Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for December 2023

This morning I did RAW Upper Body & Abs that Diane did yesterday - I'm copying you, Diane! LOL! Love this one! I went heavy as much as I thought my body could tolerate. I want to gradually try to work towards a bit heavier with some of these workouts. I just don't want to hurt myself again.

45 seconds on/15 seconds off

Seated Overhead Press: 15's
Russian Twist: 8#

Seated Preacher Curls (I did Hammer Curls w/Twist): 20's
Weighted Situps: 12#

Kickbacks: 10's
Standing Side to Side Oblique Pulls: 10's

Seated Rows: 15's

Close Grip Press to Fly: 15's
Reverse Crunch

Standing Shoulder Press: 15's
Dumbbell Curls: 15's
Kickbacks: 10's
Double Arm Rows: 15's
Bench Press: 20's

I also did RAW TBTS Strong Abs and did all 3 circuits. Love this workout, too. It's also 45 seconds on, 15 off:

Low Planks
Dead Bus: 10#
Weighted Situps: 10#
Russian Twists: 10#
Crunch/Reach Through

Total workout was 53 minutes, burned 252 calories and HR was 103/148.

Diane - Glad you did that workout yesterday, when I read it I thought, yeah, I want to do that one again. Love that upper body/abs workout. Great job with your workouts yesterday!! I should have done that stretch as well but ran out of time. Can't wait for next week when I can do some longer workouts.

Roxie - Great workout!

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I did Raw TBTS warm up with Lower Body, 27 minutes, 93 calories, heart rate 105/126 following with Raw Glute Finisher with the fabric loop, 23 minutes, 79 calories, heart rate 105/144. I finished off with CDorner High & Low Impact Cardio 90's music calorie torching workout steady state, 32 minutes, 191 calories, heart rate 143/172. Total time 82 minutes, 363 calories, 4,922 steps.

Debbie, great job on the Upper Body and Abs workout today. I upped a little bit on weights with that one yesterday. It is amazing how doing some of those moves seated is so much harder. The way she does the rows seated is tough to up. I did 15's too, but had dropped in the past to 12's. I like that workout though. I don't remember doing the Intervals 6, but apparently, I have done it as I have it printed up. That was the perfect stretch for me. I put it in my watch later category as I will definitely be using it more.

LITE Stacked LB and LB barre. I also went for a walk today.

I fly to TX on Monday. House is clean, I still need to pack my suitcase and presents.

Great job on your workouts everyone.
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This morning I did CL #400 Upper Body Blast. I really liked this. Weights, a few low impact cardio blasts and band work. Almost an hour and its an arm fryer.

Have a good weekend everyone!
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Today I had an excellent workout. I started with a 20 minute interval run on the elliptical, traveled 2.2 miles and burned 241 calories. This was hard for me because I have not been on this machine for a while. Next, I did Caroline Girvan 40 minute Upper Body workout, Complex Series Day 2 and this was the hardest Caroline workout I have done thus far. You do each complex for 3 minutes state and do as many rounds as possible within the 3 minutes. Total workout time today was 64 minutes and I burned 656 calories. I will be dead tomorrow :)

3 minute complex

Lat Pulldowns- 60# x 10 (3 minutes)
Chest Press- 20's x 10 (repeated 3 times)

Chest Press- 20's x 10- (3 minutes)
Pull Overs- 30# x 10

1 Arm Rows- 25# x 10 (3 minutes)
1 Arm Underhand Rows- 20# x 10

Overhead Press- 15's x 10 ( 3 minutes)
Alternating Lat Raise- 8's x 10

Chest Flies- 12's x 10 (3 minutes)
Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 10

1 Arm Overhead Press- 12# x 5 (3 minutes)
1 Arm Overhead Press and lower arm down- 12# x 5

Other Arm same exercises for 3 minutes

Bicep Curls- 12's x 10 (3 minutes)
Hammer Curls- 12's x 10

Lying Triceps Ext.- 12's x 10 (3 minutes)
Close Grip Chest Press- 12's x 10

Alternating Hammer Curls- 15's x 10 (3 minutes)
Alternating front raise- 8's x 10

Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 10 (3 minutes)
Overhead Triceps Ext.- 10's x 10

Overhead press- 15's x 5 (3 minutes)
2 Arm Rows- 15's x 5
Chest Press- 15's

Holy Smokes this was a great workout!

