Hi all! We had a beautiful day yesterday, a little windy ... no wind day but gray. So, I'm writing from my Trek desk!
MicheleZ, Izzy is absolutely adorable! Love the expression - she just looksl like she is smiling all over her face
Janie, you are making such good progress with the neighbor dogs. Hopefully Rolly's good nature will eventually win over the big male. Very brave of you to stick with it! How did Rolly handle the barking? And, congratulations on the one pound loss! Doing that while doing heavy weights is great. I've heard other people mention that doing the heavy weights while reducing calories really helped in maintaining that precious muscle. You are doing this the smart way!
Michelle, still figuring out the next trip east. Definitely there will be several in June. The uncertainty about budget is making it tougher to spend on travel ... well, at least there was no shut down. Did you go to the Cherry Blossom Festival?
Renee, you're doing so well with that bike. Let us know how the PT went. ((Hugs)) to you and all manner of good-healing vibes are going your way.
Laura, we're treating this as though it is flu ... but I'm really starting to wonder. Today I started week four of antibiotics. It is the Z-pack, which is supposed to stay in your system, so you get two days off of taking them and are still supposed to be getting better. However, whenever I stop with the meds, I start to feel more and more tired, and the chest pain begins to come back. My guess, there's more going on than flu, and it's something affecting my lungs. If this round doesn't have me completely healthy by next weekend, it is time for a specialist. Anyway, glad to hear you are having terrific weather at least sometimes! You deserve it after that hard winter.
This week, I moved my workouts up from ten minutes to fifteen, and then yesterday from fifteen to 20 (STS meso 2 chest last night, ten rep sets). The STS approach is very helpful in segmenting these, because I can either choose one that rotates through a set of body parts, or I can choose one that lets me do them in sequence. Last week I switched to kettlebells with a light weight, and this week I am doing sequential/pushing harder per part. I also added my daily walks back in, for no more than 20 minutes. This is enough to wear me out by the end of the day (!!!!). Still, it is an upward swing! My main concern is that it is only the daily antibiotics that are letting me keep at it, and that they are masking a pneumonia or something like that. It shouldn't hurt to keep following my current doc's advice for now, though, since he said that many people take this long to recover.
Also, too funny, Laura, your comment about being healthy may really be on target! In reading about some of these new flu, apparently the really healthy fit people can have a very strong immune response to the disease, and so they in effect "get it" longer and far worse. So, it's possible that is what is happening to me

Hi to Elle, and IronLady wherever you are ...