Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for December 2023

Today I did CDorner Fast Step Aerobics #344 rock n roll, 47 minutes, heart rate 124/149,223 calories. I then did Raw TBTS Strength Abs, 15 minutes, 44 calories. I finished with CDorner Day 6 Total Body morning mobility adding a couple of stretches to it, 15 minutes, 35 calories. Total time was 77minutes, 302 calories. I just realized that there are 2 different TBTS ab workouts. I like them both. Strength abs uses a 10# dumbbell and sculpt abs uses a lighter weight.

Debbie, nice work on Box for your waistline and Kickboxing 1. I really like the waistline boxing workout. Great calorie burn today. Yes, the weight circuits was one of the first workouts. It is near the end of the complete library. I just happened to be looking for another workout that I had printed out and saw that one remembering how much I liked doing it. It is her old basement setting. My husband keeps buying me Christmas presents and giving them to me so it seems very much like Christmas.

Belinda, I would never be able to sleep if it was cold. I am glad that you finally got some rest. My thermostat kept trying to do some eco thing and I would be sitting here and suddenly it will be 64 and I am wondering why I am cold. I would adjust it and it would reset itself. I finally messed with it and thing I have it fixed. Now I get prompts on my phone to let it learn my choices and I am saying no way. I tried that before. I find I can usually move things around and still get missed workouts from rotations in.

Roxie, nice work with TBTS Push day and treadmill walk.

Roselyn, nice work on chest, back and shoulders today.
Today I did CL Cardio Metabolic Sweat. I liked this cardio workout. The first 3rd was low to moderate impact cardio. The 2nd part was low impact with 5 lb dumbbells. 3rd part was cardio on a step platform. I like that I got a good cardio workout without being wiped out. All that high impact I used to do. And they were long cardio workouts. Oye! That was when fitness was aimed towards long cardio for health. I get a better more effective workout with low to moderate workouts and incorporating heavier weights. The variety we have now compared to 20 yrs ago.

I have the rest of the week off. Hopefully I will get a few good workouts in between preparing for Christmas. Like Roxie, I can't wait until it's over.
This morning I did RAW Weights 2 and had a great workout. This is an awesome workout. I did rest between sets, I wanted it to be more strength then getting the cardio factor into it. She rushes through this one and I don't like that sometimes.

Each move was 45 seconds with a short maybe 10 second break. These were not done circuit style, most were 2 sets unless I wrote differently.

Squats x2: 15's
Plie Squats x2: 15's
Deadlift/Squats x2: 15's (I only did deads)

Dumbbell Press: 20's - 2 sets
Explosive Reverse Flies: 15's - 2 sets
Pullovers: 20# - 2 sets
Seated Supinated Hammer Curls: 15's - 1 set
W Curls: 15's - 1 set
Situp to Overhead Press: 8's
Weighted Situp: 8's
Leaning back w/Knees Up & Hammer Curls: 20's - (I didn't pull my knees up)
Russian Twist w/Knees Up: 8# - (I did not bring my knees up)

Alternate Front Lunges: 12's - 2 sets
Alternate Back Lunges: 12's - 2 sets
Alternate Side Lunges: 12's - 2 sets - did Curtsy squats

Tate Press: 10's - 2 sets (I did one tate set and one regular lying extensions)
Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise, Thumbs Up: 10's - 2 sets
Seated Overhead Press to Triceps Extension: 10's - 2 sets


Workout was 56 minutes, burned 333 calories, HR was 114/145.

I then did CDorner's Day 14 of the Mobility Challenge that was for neck and shoulders. Felt great!! Only 9 minutes so perfect. It's so nice to be home!!!

Belinda - Sorry your DD's heat wasn't working, that is miserable to sleep in such a cold state. I hope she can get it fixed soon. That is exciting that you signed up for Cathe On-Demand. I'm thinking about getting my subscription back for the new year. Maybe I will. I enjoy Kelly's workouts so much, I'm not sure I'd use Cathe's much. But maybe for a bit of a change for a few months. We'll see. Hope you have fun with it!!

Roxie - Those TBTS workouts are awesome. I've loved every one I have done so far. The Push/Pull ones are good.

Roselyn - Great job with your workout! So what are you doing professionally now? Are you still doing hair? I know you said in the past, but I can't remember.

Diane - I didn't realize there were two TBTS ab workouts. I'll need to check out the sculpting one. Thanks for the heads up. Great job with your workouts, you are really kicking butt lately. Your husband keeps buying you presents? So early? Is it for the twelve days of Christmas? How cute is that!!! He's a great guy!

