Getting turned off

You know, I came here looking for something else, saw the thread and thought oh boy, what now. I had already seen the bit above about stamps when I entered the forum, thought well ok - that might be cool for some people, but I already have too many stamps as is. The end. But, as usual around here as of late, it has to get ugly. It's like a freaking revolution is about to start, and some people are just chomping at the bit to go for the kill, for whatever tiny little reason happens to blip on their radar. I am tired of it, and good for Cathe and SNM for taking a stance and trying to make this a more positive place. Good grief.
The government approves and licences Zazzle stamps, so they approve of this being done. Heck if Mickey Mouse and Buggs Bunny can have stamps, why can't Cathe?....After all she is as strong as Might Mouse and can jump higher than Buggs... .

LOL! That was cute. :)

Amen to that, Shana Banana. This forum used to be so much fun, now it's like you just don't know what innocent comment will start a bonfire.

But at least the star system is gone (thank you SNM), and the cyberbullies along with it. :D
You know, I came here looking for something else, saw the thread and thought oh boy, what now. I had already seen the bit above about stamps when I entered the forum, thought well ok - that might be cool for some people, but I already have too many stamps as is. The end. But, as usual around here as of late, it has to get ugly. It's like a freaking revolution is about to start, and some people are just chomping at the bit to go for the kill, for whatever tiny little reason happens to blip on their radar. I am tired of it, and good for Cathe and SNM for taking a stance and trying to make this a more positive place. Good grief.

Hey, Shana Banana, is that you in Cathe's success story today?
The government approves and licences Zazzle stamps, so they approve of this being done. Heck if Mickey Mouse and Buggs Bunny can have stamps, why can't Cathe?....After all she is as strong as Mighty Mouse and can jump higher than Buggs... But seroiusly, this is far cry from a commercial enterprise, I doubt we will make more than a few bucks each month on Cathe postage stamps. It is just something were doing for fun and to introduce our new Dazzle store that will offer posters, mugs, travel cups and other Cathe logo items.

Yiiiipppeee! Travel cups..... The one I have cracked and I can't use it anymore :-(
You know, I'd really love to see a Cathe running top with long sleeves - you know, wicking material, doesn't ride up, etc.
The government approves and licences Zazzle stamps, so they approve of this being done. Heck if Mickey Mouse and Buggs Bunny can have stamps, why can't Cathe?....After all she is as strong as Mighty Mouse and can jump higher than Buggs... But seroiusly, this is far cry from a commercial enterprise, I doubt we will make more than a few bucks each month on Cathe postage stamps. It is just something were doing for fun and to introduce our new Dazzle store that will offer posters, mugs, travel cups and other Cathe logo items.

In your first post on this thread, you asked what people thought was wrong with this whole idea. I tried to explain to you how some people might feel and as I do feel. You disagree, and that's just fine because the consumer has the final word. Bugs Bunny and MM are, however, internationally recognized cultural icons and may have earned their place on US postage stamps. I wouldn't buy those either!

I come to Cathe for quality workouts, not the gimmicks, but there are those who want the gimmicks. To each their own.

Respectfully submitted,

So true Laura, so true. I hadn't even been around enough to realize the star ratings were gone. That IS a good thing.

morningstar - yep, that is me :)
I attended the SD RT, my first RT and met Cathe. EB was there and the sponsor and there were eggs at every meal, but even though we could see quite clearly that they were there as a sponsor, it did not detract at all from the intention of the RT which was to meet others interested in fitness and have a great time.

Our first night after a nice stretching session, Cathe made herself available for a discussion group and was very interested in the opinions of what we were looking for in our workouts, what we liked and what was not as interesting to us. My opinion is that she is as real and down to earth as any of us and her heart is where it belongs. It was interesting how during the chat someone said that the people at her gym have no idea how large of a following she has with those of us who exercise at home.

In the end, it is difficult to please everyone - figure that one out and you will walk on water !

That being said, in looking at the state of our country and it's fitness level, I am all for getting anything out there that will get people to move, take an interest in their own health (without blaming others for their lack of health) and if even one person sees a Cathe stamp and ventures into Catheland and her fitness workouts then it is a win/win situation in my book.

Now that coffee mug . . . perhaps if I took one to work then some of my co-workers might get interested and become healthier ? ? ? ;)
I think some of us are not just feeling used to the Cathe's changing. Especially more so to the long time follower. Please be open minded. She sure cannot maintain the old way if she wants to continue produce the award winning workout that we all want and benefits. She will lose the ground to other newer and more tech savvy workout producer. Their commercial marketing territories are far bigger than Cathe. This could be the only way to keeping up and stay in business in this heavily over saturated video market. I am all for it and I know Cathe will always deliver the best workout ever is as she has been. She will never change that regardless.
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Cathe Zazzle Store

As a company we like to embrace new web technology when we find it. We really like Zazzle because it will allow us to offer many different types of products that just wouldn't make business sense for us to stock and carry. Our Cathe Zazzle store will also let you add you own custom text to your Cathe T-shirt and other Cathe products. So you can customize many of your selections. And yes we will have mugs and Cathe posters too!
Lol, who'd of thought people would get their panties in a bunch over some postage stamps! Cathe can logo her own line of underwear for all I care. It's her business. I do her workouts and I think she's a great person (and I have met her in person). I'm not going to lose any sleep over how she chooses to market herself. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Plenty of posters here expressed that they had no interest in the stamps and wouldn't be buying them. That's totally cool and just people expressing their opinions. Getting super passionate about the downfall of the Cathe empire as we know it and the blasphemy at putting her image on a stamp is getting a little out there though. But that's only my opinion and we're all entitled to them. Let's just be nice about it. I'm off to design some wiener dog commemorative stamps now.
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I have a couple of friends who collect stamps, and love the idea myself. I was also thinking (concerning the OP) how big does one have to get before its acceptable to market themselves, and who decides how that's done? I wouldn't let small beans like this rule my head.
LOL! Liann, I agree, and I love your posts! Cathe panties... There could be a saying on the backside like, "I got this butt from Cathe" The possibilities are endless!:)

Stamps are fun. My friend got stamps with her cat on them and they were the cutest...

Peace, everyone...
I posted a few days ago that I wouldn't be buying the stamps. That's only because I only send out a very small handful of things every YEAR snail mail. I pay all but one bill online. If I used stamps more I would probably buy some. In fact, if I come upon a time when I need to send out a bunch of invites for an event for my family or something I just might make the investment! I do think it's a cute idea and dont' get what all the fuss is about! :)
Ditto, Liann!

Lol, who'd of thought people would get their panties in a bunch over some postage stamps! Cathe can logo her own line of underwear for all I care. It's her business. I do her workouts and I think she's a great person (and I have met her in person). I'm not going to lose any sleep over how she chooses to market herself. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Plenty of posters here expressed that they had no interest in the stamps and wouldn't be buying them. That's totally cool and just people expressing their opinions. Getting super passionate about the downfall of the Cathe empire as we know it and the blasphemy at putting her image on a stamp is getting a little out there though. But that's only my opinion and we're all entitled to them. Let's just be nice about it. I'm off to design some wiener dog commemorative stamps now.

What a great post, Liann! You have such a way with words! I think of the postage stamps as just a unique way of advertising - if you like 'em, buy 'em, if you don't, then don't!!!
I don't mind at all

Every business is about making money, and, in these times of a deep recession, I see no reason that Cathe should not have the postage stamps. In fact, I think it is a cute idea.

I do have to admit that I am not keen on the music on the new Cardio Shock workouts, but, it doesn't matter, because I have so many Cathe workouts that they will keep me busy for a while.

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