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone. We have 75 degree weather all weekend so I plan on being outside before rain comes next week.

Cam, nice job on the workout this morning.

Have a nice day.
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Today I did a belly dance and barre upper body/core.

We are leaving and staying at DD’s condo tomorrow. Early Monday morning we are flying out. I will not check in until late afternoon. Not sure, if I get a workout in or not? We shall see.

I am still packing my suitcase….still have to wrap a few xmas presents.

Great job on your workouts everyone.
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Today I did Raw Intervals 6, using 3 risers instead of the 4 Kelly used, 42 minutes, 234 calories, heart rate 137/157. Debbie did this one Wednesday so I am not going to type it all out. I followed with STS 2.0 Standing Metabolic Abs Warm Up, 10 minutes, heart rate 134/153, 55 calories. I finished with STS 2.0 Mat yoga, 22 minutes, 37 calories and CDorner Upper Body Stretch 11 minutes, 14 calories. Total time was 85 minutes, 340 calories. Tomorrow is family Christmas. I made two pumpkin pies. One is low carb.

Belinda, nice work yesterday on LITE Stacked LB and LB barre and walk and today's belly dance and barre upper body/core. I still have some presents to get wrapped tonight for the family gathering.

Cam, great job on #400 Upper Body Blast live.

Jolie, great job doing the 20 minute interval run on the elliptical and Caroline Girvan 40 minute Upper Body workout, Complex Series Day 2. Great job on the weights!

Roxie, nice work on the walk that you got in.

Roselyn, good job on the tabata today and yesterday's glute workout.
Wow, are my legs sore from running on the elliptical. It is amazing how well this machine works my legs, I guess since I can use a high incline and high resistance, it makes my legs really work hard. Today was a 3 mile walk with the pup, 1 hour and I burned 481 calories. Beautiful weather here again today, but we have rain for three days this next week. Yesterday was 80 degrees so I went to an outdoor shopping mall in Newport Beach and enjoyed the sun and some Christmas music and decorations. Today will be 75 degrees and then it gets cooler.

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone! Make it a great day. I have not one gift wrapped yet so I have to start today. We decided to keep it simple this year so there really is not too much to wrap and I am going to use some pretty gift bags too.
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Good Afternoon,

I did a 28 minute 7.4 mile spin this morning.

Jolie-I am waiting on 2 gifts to get here my DHs’ Apple Watch and one of my grandsons they are supposed to be here Tuesday
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This morning I did CL#433 Legs: Strength & Stamina. More of a metabolic workout and I worked up quite a sweat.

Jolie, my gift wrapping is easy this year too. My daughters are both getting a bigger gift this year and a couple other smaller gifts. My mom can't open anything anymore, so I put hers in gift bags. My husband and I really don't exchange gifts. I am getting a new phone. Easy peasy this year. My daughter is helping with cookie baking, so much easier this year. I love it! My biggest challenge is figuring out Christmas meals. Everyone likes something different, but I think I got it figured out.
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This morning I did RAW Ripped & Ride June 2019. Had a great workout. I used my treadmill and did light jogging for that part of the workout. Worked up a good sweat.

Each weight exercise was for 1 minute.

Treadmill: 5:25 minutes

Bent Over Rows: 15's
Hammer Curls: 15's
Upright Rows: 12's
Overhead Triceps Extension: 8's
Chest Press: 15's

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Reverse Flies: 12's
Front Curls: 15's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Kickbacks: 8's
Dumbbell Flies: 15's

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Lawn Mowers: 15#
Supinated Curls: 15's
Lateral Raise: 8's
Skull Crushers: 12's
Modified Pullovers: 15#

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Workout was 47 minutes, burned 357 calories, did 2962 steps and HR was 129/159.

