Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for December 2023

Well, I did not have pink eye after all, It is a viral eye infection probably caused by allergies. Since I get this every year at the same time, my eyes bothering me, head cold symptoms ect., my doctor says it is extreme allergies. She gave me medicine to put on my eye lids and it has really helped. My infection is in the eye lid not the eye ball. Today it is 80% better and I feel like I am on the mend, at least I look good enough for a Christmas picture LOL! I still feel like my immune system is low so I am not going to workout till Tuesday. I have been walking at least 3 miles per day this week, so I will put it down as an active recovery week.

Great job on all of the workouts this week everyone. I hope you all have a great Christmas. We are going for a 5 mile beach walk in the morning before we open presents and BBQ steak and lobster. It is supposed to be sunny and 65 degrees, a perfect Christmas day.

Diane Sue, I got the STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 workout DVD, I plan on doing it on Tuesday. I hope I like it, it says it is 57 minutes long so it should hit all of the upper body muscles in one workout.

Merry Chirstmas Eve my friends.
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No workout today. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Jolie, I am glad that you are on the mend and it is looking so much better. I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 this week. Planning on doing #2 this next week. It always takes me longer because I end up switching out equipment. There is a one minute rest between sets. Enough time to change weight. It is the changing out tubing and sometimes I change my mind on which method I want to use. I was really sore after the one this last week. It has taken a few days recovery and stretching. It happens every time I do the pull ups and chin up moves with the fit tower. I should stick with the rows option maybe.
Merry Christmas everyone,

Today I did the Interm. Christmas belly dance and a walk outside. DS, Dil, DD and I went to church today.

Jolie - I hope you feel better soon.

Roselyn - great job on your 2.0 Upper body.

Diane - merry Christmas!
Today I did STS 2.0 Lower Body #1, 57 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 105/142. I finished off with STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch, 23 minutes, 33 calories.

2.0 Lower Body #1
Squats#1 30# dbs 10 reps
Squats#2 30# dbs 10 reps
Squats#3 (racked) 25# dbs 10 reps
Squats#4 (racked) 25# dbs 10 reps
Barbell Deadlift #1 55# 10 reps
Barbell Deadlift #2 65# 10 reps (moved the weight up as 55 was easy)
Barbell Deadlift #3 65# 10 reps
Alternating rear lunge 25# dbs 8 reps
Rear Lunge R/L 25# dbs 8 reps
Static Lunge 25# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Squat #1 45# db 10 reps
Close Grip Squat #2 55# db 6 reps 1 1/2
Close Grip Squat #3 55# db 6 reps 1 1/2
Side Lunge R/L #1 25# db 8 reps
Side Lunge R/L #2 25# db 8 reps
Static Side Lunge 25# db 8 reps
Barbell hip thrust #1 55# 12 reps
Barbell hip thrust #2 55# 10 reps
Barbell hip thrust #3 55# 8 reps
Barbell calf raises#1 55# 20 reps
Barbell calf raises#2 toes elevated 55# 12 reps slower
Barbell calf raises #3 toes elevated 55# 15 reps
Barbell calf raises #4 55# 15 reps
finisher with stability ball and mat
hamstring roll ins (used bosu ball) 24/12 reps
stability ball straight leg quad lift L/R #1 (remembered how much my quad shook before switched to reg. ball) 12 reps
stability ball straight leg quad lift L/R #2 (remembered how much my quad shook before switched to reg. ball) 12 reps

Roselyn, nice work on the 2.0 chest and triceps mix.

Belinda, nice job on the walk yesterday and belly dance. Great job getting in Xtrain tabatacise today. I went to church yesterday. Enjoyed the Christmas message and music a lot.
Glad Christmas is over and hopefully I can get back on track with eating. My stomach is so messed up today I don't even want to eat anything. Yikes! I hope you all had a great Christmas!

Today I did RAW Box & Pump. Love this one and had a good workout. I didn't use my egg weights because the left side of my neck and top of the shoulder is pinched. I feel like I slept wrong again. :confused:

1 minute each drill

Rows: 15's
W Back Flies: 10's
Overhead press/flies: 8's

Supinated Curls
: 15's
Pledges: 10's
Front/Hammer Run Curls: 8's (killer!)

Upright Rows:
Bent Elbow Lateral Raise: 10's
Bent Over Flies: 8's

Overhead Extension
: 15#
Double Arm Kickbacks: 10's (I did lying extensions)
Dips: 8's (I did close grip presses)

Chest Press:
Flies: 10's
Face Plant Push Ups - (I did Russian Twist w/ 8# med ball)

Squats: Skipped
Back Lunges: Skipped
Scales: Skipped

Workout was 48 minutes, burned 412 calories, did 2716 steps and HR was 141/171.

