Getting turned off

I could see where myputer is coming from; when you start seeing the stamps and the EB promos everywhere, it kind of feels gimmicky and takes away from the seriousness of what brought us all to Cathe in the first place: getting healthy & fit. I often feel that way when things start getting way too commercialized; in a way, it takes away the sense of personalization you feel with the whole entity. Soon, it just seems like this mass-marketed product, is no longer customized, and you don't have a sense of identifying with that because it's become bigger and more widespread than you could ever imagine. I don't even know if that makes sense...I'm running on 4 hrs sleep!!

That being said, I also understand that Cathe has a business to maintain and grow. I don't think that the quality of her workouts has deteriorated at all and I KNOW I will keep purchasing them in the future; I can't get the benefits I've been achieving with any other workout/instructor I've used. Also, no one else offers the support via forums & websites the way Cathe does. It doesn't really bother me that all this merch is coming out, but I could see how myputer feels. Now, if Cathe started repping something like whole grain double stuffed Oreos and claiming they had health benefits, we would have a problem ;)
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Cathe Stamp

It's just a personal opinion. Like I said if people buy those things it's fine. To each his own. It just seems to take away something from seriousness of fitness and why I have been so impressed with Cathe workouts I haven't purchase any other workouts since I started with Cathe more than 5 yrs ago.

I'm not trying to start anything it's just a feeling I have.

We sell hundreds of products, including calendars, shirts, coffee mugs, steps, fitness accessories, DVDs and even digital downloads. I'm not sure why you feel a postage stamp is any different than a calendar, coffee mug or a T-Shirt? Stamps are quite often used to promote causes and to honor people who have accomplished something of importance in their life, so I disagree that a stamp with Cathe on it takes away from the seriousness of her workouts.
I would love a Cathe coffee mug myself! It doesn't bother me that Cathe is putting out these products. It doesn't change the quality of the workouts that she produces.

Also, I don't usually get involved in things that might get me yelled at, but:

Give me a break! Cathe just worked her butt off getting Shock Cardio out December of last year AND launched a traveling RT!!! You still aren't satisfied that Cathe puts 200% effort out there for us??? You want her to get right back in the studio and pump out another dvd for you THIS YEAR?? Good grief!

Okay, yell away at me. I have no intention of checking back in on this thread after this anyway.

I'm with you, Tricia! Bring on the coffee cups and the Cathe love!
I know of no other fitness instructor or major person in their field that is as accessible, friendly, supportive and just plain there for us as Cathe. I would love to see all other businesses follow her lead. I have never been disappointed in her as an instructor or as a business person. If you don't want the stamps, don't get 'em! Me, I'd be tickled pink to receive an envelope with a Cathe stamp on it.
"Also, I don't usually get involved in things that might get me yelled at, but:

Give me a break! Cathe just worked her butt off getting Shock Cardio out December of last year AND launched a traveling RT!!! You still aren't satisfied that Cathe puts 200% effort out there for us??? You want her to get right back in the studio and pump out another dvd for you THIS YEAR?? Good grief!"

I AGREE 110%!!!!!!!!!!!!:) ........ME TOO!!!! 100%
It's just a personal opinion. Like I said if people buy those things it's fine. To each his own. It just seems to take away something from seriousness of fitness and why I have been so impressed with Cathe workouts I haven't purchase any other workouts since I started with Cathe more than 5 yrs ago.

I'm not trying to start anything it's just a feeling I have.

I understand exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. The faces on stamps sold to the public are usually for a cause or to honor people. It just seems in poor taste to put your own face on the stamp and sell it...but then I guess if there is a market for it...:confused: And in one post a rep said people have asked for this so...

The coffee mug, calendar and t-shirts all seem to fit in with the whole 'Cathe as a product' thing, but the stamps just feel off. Oh well, to each his own. Stamp collectors will probably love these. :)
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Hm. I'm not sure I understand why this would turn you off from Cathe's workouts? You could just not buy the stamps, but still buy the DVDs. Otherwise you're just punishing yourself by missing out on the best home workouts available.

Cathe is all about the exercise. This other stuff is part of a business she's running and let's face it, someday (as much as I hate to think about it) she'll retire. Who can blame her for wanting to build that nest egg? As long as she's not endorsing hot dogs & the ab lounge, I couldn't care less what else she sells if she keeps those DVDs coming. :)

Edit: ditto on the coffee mug. Please super size it. Thank you. ;)
I probably won't buy them because I'm pretty thrifty and they cost more than traditional stamps, but I think the idea of a Cathe stamp is pretty genius from a business standpoint. I mean, when someone sends a letter/card in the mail with the stamp on it, it may make the recipient curious and they may log on to and become a future customer. Like it was said above, I'm sure it won't be a huge moneymaker for Cathe, but it's fun and it gets her name out there even more.

