Today were more tests. Got a Bone Density done, went in for a mammogram on my right breast and then an ultrasound, but they had to cancel the last two tests. The machines broke down. What? I didn't know they could break down.

Had to make another appt. Didn't have time for anything in the way of working out. We live so far away from everything that by the time we do our thing, the whole day is over.
Laura, Great job on 3 workouts yesterday! WOW! And teaching Pilates, must have been some day. Can't even imagine how tired you must be. (((((Hugs and prayers to your brother to have all those tough times behind him.))))). I know what you mean about depression with weather. The rain here I can take normally, but this year has been record cold. But today was so lovely. Hopefully better weather coming our way at last. You have us to help motivate you. I'm cheering you on as we post. Just like my mother use to say
"When you are blue, pretend you are in a good mood, and soon you will be". It works for me.
Deborah, So glad that your too often busy life has an end in site. Please do remember to smell the roses. You can never go back there again. Then again, I'm so proud of you for being such a successful, talented and skilled professional.

If anyone can balance things out, it would be you. Great job working stints on the treadmill and airport walking (that works well too). From the sickness you had, I'm so glad you are coming back strong. Way to go! With all the work digging in the ground and putting in 1,000's upon 1,000's of flowers, I must see pictures, please. I bet it looks like heaven. Have a well deserved rest.
Renee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, So good to hear from you! Been thinking of you all the time and wondering how you were doing. Yea, I can imagine the recovery will take some time. But, you are strong and you will come back with flying colors. Small improvements everyday is such a good sign. You are so brave and I'm so very proud of you, especially allowing family and friends to help you. No easy task I'm sure. I promise you, I'll never take for granted that I have two good legs. You will have them too, soon. Keep up the good work.
Michelle, Haven't used Preen, I'm kinda going organic. Wish there was a miracle spray to get rid of weeds. Seems that's what keeps me in the garden for so long. LOL! Great job on the stretches, I bet your hammie thanked you for those. I don't blame you for not wanting to follow in your sisters footsteps. Listen to your body and gut feeling.
Have a wonderful evening everyone,