Gotta mop my kitchen floor and I already cleaned out my sock drawers. I have a lot of socks and may of them I don't even wear. Nice to thin those out a bit.

Jolie - If you use eye makeup, throw everything away you use until after your infection clears up. You don't want to recontaminate your eyes. Sorry you are going through that, I'm sure the drops will help.

Great job on your workouts everyone and like I said above, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families!!
Thank goodness Christmas is over, I am exhausted! Now my son has a friend from college coming to visit till the New Year so I will not have my house or my schedule back in order till they leave on New Years day. I want to de clutter the house and get some Spring Cleaning done so bad but not while guests are here. Yesterday I went for a short beach walk, my eyes were bothering me so bad I just came home to get some eye drops. Today I only got in another short walk because I have a Chiro appointment so I did not have time after picking up a bunch of the Christmas mess this morning. Hopefully tomorrow I can try out my new Cathe workout. My diet has been so bad since Thanksgiving, I need to totally throw out all of the holiday junk and get some clean eating back in my diet.

Debbie, great job on the workout today and I know what you mean about cleaning up our diets after the holidays. My mid-section is carrying so much fluff right now, and we all know that is because of a poor diet. Time to reign it in and get serious again.

Belinda, good for you for getting in all of your workouts over the past few days! I wish I could have done it but not in the condition that i was in, but I am on the mend!

I hope you all have great workouts today and hopefully I can start getting serious with mine starting tomorrow.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2, 63 minutes, 161 calories, heart rate 95/131. I finished with Raw Stretch Flow and CDorner Upper Body Stretch day 12, 30 minutes, 49 calories. Total time was 93 minutes, 210 calories.
STS 2.0 Upper Body 2
Back barbell Underhand Row #1 55# 10 reps
Back barbell Underhand Row #2 50# 10 reps
Back barbell overhand row #1 50# 10 reps
Back barbell overhand row #2 50# 10 reps
Back barbell pullover #1 35# 10 reps
Back barbell pullover #2 35# 10 reps
Back banded lat pull down green and black tubing together door anchor singles and 1 1/2's
Back Pull Aparts green tubing
Shoulders dumbbell overhead press #1 12# dbs 10 reps
Shoulders dumbbell overhead press #2 12# dbs 8 reps
Shoulders dumbbell overhead press #3, 12# dbs 8 reps
shoulders bear crawl press bodyweight 10 reps
shoulders single army side leaning lat raise # 1 8# db 8 reps
shoulders single army side leaning lat raise #2 8# db 8 reps
Shoulders double arm scare crow 5# dbs 12 reps
Chest/Triceps dumbbell close grip bench press #1 17.5# dbs 10 reps
Chest/Triceps dumbbell close grip bench press #2 17.5# dbs 10 reps
Chest/Triceps dips #1 35# barbell and step 10 reps
Chest/Triceps dips #2 35# barbell and step 10 reps
Chest/Triceps banded chest fly red tubing 16 reps
Chest/Triceps banded kickbacks blue tubing
Biceps Sweeper curls 17.5# dbs 10 reps
Biceps Single Arm Sweeper Curl 17.5# dbs 10 each arm
Biceps barbell10 degree tilt 35# 8 reps
Biceps Barbell 21's 30# 21 reps

Debbie, nice work on Box and Pump today. Those workouts are fun. I hope that your neck and shoulder feels better soon. I have been having my neck and traps bothering me again. A lot of joint pain as well. I need to replace my supplements as I let them all run out. That is when I realize the supplements were working. It always feels good to clear out something that hangs around for no real reason. I threw away a stack of Nike shorts that I never wear to work out in anymore this morning. I was digging in the closet and wondered what I was hanging on to them for.

Belinda, great job getting in LITE Body Weight & Bands. You are so good at sticking with your rotations even when not at home.

Jolie, I hope your eye gets better soon. I ended up with very little to clean up from Christmas since my daughter did it at her house. I put away the few Christmas items I had out last night. No junk food left here either. You will get it back to normal again. We all do.
Today I did Kelly's Build & Burn Lower Body Tabata and had a great workout. I haven't done this one since 2018!! It's a good one, too. Gets in there good. My right leg started to spasm there during one of the exercises. I had to stop and massage it out.

20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Each exercise was done about 4 times.