Cam - Nice job with your workout and I agree with you. I get way better results not killing myself. I mean, granted, I was ripped in my 30's and 40's but my metabolism was much better back then. I still have very defined arms and although my waist doesn't look bad, it certainly isn't ripped anymore. But I don't care. I love the moderate workouts so much better and I doubt I could even do those high intensity ones anymore, especially for an hour. Yikes!!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Good morning,

Pyramid Pump Upper Body premix #3 is done. That was a sweat fest. I am working out with bowflex dumbbells, I like them but it’s hard to switch them out with Cathie’s speed. I had to pause a few times. Had a great workout. I downloaded Cathe‘s new workouts. I like what I see so far. I probably will do the KB this week.

Diane - DH and I didn‘t sleep. It was so cold. DD said it‘s working again. We all have the nest, we know how to use it, lol. Weird! I will do the best I can to follow the December rotation. I was so tired on Tuesday. I couldn‘t think streight. Great job on your workout.

Debbie - I signed up for a month, I don‘t have the Lite downloads only on DVD’s. I am enjoying the December rotation and the On Demand. I say give Cathe a try for a month to switch things up.

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Sorry I have been MIA the past two days; I have a head cold and pink eye! I did get in some walks, and this is what I did.
Monday, 3 miles
Tuesday, 4 miles
Today, 2 miles because I had to go and pick up a prescription first thing this morning for my pink eye. You should see me; I hope it looks better by Christmas! I just ordered a Cathe DVD on Amazon to try, it is called STS 2.0 Upper Body workout. Why not I thought even though I have Cathe Live. I may switch to On Demand for a few months to try out her newer workouts if I like this one. However, I am enjoying Caroline Girvan's workouts again be they are short and so effective.

Great job on the workouts everyone! Stay healthy, my doctor told me that there are so many sick people right now and Bronchitis is going around really bad. I hope I feel better tomorrow, I want to lift some weights if possible. I will not do any cardio till after Christmas just to stay healthy since I have my son coming home from college with a few friends. After Christmas, I am hitting it hard!

Have a wonderful day!
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Checking in with Michelle 45 min Super Set Burn. One of my faves. Each set has 2 strength exercises and a cardio or body weight exercise. 8 sets/2x.

I will also take my dog for a walk tonight. I've been getting a lot of walks in this past week. I need to. This is a dangerous time for me. I do a lot of baking and cooking this time of year. I sample as I bake. Horrible habit. I have to limit sweets this year otherwise come February, my pant get tight on me.

Belinda, let us know what you think of the new workouts. I forget about Pyramid Pump. That's a great workout.

Jolie, hope you feel better. No fun being sick over Christmas.
Today I did CDorner Legs and Abs with dumbbells, 52 minutes, 141 calories, heart rate 98/132. I also did her Step workout she did today, Intense Step # 346, 21 minutes, 106 calories, heart rate 126/157. This was done with 2 risers on each side since it was short and used basic moves. It had pretty good music as well. I finished off with CDorner mobility day 3 lower body stretch, 14 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 269 calories, 3088 steps. I think I will do STS 2 Upper Body 2 tomorrow. I would use them more, but it takes planning to have equipment set up.

CDorner Legs and Abs

Legs 45 sec work
Heel elevated squat 30# dbs
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db rt
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db lft
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db rt
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db lft

Abs 1 min work
pull over leg lift 15# db
side plank/ reach rt
side plank reach lft

Heel elevated squat 30# dbs with pulses
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db rt
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db lft
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db rt
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db lft

Abs obliques 45 sec work
kneeling 1 leg extended to side side lean rt
kneeling 1 leg extended to the side side lean lft

Heel elevated squat 30# dbs slow
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db rt
staggered deadlift/reverse lunge 30# db lft
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db rt
curtsy/knee/kickout 25# db lft

Plank knee drop/body saw/hold 90 sec

Cam, nice job on CL Cardio Metabolic Sweat. I am not sure if I have done that one. She has made so many. I have a folder with some of them typed out. Nice work on Michelle 45 minute Superset Burn today. I can't bake without making sure the stuff tastes good :) . That is part of the cooking. Nice that you are getting walks in.

Debbie, great job on Raw weights 2 today. Those short mobility workouts are really nice. I love them. Yesterday I was looking through the Raw list and noticed one of the TBTS workouts was shorter by a couple of minutes than the other. I had just done the 18 minute on a few days before so decided to check out the other one thinking it might be the same one and it was not. That was when I realized one went with the strength workouts on dvd and one went with the sculpt workouts on dvd. My husband orders the presents and gives them to me when they come and orders me some more:) Birthdays and Chrismas usually end up lasting for a whole month. He is a sweetheart. He enjoys it.

