Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

Happy Monday! My calendar told me I needed to do turbo barre, but as much as I thinkthisworkout would be good for me, I just can't get myself to like it very much.... So I did pyramid lower body instead. It was challenging. I dont remember there being a stability ball section before.... Lol! Must have always skipped it before... I also did PT after workout and some abs.
I know what you mean about TB but once I am finished I am so happy I did it! I did 40/20 today, I love to hate #2 & 3 so challenging with my knees and back issues. I did them with some modifications and slowed them down. I am taking tomorrow off to prep my basement so i can start painting. Washing the walls and spackling is plenty of a w/o!!
I don't remember what #2 and 3 are, that's how long I haven't done this one...
How is your basement prepping coming along? What color are you painting it? Are you repurposing the room?

Workout for me was treadmill intervals. Not as energetic today. But I got it done, yay!
#2 & 3 are where you jump forward the length of the step, jump sideways then tuck jump. I don't do the length of the step and then I do a pitiful tuck jump, lol.
Wall prep is slow and tedious!! It is a really big room and hasn't been painted in probably 15 years. I am going to paint it a beige tone so that if we sell our house this spring it is a neutral color. We are moving some furniture down there so i wanted to paint before that happens.
I am going to my antigravity yoga class tonight, very excited!!
There was only 2 of us in the anti gravity class night night so we did a lot on inversions and worked the core really hard, wow am I sore today!! I feel it throughout my entire torso! After the holidays they are offering "antigravity fitness" and air barre classes, and in january paddle board yoga. I have never paddle boarded before so taking some of these classes will be fun, maybe I'll have to actually try paddle boarding in the summer if i like it. I am going to do flex train today and take the dog for a nice walk. Today is the last warm day, tomorrow it is dropping down to the low 40's. I am not looking forward to the winter!!
What are your plans for today?
I have a friend who is crazy about paddle boarding. I got to try it out this past summer when we went camping together. I thought it was hard! Maybe I was too afraid of falling in (the water was cold and I wanted to stay dry) otherwise I might have been more relaxed.... Lol!
I did afterburn today. Did pretty well, but had to sub out all the push-up stuff.
I love when there aren't a lot of people in class! It just seems like you get so much more out of it, at least to me.
Are you moving to a different place in the same area? We had our whole house painted when we sold it, we had never bothered to put color on before that and realized what a difference it makes. So I'm glad our current house has color on the walls!

We are headed to a play today. Several of my kids' friends are starring in a Robin Hood production and we get to go see them today. The place is close to our favorite tea house, so we are going there for lunch afterward, and then our friends from the homeschool group are meeting up for lazer tag in the afternoon. Should be a fun day, though I know I'll be tired when we're done...
By the way, temps have already been in the 40s here the last three days... Brrrr. Bundle up!
I decided to do HSC instead of flex train, it was pathetic! Normally HSC is my "go to" w/o when I feel tired but today it wasn't easy. It amazes me how sore I am after the AG classes, they are so fun so you don't realize all the muscles you are actually working. I haven't done afterburn in awhile, it is one of those dvd's that has a bit of a "dread" factor for me. I am always happy after it is over but really need to talk myself into doing it.
We are thinking of "down sizing" now that our children are older, not sure where we will go. My husband works in PHL which is an hour and fifteen min away, so we are debating about moving closer to his job. We really don't want to live in PHL but the drive is starting to get to him.
Our house was all white walls when we moved in, color makes such a difference!!
HAve fun at the play, and enjoy lazer tag.
HSC is one of the first Cathe DVDs I got! I have had times when I could do it well and others when it seemed really hard. It's funny how it takes a workout to show me what kind of day my body is having... I don't typically pick up on whether its a strong kind of day or not until I work out.
My husband used to commute an hour to work. He never complained, but my half hour commute bothered me every day... Lol! I'm completely in favor of living as close to the workplace as possible.
It's that time of month so I'm taking the day off. Yesterday was fun but I developed a bad headache and it wipes me out. So rest today seems the kind thing to do.
Great Glutes today. Talk about shock training after sts! Such a different approach and such a burn! I wonder how my glutes will feel tomorrow....
I did X10, x77 yesterday, I modified a few moves and did less reps when exhausted, but overall I did well.
There are a few video clips of the new w/o's up, real excited to get these, they look quite challenging.
I was planning on doing MMA boxing today but I was feeling strong so I decided to do afterburn. Normally I wouldn't do afterburn after X10 but I am taking the weekend off to finish up my painting. I was only sore doing the running lunges and air squats but managed to finish which was nice.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend, stay warm!!
I'm glad you did so well on afterburn! How is your basement coming along?