Have a great day everyone!! Great job on those of you who worked out this past weekend!!
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Today I did Raw Box for your waistline, 33 minutes, heart rate 139/174, 196 calories. I followed with Raw Tabata Weight Circuits, 35 minutes, 148 calories, heart rate 114/140. Total time was 68 minutes, 344 calories, 1,729 steps. I had to do a search on Raw to find this workout. It is in all workouts section. It was an earlier workout and I guess never categorized. I have not done this in a really long time. I am listing my weights as I went used a bit different weights. Yesterday was a rest day and fun at my daughter's house for family Christmas.

Coffey Fit Raw Tabata Weight Circuits
Kelly starts with 8,10, & 15# dumbbells and increases weights on rounds 4-6. These rounds are 20 seconds work and just keeps moving from one move to the next.

rounds 1-3
1 arm row20# db
bench press 20# dbs
biceps curls 15# dbs
lateral/front raise 8# dbs
overhead triceps extension 10# dbs
squats 20# dbs
suitcase deadlifts 20# dbs
brief break then move to next rnd

rounds 4&5
1 arm row 25# dbs
bench press 20# dbs
biceps curls 15# dbs
lateral raise (changed with no front raise) 10# dbs
overhead triceps extension 10# dbs
squats 25# dbs
suitcase deadlifts 25# dbs

round 6
all moves from 4&5 done 12 reps
1 arm row 25# dbs
bench press 20# dbs
biceps curls 15# dbs
lateral raise (changed with no front raise) 10# dbs
overhead triceps extension 10# dbs
squats 25# dbs
suitcase deadlifts 25# dbs

Jolie, nice work on getting in the walk yesterday and soreness from the elliptical. I had to get busy getting family gifts and ready.

Roxie, good job on the 28 minute spin ride.

Cam, great job on CL#433 Legs: Strength & Stamina. Planning meals is a lot of work.

Debbie, nice work on Ripped and Ride June 2019.

Rosely, good job on leg day.
Yay, last day of work until Jan. 2!! Looking forward to my break.

This morning I did RAW Boxing 4 Your Waistline and most of RAW Kickboxing 1. I had an excellent workout and used my 1.5# egg weights for all of it. I should have started with the Kickboxing one because for one, there is a warmup and for two, I never get to finish it because I do the Waistline one first. Next time I will reverse.

Workout was 55 minutes, burned 502 calories (holy moly!), did 3788 steps and HR was 147/181.

Diane - Great job with your workouts. Is the Tabata one done in her unfinished basement? I remember that was almost the first one she posted I think? Glad you had fun at your daughters house for Christmas!! It just doesn't even seem like Christmas to me.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
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Good morning,

We left our house on Sunday to stay at DD’s condo, we few out of Reagan’s. We went there in the evening, I noticed her heater wasn’t working. We cound’t get the heater to work. It was so cold, we both couldn’t sleep. We considered a hotel in DC, but we had to get ready in. 3 hours to leave for the airport. Yesterday, I slept a little on the plane. Once we arrived in TX, I showered, eat and slept some more. I caught up with my sleep. I had all the intentions to workout. I guess, I play catch up this week. It‘s in the 60’s yesterday. When we left DC, it was cold and rainy..

I signed up for Cathe On Demand. I only signed up for a month. I don’t have the Lite downloads, I only have the DVD’s. I do like OnDemand. Played with the blender, it stopped after a few minutes? I ended up going back to OnDemand and picked the Lite workouts from the drop down which worked. I am on week 3 of the Dec rotation. Instead of starting with Monday’s workout which is Circuit Blast, I am so tired I did Lite Pyramid Bonus lower which is scheduled Friday. Oh well! I will continue with the Lite Pyramid Upper tomorrow, than work backwards, lol.

Woke up with a massive headache. Not sure, what else I will do today? BBL
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