Belinda nice job on Pyramid Pump Upper Body premix #3. I have been using my Bowflex weights more lately to get in between weight increments. They feel a little bulky sometimes, but I am getting used to it again. I try to look a head on the worksheets to see what is next so I can move quickly to change the weight or pause the workout for a second to set up. I do not like my thermostat being so complicated. I found an area in the settings that was a daily group of temps and deleted them all and it finally stayed where I put it. They keep messaging suggesting I do eco and can change later if I do not like it. I know I do not like it. I am supposed to be able to use my cell with the light switches but have never got that to work. I did figure out how to reset the nest doorbell camera. I will be interested in your thoughts on the new KB if you do it tomorrow.

Jolie, I hope you get better and the medicine helps. Pink eye and a cold is miserable. Good for you still getting in the walks. Which STS 2 Upper Body workout did you get 1 or 2?
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This morning I did RAW Heavy Bag & Cardio and had a great workout. Only thing is I had to put the Garmin about midway down my arm and it wasn't really tracking my heart rate correctly. No big deal. The last heavy bag segment she did I ended up doing shadow boxing. Fun workout, I really enjoy this one!! There are abs at the end as well. Great warmup and cool down too.

Workout was 51 minutes, burned 329 calories, did 3635 steps and HR was 117/163.

No time for personals, I need to get to my moms. We are going to lunch with two of my cousins. Have a great day everyone!!
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No workout today, my eye is completely swollen shut and I look horrible and feel worse. I am going to the eye doctor this morning, hopefully he can give me something stronger than pink eye drops to get this cleared up before Christmas. I took some Turmeric, MSM, Turkey Tail, Olive Leaf Extract, Vit C, D3, B Complex, Colloidal Silver and so much more to boost my immune system. I think this is tied to a compromised immune system, this time of the year usually stresses me out and it shows in my health.

Debbie, have fun at lunch with your mom!

Diane Sue, I do not know which dvd I purchased, if it is 1 or 2. It looks like fun so I thought why not! Great job on the workout yesterday!

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone! Gotta go, I am running late for my appointment. Make it a great day.
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Today I did a live Belly Christmas Dance and Cathe new Kickboxing workout. I liked it a lot. I logged in 36 min. Very easy to modify and the music was good. Cathe has some burpees and jumps, I just modified them. Worked out great. Some of the moves are familiar to her other workouts, liked the combos.

Diane - the bowflex are bulky. I am glad my son has them. Otherwise I couldn‘t get a workout in while I am here. They save a lot of space. The last few groupings I also just left the weights, I got tired changing them out in a speed lighting, lol. I prefer my dumbbells. We don‘t have a problem with your heat settings. DD said it‘s working again. DD‘s BF said it had something to do with the heat pump.

Debbie - great job this morning, Enjoy your lunch with your mom and cousins.

Jolie - sorry you are not feeling well. Get lots of rest. Feel better.

Cam - I have to check that cardio out. Great job yesterday.

Roselyn and Roxie - have a great workout.

I am getting ready to pick up DD from the airport. BBl
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Today I did STS 2.0 Upper Body #1, 64 minutes, heart rate 89/122, 144 calories. I followed with CDorner Day 5 & Day 12 upper body and shoulder mobility stretches, 25 minutes, 34 calories. I did both because when I finished, I could already feel the workout. Loosened me up well.
STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 1 minute rests
warm up using red light tubing and 12 & 15 lb dumbbells
Chest: flat bench press #1 20# dbs 10 reps
Chest: flat bench press #2 20# dbs 8 reps
Chest: flat bench press #3 20# dbs 8 reps
Chest: flat bench fly 15# dbs 12 reps
Chest: push ups 16 reps
Back: vertical chin ups using the fit tower 8 reps
Back: horizontal chin ups using the fit tower 8 reps
Back: vertical pull ups using the fit tower 8 reps
Back: horizontal pull ups using the fit tower 8 rep
Back: rear delt fly 8# dbs 12 reps
Back: banded face pull (I chose the seated bent forward scare crow move) 5# dbs 12 reps
Biceps: Barbell curls#1 40# barbell 8 reps (supposed to be 10)
Biceps: Barbell curls#2 35# barbell
Biceps: Barbell curls#3 35# barbell
Biceps: alternating isometric hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
Biceps: reverse curl 10# dbs 16 reps
Triceps: lying overhead extension #1 35# barbell 10 reps
Triceps: lying overhead extension #2 35# barbell 10 reps
Triceps: lying overhead extension #3 30# barbell 10 reps
Triceps: single arm lying crossbody extension12# db 10 reps
Triceps; banded triceps press down/ straight arm presses using black heavy tubing
Shoulders: barbell shoulder press #1 30# barbell 10 reps
Shoulders: barbell shoulder press #2 25# barbell 8 reps
Shoulders: barbell shoulder press #3 25# barbell 8 reps
Shoulders: seated Arnold press: used the Al modification 12# dbs 10 reps
Shoulders: side lateral raises 8# dbs 12 reps
Shoulders: alternating side lateral raise 8# 3 reps dropped to 5's 9 reps

Debbie, nice work today on Raw Heavy Bag & Cardio today. I am sure you had fun going to lunch with your mom and cousins today. A nice way to spend the day.