Workout was xtrain legs, premix 2 plus the hip thrust challenge. A lot of burning going on here!
I also have herniated and bulging discs. Lisa, did you get good results from your surgery? I am a bit afraid of having surgery there. I also get into funks because of the back pain, but eventually I try to ignore it and work out anyway. My workout today was a little less than an hour.
Just popping in to answer Caitlin. I'm glad I had the surgery, I can do so much more now, but I was to the point where I couldn't walk without neck and shoulder pain (nerves and spinal cord moderately compromised). It's been a long recovery but I'm glad I did it (there were many times I wondered though). Where is your problem again? L4? L5? sorry can't remember. I will say this, my massage therapist said from her point of view, the only spine surgery worse than what I had done C4-C7 is L3, not even L5/S1 comes close. I had a great neurosurgeon that did several injections to test to see if the areas we thought were the problem were. I had facet injections into c5/c6 and c6/c7 for the neck pain and that took care of it (but didn't last since discs were blown)---if that was the only problem I could have just done a rhizonometry (or something like that, burning the nerves in the facets....needs repeated about once a year since nerves grow back), but I had the shoulder pain so we did steriod into the space of c4/c5 so see if that was the problem and indeed it was---I didn't get the big relief I did before but it took my pain level from an 8 to a 2. Even with all the diagnostics done I was still nervous I was having surgery that wouldn't help (but I was good about marking my pain levels and with what activity---some people aren;t good about that and that's why back surgery has mixed results. HTH
I spent 9 hours painting today, tomorrow the trim then i am finished. It turned out better than I expected so it was worth all the hard work. I don't think I could do projects like these if it wasn't for cathe's w/o!
Wow! 9 hours of paining! Way to go! And I'm so glad it turned out well!

Workout today was Hiit on the treadmill. Still feeling ramped up...
I had an MRI, and it is all around my neck, even the scalenes, and the discs are bulging and/or herniated from the top of my neck to my waist. My paraspinals also hurt. I have to push through the pain, ignore it and work out. On Thursday of this week, I can get strong pain killers, and my kind neighbor who is a former cop and Viet Nam vet drives me. He is in terrible pain himself with schrapnel in his stomach and agent orange on his face. I split the percs with him, because the VA won't give him any more. My doctor, who is quite good, is the only one in this borough who will give the script, and only on pharmacy here will fill them.

Today I did some hi lo and my upper body. I saw a photo of Cathe rowing with forty pounds, all I can do is 20 or 25 and even that hurts. I hope everybody is feeling better.
Please be careful with your w/o, pain is not a good thing!! Did the dr. give you restrictions? I would think a high impact w/o isn't good to do with bulging discs. Take it easy so you don't worsen your condition.
All finished with my painting, yeah!! Tomorrow back to cathe w/o's. Not sure what i will do, I usually wait to see how I am feeling to determine my w/o's. I think it might be CSS or a mixture of bootcamp and muscle endurance.
I did super cuts and tabatasice 1 today. Now I need to get ready to take my mom to the airport, traffic might be busy because of the time of day, so I need to allow extra time for that.

Caitlin, I'm so sorry to hear about all your pain! Please do be careful and kind to your body! Did the doctor who did your MRI give you any treatment options to think about? A lot of new techniques and methods have surfaced in our day that weren't available a generation ago. I've researched some and am still on the fence and frankly scared of all that could go wrong with any of them.... Wishing you lots of wisdom in choosing what to do!

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