Banded Side Steps (Firewalkers) - Used green band
Kickstand Deads: 12's
Squat Variations: 12's
Side Lunge into Knee Pull: No weights
Front & Back Lunges: 12's
Split Stance Plyo Pops: No weights
Plie Variation: 20#
Wide Stance Deads & Squat Up: 12's
Bridges: No weights but this gave me a great burn

Workout was about 31 minutes, burned 185 calories, HR was 112/147.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 28 minutes, burned 231 calories, went 1.3 miles and HR was 131/154.

Belinda - Great job with your workout yesterday! Are you still in TX?

Jolie - Sorry your eyes are still bothering you, I sure hope it gets better soon. Sounds like your house is hoppin' right now!

Roselyn - Great job with your workouts.

Diane - Sorry to hear about your neck and traps. I am feeling ok today but still have tightness in my left trap/neck area. I feel like I'm sleeping wrong but when I fall asleep I am laying so comfortably. I use a wedge pillow and a small on top of that, I'm starting to wonder if that isn't good anymore? Maybe my head is at a crooked angle or something? Great job with your workout. My mom gave me some money for Christmas and I am still on the fence on whether I want to purchase some STS DVDs or not. I just feel like I don't need one more workout DVD. I don't know.

Have a great workout today everyone!!
Today I had an excellent workout. I moved my gym equipment into the house because the garage is too cold for the next 2 months in the morning for a workout. I started with a 42 minute walk through the hills with the pup, traveled 2.2 miles and burned 296 calories. Next, I did Caroline Girvan's Epic Heat Giant Killer Upper Body Workout and it was Killer!!! This workout is a Giant Set for each body part for 45 seconds for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise for 45 seconds. After the Giant Set, you get a 45 second rest before you repeat the whole set again. Workout was 39 minutes and I burned 259 calories. Total workout time was 81 minutes and I burned 555 calories. This is on my Amazon fitness tracker watch instead of the Garmin that I got for Christmas. I used it yesterday and on my walk for 45 minutes it said it was 11 minutes and I burned 29 calories. It kept flashing and doing weird stuff so I sent it back and I am going to get another one. I hate electronic stuff, there is always something wrong with it and it is so frustrating.

Seated Overhead Press- 15's x 45 seconds, 2 rounds
Lat raises- 8's x 45 seconds
Face Pulls- 15's x 45 seconds
Arnold Press- 12's x 45 seconds
REST for 45 seconds
Bent Over Rows- 15's x 45 seconds, 2 rounds
1 Arm Rows- 20#
Supermans- x 45 seconds
Pullovers- 12's x 45 seconds
REST for 45 Seconds
Chest Press- 20's x 45 seconds, 2 rounds
Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 45 seconds
Flys- 12's x 45 seconds
no pushups, Chest Press- 15's x 45 seconds
REST for 45 seconds
Clean to Press- 12's x 45 seconds, 2 rounds
Hammer Curls- 12's x 45 seconds
Alt Cross body curl to Arnold Press- 15's x 45 seconds
Skull Crushers- 12's x 45 seconds
Kickbacks- 8's x 45 seconds, 2 rounds
Alternating Bicep Curls with a twist- 15's x 45 seconds

This was killer and a great workout to do in the house without a lot of equipment.

Debbie, great job on the lower body workout but bummer on the spasm. My eyes are so much better today, my chiro adjusted my C2 and that is the sinuses and eyes and right afterwards, I am back to normal. Also, she muscle tested me and I have yeast in my system so she gave me a supplement to take to get rid of it asap. That is the cause of a lot of the issues I have been having lately.

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone. My goal for 2024 is more weightlifting and better choices in my food. I am going to sign up for My Fitness Pal again and start tracking my food for a few months.

Make it a great day.
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Today was a cycle workout on the schedule. I did a dance workout instead. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - great job with your workout today. Yes, I will be in TX until next Monday. We fly back home Jan 1st.

Diane - great job on your workout yesterday. I try to stick to my normal routine.

Jolie - glad you feeling better today. Great job on Carolines workout today. They are fantastic.

Roselyn - great job with your biceps and killer legs yesterday.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Today I did CDorner Kickboxing high or Low, 31 minutes, 168 calories, heart rate 134/159, 3022 steps. I then did Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp kickboxing cardio skipping the warm up, 19 minutes, heart rate 126/152, 100 calories, 1,535 steps. I finished with CDorner Full Body Stretch, 21 minutes, 32 calories. Total time was 71 minutes, 300 calories,4,557 steps.