Jolie, I am so sorry things are worse today. I hope you get into the doctor quickly and get it taken care of. I have let a lot of my supplements run out and keep thinking this is not the time of year to let up. I have been so busy with dealing with Christmas and other things. Hope you are well when your son and friends are home. I couldn't make up my mind and finally decided on upper # 1. Last time I used the tubing and door anchor instead of the tower. It seemed pretty easy so went back to the pull ups this time. There is a row option in this. Was not wanting to do the dips in Upper 2.

Belinda, nice work with the belly dance and new Kickboxing workout. The kickboxing sounds like it might be good. I am glad you liked it and made it work for you. I am pretty good at modifying where needed. It is more comfortable with my regular workouts. Somehow the Bowflex seem heavier. It is probably just the size of them. Fortunately, I have the other weight increments. I just need Bowflex for 20's. They are nice for saving space though.

Roxie, nice work on TBTS Pull workout today.

Boss Band TB is done. Had a great workout.

Diane - I think you would like the new KB workout. Instead of doing the burpees, I did a squat/left step back than right step back. It worked out perfectly since Cathe went slower on the burpees. I think we all getting good at modifying when needed. Make the workouts work for you. I find the Bowflex bulkier, it‘s hard to do a bicep curl without hitting the DB‘s together. I think they are a little heavier than regular DB‘s. Great job with your workout.

Roxie - great job!

Have a great day and workout. Getting ready for a walk outside.
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This morning I did RAW TBTS Push and Pull workouts. Had an awesome workout, love these workouts.

I started with TBTS Warmup
RAW Pull
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Hammer Curls: 20's
Reverse Flies: 15's
Zottman Curls: 15's
Double Arm Row: 20# (I did one arm rows because my low back felt touchy. 1st set palms front, 2nd palms back)
Pullover: 20#

RAW Push
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Overhead Shoulder Press: 15's
Lateral Raise: 12's
Overhead Tricep Extension: 20#
Skull Crushers: 12's
Connected Chest Press: 16's
Dumbbell Bench Press: 25's

Total workout was 46 minutes, burned 330 calories and HR was 123/152.

Jolie - Wow on the pink eye!! How do you keep catching all this nasty stuff? Where did you get pink eye from? So sorry to hear that and I sure hope you get better soon, that must be miserable!! Hope it is better today!

Belinda - Great job with you Christmas belly dance and today's workout! I had a great lunch with my mom and cousins yesterday and I had another with my mom and another cousin. I am eating WAY too much!!

Roxie - Nice job on the TBTS workout! Love the Push/Pull ones.

Diane - Nice workout, those look like they take hours!! Looks fun, I still would like to get a few of the DVD's from that series. I did have fun, it was a repeat today with a different cousin. Eating way too much!!

I don't think I'll be checking in until after Christmas unless I decide to work out on Christmas morning but I doubt it. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families and I hope Santa is good to each one of you!! Merry Christmas my friends!!
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Today I did not have much time as we went to lunch with daughter and her boyfriend. I did CDorner Step #341 21 minutes, 113 calories. That is it.

Belinda, I find the same thing with biceps curls with the Bowflex weights. It kind of messes up my form and keeping the angle right. I am sure I will be purchasing that KB workout soon. Nice work today on with Boss Band Total Body. I like that workout.

Debbie, great job on the Push and Pull workouts today. Those work outs are long. Actual time was a little less without adjustments. There are premixes like ones that omit band work, or 1 or 2 max each move. I just wanted to do the whole thing this time. Have a wonderful Christmas. I am sure I will work out as my husband works the whole week.
This morning I did Cathe Live Reindeer Games. It was a 1 hr. Circuit workout. I really liked the design and it was a good workout. Then I went to my mom's facility for a Christmas party. I helped serve the residents and wondered why other family members weren't helping out. I think they thought I was serving everyone. It was a nice time though.
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Instead of circuit blast today I did Cathe Live Reindeer Games. Thanks Cam for mention it. It was a lot of fun. Cathe must have been so hot under that costume. I liked the latter band workout.

Have a great workout and day.
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Today I did CDorner Fast Basic Step #346, 58 minutes with the addition of 13 minutes of a couple of others I decided not to do, total of 71 minutes, 336 calories, heart rate 129/165, 5,908 steps. This had a 9 minute stretch at the end and I added on CDorner Day 12 upper body stretch for 10 minutes and 12 calories. Total time was 81 minutes, 348 calories.

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