Lurker Invitations Aug, 2009

Deborah, Sounds like that bug didn't catch hold. Thank goodness.

I have STS blues right now! LOL:( I want to do another 3 months so badly. Fortunately we don't have to do 3 or 6 months with STS, We'll just do whatever we want with it when we have the time. Should work very well for us. Things keep changing about where plans are concerned. I might be able to start another STS series in March. Hope so anyway.

Looks like the cruise is out for me. Can't find another sibling to go with me. Oh well. Told my other family about it, (Joey's side) they are planning a cruise to Alaska next Summer. YES!

IRM's with S&H? Your guess is as good as mine. It won't take you very long to figure it out though. You'll know from the experience from STS what weight to use very quickly.

Glad to hear you won't have to travel so often in the Fall. This should give you a chance to get caught up. But, if I know you, you'll fined other things to do to make yourself just as busy.LOL:D

OMG, your bulbs sounds wonderful! Oh please, you have to take pictures for us this Spring when they all bloom. I bet it is outstanding! 4 or 5 thousand, I can't even imagine it. You put all those bulbs in the ground yourself! Can't wait for pictures!

Your review of Insanity is, well...INSANE! I want it! Can't wait to get some kind of a deal. Can you see this 58 year old doing something like that? Would love to give it my all though. Will have to try it one day. The calories you are burning are amazing, that in itself seems to me that these workouts are a must have.

Please keep the reviews coming. :rolleyes:

Went to Adrian's baptismal today. I got to hold him as often as I liked. Wat a cutie pie. They had a huge spread with all kinds of different breakfast treats, then as the day came about the caterer's came in and brought LASAGNA, garlic bread, Caesar salad, decadent chocolate ice cream between chocolate brownies like crust... Oh My! This was not a good day to stay on a clean diet. No way. I ate everything and had a blast. Tomorrow Joey, Sid and I will do yoga, and Martial art based exercises. Should help with the damage I did today. At least I hope so.

Have a great evening everyone.

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Laura, Shoegal, I think I was channeling you both a little! It was OrganizeClosetMax time. Well, maybe not max. I still need to try everything on, give away things that don't fit, that kind of thing. Still, all the socks match and are sorted by color (for easier packing, not because I'm all that organized), all the clothing is clean and hanging in the right place, and all the obvious give-aways are in my basket waiting for removal to the thrift shop. Feels good!

Laura, TRX is called a suspension training system, and it's pretty neat. It was developed by a special forces member as a way to provide a good workout without requiring a lot of equipment. Mainly you use body weight to operate. It reminds me of a gymnast's rings (except these have handles), and usually either your feet will be on the floor (for working upper body), or your hands will (for working lower body). I'm not confident it will give a good lower body workout, but it's great for upper. And Kari Anderson does Reach, one of my favorites for stretching/moving. It's ballet-based, and she looks so graceful doing the moves ... I do them without a mirror, so as to maintain the illusion of grace :)

All, I am posting midday to brag. Yes, indeed, I cannot help posting this brag, because it is so mind-blowing to me. I did STS Legs today, at 90 percent 1RM, and EVERY WORKOUT WAS ONE HUNDRED POUNDS OR MORE!!!! I did squats at 130, which is more than I weigh by a smidge; deadlifts were 122, lunges at 100. Can you believe it???? I've been kind of dreading this week, because those numbers just seem impossibly huge to me. I know some of us on the Lurker list and many of the cathe-ites are doing more, but to me, being able to handle that much weight is just phenomenal. Had to share with people who would understand :)
Deborah, Sounds like that bug didn't catch hold. Thank goodness.

I have STS blues right now! LOL:( I want to do another 3 months so badly. Fortunately we don't have to do 3 or 6 months with STS, We'll just do whatever we want with it when we have the time. Should work very well for us. Things keep changing about where plans are concerned. I might be able to start another STS series in March. Hope so anyway.

Looks like the cruise is out for me. Can't find another sibling to go with me. Oh well. Told my other family about it, (Joey's side) they are planning a cruise to Alaska next Summer. YES!

Janie, It really is nice to have such a long program as STS to work with! I enjoyed week 3; and week 4 will start next weekend. Probably will have to spread it out over two weekends, since it's another travel week (shorter). Very sorry the first cruise is out, but at least you have this other one to look forward to ...

OMG, your bulbs sounds wonderful! Oh please, you have to take pictures for us this Spring when they all bloom. I bet it is outstanding! 4 or 5 thousand, I can't even imagine it. You put all those bulbs in the ground yourself! Can't wait for pictures!


Sure! I think I have one or two up from last year, and need to put up more. I've been doing this since about 2002 - the thousands of bulbs in the fall - and yes, every one planted by hand. It doesn't take as long as many people think. It makes for an intense fall, though, lots of planting days, and just as well that STS will be over. Bulb planting really works the back!

Your review of Insanity is, well...INSANE! I want it! Can't wait to get some kind of a deal. Can you see this 58 year old doing something like that? Would love to give it my all though. Will have to try it one day. The calories you are burning are amazing, that in itself seems to me that these workouts are a must have.

Please keep the reviews coming. :rolleyes:


I can definitely see you doing it. It's really intense - I'm not sure I'd get as much benefit from doing it every day as I am from doing about two a week, with traditional strength training, so I'm glad things worked out the way they did. I'd bet that it will show up on ebay or Amazon, deeply discounted, by the end of the year. I'm already seeing a few resales of the package now, and I didn't pay full price for mine. P90x, used, is getting pretty affordable!

Went to Adrian's baptismal today. I got to hold him as often as I liked. Wat a cutie pie. They had a huge spread with all kinds of different breakfast treats, then as the day came about the caterer's came in and brought LASAGNA, garlic bread, Caesar salad, decadent chocolate ice cream between chocolate brownies like crust... Oh My! This was not a good day to stay on a clean diet. No way. I ate everything and had a blast. Tomorrow Joey, Sid and I will do yoga, and Martial art based exercises. Should help with the damage I did today. At least I hope so.

Have a great evening everyone.


Sounds like you had a terrific time! Such a fun occasion to celebrate. That ice cream sounds like a tremendous temptation, and lasagna is a favorite of mine as well. :eek::eek::eek:A little indulgence now and then helps make it easier to stay on the wagon the rest of the time, don't you think?
I'm a little confused - are we going to continue to use the August check in??? Not sure where to post.

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