Debbie, I pretty much have to sleep flat on my back with a pretty much flat little pillow under my neck and shoulders. I put a wedge under my knees to keep my back flat. When I wake on my side it often causes neck pain. Also, at times when sinuses are bad, and I use a wedge under my pillow I find my head tends to tilt sideways and neck hurts. Low back hurts too as I slide down the wedge. I have a hard time getting comfortable. It is just something I have to work around. Great job on Build and Burn Lower Body Tabata. I forgot that workout set.

Belinda, nice work on the dance workout today.

Jolie, nice workout today. That would be frustrating having the watch not even give the correct time. How odd that is. I hope the next one is perfect for you.
Today I did Build & Burn Upper Body Supersets. Had an awesome workout, this one is tough. This was 3 sets/8 reps and hardly no rest between, it was a burner. I did have to rest here and there.

SS #1
Reverse Grip Shoulder Press: 12's
Lateral Raise & Extend: 8's - 1 set/5's 0 2 sets (I don't care much for this exercise)
3 sets/8 reps no rest

SS #2
Pulse Curls: 12's
Pledges: 12's
3 sets/8 reps no rest (Killer!)

SS #3
Seated Overhead Triceps Ext: 15#
Tate Press: 10's
3 sets/8 reps

SS #4
Reverse Grip Bench Press: 15's (I did normal bench press)
Connected Dumbbell Press: 15's
3 sets/8 reps

SS #5
Seated Rows: 15's (1 arm/both arms then other side)
Standing Cross Row: 15#
3 sets/8 reps

Alternate Upright Rows: 8's - 30 seconds
Double Arm Kickbacks: 5's - 30 seconds
Alternate Hammer Curl Runs - 10's - 30 seconds
Run Rows but only 1 weight: 12# - 30 seconds

Workout was 34 minutes, burned 250 calories, HR was 123/149.

Then I got on my treadmill and did a walk for 1 mile. 20 minutes, burned 149 calories, HR 121/134.

Jolie - I only use the Cardio mode on my Garmin for all my workouts indoors - treadmill, weights, cardio - all the others doesn't seem to track my HR correctly. However, when my husband and I walked parks and stuff this summer, I did use the "Walk" mode and that worked well for that and it kept track of mileage. I hope you get your new Garmin quick. That is odd that you already had issues with it. Mine hasn't given me any grief since I got it. I love my Garmin. Great workout and I think I did that Caroline workout once. I remember how good it was.

Belinda - Great job keeping up with your workouts while you are away from home. You have always been really good doing that. When I go on vacation, workouts aren't even a thought. LOL!!

Diane - I had so many neck aches when I slept just on a pillow and for the longest time my wedge pillow worked great. Now I can't seem to get comfortable anymore. I might have to just try a normal pillow again. I can't sleep on my back, it hurts and I just can't lay in that position all night long. I'm a side sleeper and I think my neck gets bent the wrong way and that is why I'm having issues. I'll have to try something else if it keeps happening. Great job on your workout!!

Have a great day everyone. Off to mop my kitchen floor. Yay.
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Good Afternoon,

I did TBTS Lower Body than 2 miles on the treadmill. I bought DH an Apple 7 Watch so there is no way I am going to let him outdo me.
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P30 Upper Body and Perfect30 Perfect Flow: Mobility Basics is done. I am not sure if I get a walk in today? It’s very cold outside today.

Debbie - I try to keep up with my workouts or at least stay active. Great job on your workout.

Diane - great job yesterday.

Roxie - nicely done.

Have a great workout and day.
Today I did CDorner Basic Intermediate Step 80's Music #347 (128bpm) 31 minutes, 154 calories, heart rate 127/161. I then did STS 2.0 Mish Mosh standing abs (was not all standing) 20 minutes, 94 calories, heart rate 118/142. Finished with STS 2.0 mobility 2, 17 minutes, 24 calories. Total time was 68 minutes, 272 calories.

Debbie, great job on build and burn upper body supersets today. I hope you can figure out what to do to keep the pain away. Having to work at positioning to sleep is miserable. I have a set of pillows that my husband got me when I had the surgery. One is a wedge mainly for legs, curved. One is a larger wedge that also includes a base so it can be moved up and down at different elevations, a pillow for the neck which I use all of the time. It travels with me, and a lumbar pillow. They have been very useful.

Roxie, nice work on TBTS lower body and the treadmill.

Belinda, good job on P30 Upper Body and Perfect 30 Perfect Flow: Mobility Basics today. It is cold here too. I try to stay inside.

Roselyn, nice that you got in a tabata workout.

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