Yesterday the day kind of got away from me and I never got around to posting. Sunday, I ended up being lazy and doing nothing but relaxing. Yesterday, we got back to the house late and I squeezed in the total body sculpt routine from the Low Impact Step dvd. Only 30 minutes, but that was all I had to spare and was saving cardio for today. This morning I did Cardio & Weights. It's been a while since I've done a circuit workout and I'm thinking that the circuit workouts make me sweat more than anything.
Janie: your little guy sure is cute. Who is stirring the hot tub? And is that your Joey in the last picture? My Joe firmly believes that I have too many exercise dvds and they are almost all Cathes. I'm afraid if I ordered INSANE that Joe would label me so for eternity. Better to live vicariously through you guys on that one.~michelle
Michelle, Looks like you are listening to your body resting when you feel it and exercising when you can. Circuit w/o makes me sweat buckets too.
Last night I did a pre mix from Step Jump & Pump - yes that fun dancey step workout I had done from Timesaver was from that workout. It was a pre mix - a circuit weight & step. I really sweat up a storm - I agree Michelle - I think I sweat more from a circuit workout than anything else. I felt weak and listless to tell you the truth. I struggled all the way through but kept pushing myself - I think I need too.
Shoegal, I'll take a look at your pictures when I'm done here. Can't wait! You are having a lot of fun with your workouts. Way to go! I think you will enjoy a Sept. rotation.
Janie, I promised to tell you about it, so apologies to all if this gets a little long...
And, then we finished, and then we stretched, and I found a water bottle and my favorite carbs (hot cocoa), and then we were done. I spiked up to 90 percent HR, burned about as much in 45 minutes as I usually do with an intense CardioCoach over the course of an hour ... and that was with breaks. This is a workout to grow with.
And now I see my husband driving back, so had best go see what political thingie got decided.
Deborah, You are Insane! Well done by the way. That was some kind of workout. Congratulations!

Thank you so much for the in depth review of Insanity. You must tell us again the next time you do another. I'm going to have to get this, don't know how yet, but...even the warm up scares me (just a little)

I have Cardio Coach, so I know what you mean when you express in colors. Love workouts to grow with! Love the calorie burn. How many DVD's/workouts did you get?
Speaking of ME--that's what I did this morning. I have to remember that endurance translates to lower weights and faster reps. WooWee! And the beloved leg presses--I know I will be feeling those later today. I'm already feeling my triceps. And I think the ab segment on ME is one of Cathe's best. She really targets in on getting the crunch done with the correct form. Super ab burner.~michelle
Michelle, ME is a great endurance w/o that's for sure. You did a fantastic job at it!
Yes - I did do PS: legs and abs - and you are right Michelle - not as tough as GS legs or B&Gs- did do a whole mess of lunges though. I have to say that I was going low on weights - and it was funny to hear Cathe talk about going heavy on these early workouts and how different it feels and what to expect. Sort of makes me wish I had purchased these when they first came out - I'm coming in way late. I modified some of the exercises to suit me.
Shoegal, Good job on the workout. I just love Cathe's DVD's. They are the best out there, aren't they?
Hi Everyone, just caught up on the personals! I had a really very nice visit with my Aunt and she really enjoyed the girls. It was very short and I did not work out at all Saturday or Sunday. I taught my 2 classes Monday night, and I thought I would feel good from a 2 day break, but I was dragging still. My weights were down and I just struggled through. Tuesday morning was my Pilates class and then I had the Double Cardio Premix from 4DS to make up from my weekend with the Aunt, which I have done before. But after the first cycle, which is the lower impact step rountine, I just didn't have it in me to do the higher impact step part, & I was starting to run late to a B-day party in Boulder for the girls, so I quit. I think that is the first time I have ever quit!!

I spent the night in Boulder with the girls last night, as we were at the party late and would have to be back down there today for their sessions. So I didn't get a work out in today!

I am debating doing one now, but it is late.....
Hope to be back for personals! I did read them all...and Shadowpup I am so jealous you have Insanity!!!

Laura, Glad to see you are listening to your body. Quiting sometimes is a good thing. Good for you for doing that. Did you enjoy the party?
Today was Powermax Thursday. I wasn't feeling extremely inspired this morning but I felt much better after the workout. Ripken likes the latin cooldown at the end of Powermax because he can sit by the step in just the right spot and get a pet on the head as I go by. Of course, he is also prepositioned to commence the link-down as soon as the stretch begins and I'm not moving around. ~michelle
Michelle, Good workout! Ripken sounds like a delightful dog.
Last night I did Qi Gong for lower back pain with Lee Holden - I really liked the exercises - some were just weird but fun and the entire program seemed to fly by. They had this "Partner Massage" in the menu section that I watched - then convinced my DH to do. At one point you are laying on your stomach and your partner bends your knees so that your feet are up in the air - and then he sits on them (not his whole weight) and bends over until he reaches your back to gently apply some pressure on either side of the spine. It felt great. I'd like it done again
Shoegal, Qi Gong, sounds like a great exercise program for your back. Need to do that sometime down the road. I'll look it up. A dog birthday party. How cool is that? I hope you have great weather.
This morning I did pyramid upper body. I forgot how fast Cathe moves through all the exercises, but I kept up and got through the biceps at the end using 12 pounds on the peak end of the pyramid. Yeah! Felt good. Ripken joined me for the stretch. Something about that stability ball--he thinks he needs to join in the fun. Of course, I'm always happy to oblige my pup.
Janie: you and Joey sound like teenagers. So wonderfully sweet.
Michelle, Good job on the PUB. Can I borrow Ripken for a little while?LOL

. He sounds so adorable. Joey and I are young at heart.
Happy Belated Birthday IronLady!