanity in the house is clearly a bad influence. I was good yesterday, I really was - a rest day was due, I took it, and didn't do much of anything except work at my desk. Slept well, ate okay, and all of that.
Today started out okay too. Worked most of the day, took a short break for half a walk, then back to the computer. Stopped at 7pm to do STS Meso 3 Week 2 Shoulders Biceps Triceps. Again, check, just as planned. It went well, actually, and I didn't have to baby the shoulder too much. The weights were just right, and I used my right arm as a spotter for the one set where things started to get away from me. Finished up just fine.
But then I got to thinking. I have to travel again tomorrow, back midnight Friday. And, I've hardly done any cardio since Saturday except one itty bitty little fitness test. Well, half an hour of fitness test, and the calorie burn was up there, but does that really count as a true workout? It was a test, right?
And then my husband said he needed to be out for the evening for a political thingie in town. Which is fine ... but it meant that I was alone here, looking at more bags to pack, and not wanting to go for a ride without anyone on the property, and that big box of Insanity was just sitting there. And I'm really not feeling like packing, or washing dishes, or doing more work, or anything. So ... I thought I'd just sneak a preview peek of the first one, Plyo Cardio. And then it turned out my computer wouldn't play it, so I had to take it downstairs to the workout room. But then, there I was, down there in my workout clothing, and there was the Insanity dvd all ready to go, and I even had water within reach.
What else could I possibly be expected to do but TRY OUT THE WORKOUT???? Honestly???? I have a problem with just watching dvds. Lack of self discipline, patience, or common sense, or some combination of those things.
So I did it.
Whew! That was really fun, and intense. Not sure it was all the way up to Insane, but it's definitely different and really rather enjoyable, now that it is over. Janie, I promised to tell you about it, so apologies to all if this gets a little long... Here's how it went. Sean T starts us out with something he calls a warmup. I beg to differ. There is no such thing in my book as a warmup that causes one's HR to spike all the way up to around 85 percent max, is there???? By CardioCoach terms, that's orange zone, and we don't go there until at least half an hour into the program. But we "warmed up" all right, starting with short cardio drills done at a moderate pace, then repeating them a bit faster, then repeating them a bit faster, and then AsFastAsWeCouldGo. And then we stopped to drink some water and stretch. This is ten-fifteen minutes in. I burned over a hundred calories "warming up".
After that, we stretched for about a year, or maybe it was just five minutes. They were the usual stretches. My HR came down to what CardioCoach calls Green Zone, which for me is around 100 bpm.
And then the real workout started.
We did another sequence of what Sean T calls "slow" and what I call "moderate" paced jumping exercises. Some were on the fitness test, others were not. Things like ski jumps, jumping jacks, and so on. He took us through a sequence of those. Then, he started us over, going faster. And after that, we went AsFastAsWeCouldGoWithoutDying. And then we had a little water for 30 seconds, walking around, and then we began again, with a new series of jumping/leaping/thingies. About half an hour into the program, I began to lose track of what exactly we were doing, but fortunately you don't really have to think - Sean T keeps reminding us that we're Digging Deeper and Working Hard! And it always went the same way - fast, very fast, and DigTilYouDie. My word for it. Some of the exercisers were taking a break, and a few collapsed in little wet puddles on the floor. I thought that was overkill, and really unsafe - I don't think Sean liked seeing his team lying around like that, and he kept urging them to work harder. Instead of being a puddle, I just slowed down a few times. Safer that way. Periodically, we did get a thirty second water break.
Towards the end, we began doing a ten-ish minute sequence that really did give me some trouble. It had one exercise that was like a burpee with pushups. Jump up, then down for four toe pushups, then leap your legs one by one in towards your hands four times, then jump up, then down again. Most of the exercisers were not jumping up by the end of it. My pushups got pretty sloppy by the end, but they were still toe pushups!!!
And, then we finished, and then we stretched, and I found a water bottle and my favorite carbs (hot cocoa), and then we were done. I spiked up to 90 percent HR, burned about as much in 45 minutes as I usually do with an intense CardioCoach over the course of an hour ... and that was with breaks. This is a workout to grow with.
And now I see my husband driving back, so had best go see what political thingie got decided.