I love the idea of mugs too!! I want a Cathelete mug!! :)

I see no problem with Cathe doing endorsements for products like Eggland's Best if she believes in the product. It has enabled her to do more road trips and reach out to more people who otherwise never would have been able to attend a New Jersey road trip.

I'm so happy for Cathe's success. I hope her company continues to grow and prosper. She deserves it. She gives so much to her customers -- roadtrips, monthly workout rotations, personal chats online, constant support... She deserves to reap what she has sewn, IMO. :)
Marketing is tough, it's hard to always know what will be a hit and what will not, what will turn people off or bring more recognition. Some may love the mug and hate the stamp, maybe someone else loves the stamp and hates the mug, just the way it goes. I can't think of one company/brand where I absolutely LOVE everything they have ever produced, and I don't feel the need consider leaving the brand because of the items I don't like.

If you like the workouts, who cares about the other stuff, don't buy it, I found Cathe for the workouts, and I stay for the workouts.
While at first I was doing the 'curious dog head tilt' when reading about Cathe stamps, I'm now thinking that it would be fun to have a bunch on hand. My family would get a kick out of getting them on letters, I think :D They already think I'm nuts! :p

And YES to a giant coffee mug, too! It might help me make better breakfast food choices if I had that reminder of all the hard work that it takes to stay in shape! Wonder if I could get one that talks to me...
Right now, I have color 8x10 photos of Cathe's official photos I printed out and taped to my home gym walls for motivation. I just want a HUGE poster or two so I can take my tacky print outs down. Ha! Everything else like stamps and mugs I don't need.
You can get anything on stamps nowadays using Zazzle. I designed some on there for my blog but no one buys them--not even me! ;) It's just fun to make them.
To my mind, postage stamps are not to be personalized, they are national products. A postage stamp is issued to commemorate a person or date of historical importance either nationally or internationally. I could not support stamps issued by an individual where the aim is self-promotion rather than national recognition of a contribution to mankind.

Mugs, t-shirts, have at it: but postage stamps are not traditionally a commercial area. Perhaps this explains the reticence of some Cathe supporters to get behind this latest commercial enterprise?


...I see no problem with Cathe doing endorsements for products like Eggland's Best if she believes in the product. It has enabled her to do more road trips and reach out to more people who otherwise never would have been able to attend a New Jersey road trip...

I'm glad you pointed this out, as I was going to, as well. If not for the partnership with Eggland's Best, then the destination Road Trips would not be happening. SNM has stated several times that the registration fee for the trips merely covers the food. And having experienced the quality of the food at the SD trip, and knowing how much hotel food costs, I believe it. Without the sponsorship the cost to attendees would be prohibitive when you start thinking about all of the myriad other costs that are involved in the trips, most of which probably haven't even occurred to me.

Okay, I got off on a tangent a bit there, and I'm probably going to regret getting involved in this thread. What I originally wanted to point out is that Eggland's deserves sponsor recognition for the role they play in the business relationship they have committed to.
Cathe postage stamp

The government approves and licences Zazzle stamps, so they approve of this being done. Heck if Mickey Mouse and Buggs Bunny can have stamps, why can't Cathe?....After all she is as strong as Mighty Mouse and can jump higher than Buggs... But seroiusly, this is far cry from a commercial enterprise, I doubt we will make more than a few bucks each month on Cathe postage stamps. It is just something were doing for fun and to introduce our new Dazzle store that will offer posters, mugs, travel cups and other Cathe logo items.
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My initial response to the Cathe stamps when I saw them for the first time yesterday was "How cool is that! I gotta get me some!" It strikes me as a fun and lighthearted way for her fans to have a little Cathe in their day outside of just working out. (Speaking of which, where do I find these Cathe mugs? I need one!) My second reaction was admiration for her ability to market her business in a variety of ways. I'm self-employed and do my own marketing (though in a completely unrelated field with very different ways of reaching customers) so I notice and appreciate how other businesses operate. Sure, the stamps have nothing to do with fitness, and they're not going to make her company rich, but they're a fun little way to build her brand, please her fans who choose to buy them, and earn a little extra coin.

The "commercial stuff" (as the original poster called it) is part of running and marketing a business. I can think of experiences I've had as a consumer (not fitness related) where companies went "too commercial" in terms of cutting corners on their costs in order to increase profits, or watering down their original product in order to appeal to a wider consumer base. But I don't think anyone could effectively argue that Cathe is doing either of these things. Somehow, Cathe manages to turn out incredible fitness products AND show a lot of savvy on the business end of things. She is not only a terrific instructor, but an ambitious business woman. Kudos to her for that!

Sort of related: I'm vegan which means I don't eat eggs, so I suppose I could get "turned off" by Cathe's sponsorship by Egglands Best. But it doesn't bother me. Cathe's not vegan, she's not running a vegan business, and I don't live in a vegan world. I hope she is benefitting greatly from her sponsorship by the egg company; I know I'm benefitting from Cathe's workouts. That's good enough for me.

Now, to find me that mug!

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