Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

He gives me strong painkillers, which I can't take every day or I will get addicted. The chiropractor and deep tissue massage was the best, but now, I don't have a car, and it is expensive. My boyfriend who passed away a little over three years ago helped me with it. I would rather get deep tissue massage but it is too pricey, and I have no car.

Today I just ignored my back and did about 45-50 minutes of mostly high impact aerboics. Then I did my legs, and my patella tracks wrong sometimes, so I have to do squats and lunges to keep my quads strong and hold the patella in place. I also wear a McDavid knee brace which is great. I hope everybody is doing well.
I did party rocking step 1, I don't remember ever having done that before, I loved it! Have you guys done it?

Caitlin, I hear what you are saying about treatments and massages and all being expensive! Too bad that money stands in the way of getting better!
I have fasting blood work today, so I can't eat, and the appointment is not until three-thirty. I had to do something, so I did my upper body with weights.
Yesterday I did the gauntlet, I have not done that in a very long time. My knees and back did ok with the step portions which surprised me. Today I did MMA boxing.
Wow, the gauntlet! I can't remember when I last did that one! I'm so glad your knees cooperated!
I did lean legs and abs premix one.
Have a great weekend everyone!
I did CLB today and core 2. My boys and their girlfriends will be here all next week so I wanted to get a good w/o in today since I probably won't be able to w/o next week. I hope you all have a nice weekend and a happy thanksgiving.
I did flex train today, or what parts of it that I could. I enjoyed it, the fast reps and the light weights are still throwing me after several months of sts.
Katie, have a great time with your sons!
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I've been plugging away at work trying to get everything done so I could have a peaceful vacation this week!

I'm done walking for the season. It got cold and snowed much earlier than I expected.

I've been getting really bored with my weight lifting program, so I decided to buy STS. I'm a little worried about some of the exercises (especially the back exercises). I'm planning to do the 6 month rotation so it will take me longer to get to the really heavy stuff. I've been doing my 1RM while I wait for the DVDs to arrive. I know my middle and upper back are pretty strong, but for my 1RM I used lighter weights for the exercises that involve standing and leaning forward. I usually use a lat pulldown bar and do seated rows. I will probably go lighter than I am capable of, or do seated rows/lat pulldowns instead. Deadlifts in particular have me nervous, but I will try them with lighter weights than I probably could use if I had a good back. On leg days I might substitute the leg curl attachment on my weight bench.

I've been doing Low Impact Step a bit lately, and I'm noticing that it's getting easier. I plan to do the entire Low Max w/o on Thanksgiving to make up for some of the calories I'll eat! I've never done the full w/o, so tomorrow I'm going to do Low Max with step combos only to prepare a little.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Amy,good to hear from you! It's gotten cold here too! I'm glad to hear low impact step is getting easier, it's a great feeling to see yourself improve!
I did Sts 6 month rotation the first time I did it. I did not do well with the 1RM, it was very hard for me to gauge what qualified as heaviest with good form weight, and when I did the increments according to my rms I ended up with lots of very tight muscles and needed a lot of chiro support to loosen up. I decided if I am lifting lighter than the rm tells me but am still feeling challenged and working up a good sweat, then it's heavy enough. So I'd encourage you to listen to your body and stay light or lighten up if your body tells you to. The next time I did sts, that is how I did it and I felt like I benefitted from it way more and I also enjoyed it more...

Workout for me was party rocking step #2, 8combo premix. It was fun, I havent gotten around to do it before and really enjoyed it, working up a good sweat!
Cendrine, that sounds like an excellent plan for STS. Today I did I did Low Max with step combos only, and I finished my 1RMs. I didn't do a lot of the ones with one or two stars. Many of them are very similar to other exercises, and I suspect I will use the same weight. I imagine there will be a lot of adjusting once I start anyway. I should get the DVDs tomorrow. I am so excited! I'm going to start on Friday since I just used some of the muscle groups being worked in the first disc today.
I think you are going to love sts! It's a great one to come back to again and again!

My workout was xtrain cardio leg blast. Boy do I have afterburn... Lol!
Workout today was xtrain step and low impact cardio. I'm glad it was a little shorter than what I usually do!
Happy thanksgiving, everybody!
Today I did the full Low Max workout. It was a lot of work, but not as bad as I feared. Tomorrow I start STS. Yay!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Way to go doing all of low max! I always feel accomplished when I manage the entire one!

Workout today was xtrain legs. I still have DOMS from flex train and I think I'm going to feel more tomorrow, I think! Good thing it's the weekend!

I hope your time with your sons was wonderful! Have fun with sts tomorrow!
Thanks Cendrine! I had all my equipment lined up for STS today, but I still had to pause the DVD several times to set things up. Wow, that moves fast! But I love the variety of exercises. I had to do all pushups on my knees, and I was not able to complete nearly all of them, but I did OK on everything else. I also did a light walking cardio DVD.
Amy, I loved STS! I did it for only 3 months, for me 6 mo of the same routine would get boring. I think I have done it 4 times now. I take a few mo off and repeat it when I need a change in my routine.
I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving with their families.
I am real anxious to try the new w/o when they arrive! I haven't worked out for the last week since my boys were here for the holidays. We had a real nice visit, ate way to much!!! I need to get back into my routine so i can work off all the food we ate.
Katie, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your boys. I kept my calories in check on Thanksgiving, but I ate way too many leftovers yesterday! I was back on track today, and luckily there aren't many leftovers left.

I am looking forward to the new w/o too, but I only ordered Low Impact HiiT. I thought I saw somewhere that it should ship 12/8.

Today I did Low Impact Step and a little ab work. I added a riser level for Low Impact Step, but I had to take them out right before the first intensity blast. Maybe next time I can go longer without having to remove them.
I did Butts and Gutts on sat eve after all my boys left and wow am I sore!! I haven't done that w/o in a long time!! This w/o had a big "dread" factor for me in the past. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't mind it as much this time around, I must be getting stronger. I would avoid this w/o because I used to get back pain, this time I didn't get back pain but the rest of my body has major DOMS!
Tonight I am taking a new form of the antigravity class called fitness. It is supposed to strengthen the core while having fun, lets hope my DOMS doesn't prevent me from doing all of it.
I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving with their family and friends,
Katie, I'm glad you had a good visit with your sons! Butts and Guts always had a kind of dread factor for me too... What a way to get back after a week off! Lol! Have fun at the antigravity class!

Amy are you feeling any doms from your sts workout? I remember the push-ups in meso 1 are killer!

Workout for me was total body trisets lower body split. I was going to add on two tabatasice segments but chickened out and did abs and pt instead....
Katie, that's great that Butts & Guts didn't give you back pain! I hope you made it through the antigravity class OK.

Cendrine, I am not feeling any DOMS, but I also didn't get through all of the pushups. I was already doing them on my knees, but I forgot that you can do them in the table-top position too. I will try that next time so I can try to get through them all.

Yesterday I did STS disc 2. I have a little bit of soreness in my triceps, but not much. I'm really enjoying STS so far, but I am not looking forward to disc 3. Legs are my least favorite to work! Today I did an old aerobics video with some ab work.

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