Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

Workout for me was cardio super sets and step.

Amy, I don't know if this will help or not, but when I used to do sts legs just once a week, I would always be guaranteed extremely painful doms that barely let up in time for the next leg workout a week later. It didn't seem to matter how light I went on the sliding disk moves. But once I started doing two sts or more for legs a week, my muscles were fine. I thought I'd share this in case your legs respond like mine....
So the antigravity fitness class was really fun and challenging. My legs were screaming during parts of the class from the DOMS, but I did everything and had fun!! This class had a lot of core work, hopefully I'll get that 6 pack I've always wanted, lol.
Today's w/o was gym style legs, always a toughie!!
Amy, I am with you on legs being the least favorite body part to work!! I actually didn't mind STS legs, it was so different than cathe's norm that I enjoyed it. I really enjoy her lean legs and abs and great glute w/o's, I think because they are a bit easier!!
Cendrine, I always do cardio before wts or I will chicken out as well, lol.
Have a great day
I finished STS disc 3 today, but I had to take a few short breaks during it to catch my breath! I did a couple of the newer moves (for me) with no weight, but I will add some weight next time. My feet were cramping up toward the end, so I had to wait a while to do the extended stretch.

Thanks for the pointer, Cendrine. Lunges usually give me DOMS, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow (and/or the next day!).

Katie , that's great that the antigravity class was fun, challenging, and you got through all of it!
Lower body blast for me today.
I had a really good acupuncture session yesterday, in addition to some of the usual stuff he addressed some hip and lower back trouble zones and I feel really good today!
Have you guys ever read "the magnesium miracle". I just read it this past week and it was very eye opening to me about how many factors in my life use up magnesium or as the author puts it, are magnesium wasters. I have been taking magnesium all along, but felt really convinced to push as high as I can tolerate. I have gradually built up this past week and am seeing significant improvement to some of my symptoms. The reason I'm sharing it with you is because exercise was one of the magnesium drainers, so is stress of any kind, including injuries, such as we are all dealing with. In case you want to give it a try, the better forms of magnesium are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate.

Have a great day!
I have never read "mg miracle" but my sister is an avid mg user. Her chiropractor was able to get her off a heart medicine she was on by increasing her mg, and curing her of the heart palpitations she was having. It certainly is great for constipation, lol.
I did pyramid hiit yesterday followed by gym style chest and triceps, I am really sore today! My arms were trembling like never before, not sure if that was because I haven't been lifting heavy, or from taking a week off at thanksgiving. Not sure i will be doing anything today but resting. I really should start my xmas shopping!!
Hope you all have a great day.
I have to get to Xmas shopping as well! This always seems to sneak up on me and then I'm scrambling to get things before it's too late for on time shipping....

Workout was party rocking step 1 with the bonus step premix. It worked me hard. I have not memorized the combos yet, so it's a bit fast on me at times. But I really enjoy it.
I needed an easier w/o today so I did hard strikes, I really enjoy this w/o. When I first received this I didn't really like it, it wasn't as difficult as MMA Boxing, and I didn't care for the tabata drills in the heavy bag bonus. Then my knee and back issues started, I am so happy to have a little less difficult w/o's for days when I need a break but still want to w/o.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
I had serious DOMS for days after STS disc 3! I did light walking-based videos for a couple of days after that. Today was STS disc 1 again, and an old aerobics video.

I'm excited that the new workouts will arrive soon! Have a wonderful weekend!
Amy, The DOMS from STS first week are normal. I get them for the first 2 weeks every time I do this series. You are going to love this series and get very toned from it. If you have Xtrain do it after STS and you will see amazing results.
Today I did CSS with step and the bonus barre from Xtrain.
Thanks Katie. I have been looking into Xtrain. I will probably get it when I near the end of STS. Yesterday was Low Impact Challenge (step express #1), and today was STS disc 2 again. I like doing the STS workouts two weeks in a row so I can make adjustments from the previous week.
I love the slower pace of the six mo th rotation as well, Amy.

Katie, I have yet to do hard strikes... I don't like kickboxing and anything close to it, I end up getting the martial arts DVD because they are part of the presage package, but I rarely do them, however, my kids enjoy doing those... Lol!

Today's workout was pyramid lower body. I tacked on the blasts from tabatasice just for a little heart pumping...
Party rockin step #1, 8 combo premix. I'm getting the hang of this and having a lot of fun with it!

Doms from pyramid lower body...
Cendrine, I understand your not enjoying KB, it is an acquired taste for some people. I try to do KB at least once a week since it is so good for the core. HS is the easiest of cathe's KB w/o. The true KB parts are only 30 min in length so it isn't that bad (it is mostly punching drills, little leg work). I love the heavy bag sections in HS and MMA Boxing. I only do MMA Boxing and HS, I am not a fan of her other KB w/o.
I went to the anti gravity fitness class last night and was the only one in the class. It was a private lesson for me, love that!!! She worked my core pretty good, but I mostly feel it in my legs today. I was planning on doing afterburn today but not sure that is going to happen, lol.
Yesterday I did some ab work, and today was STS disc 3. I've been doing the extended stretch every time I do STS, and I think it hits all the areas I was stretching before with my PT stretches. So I'm just going to go with that for my stretching program at least until I finish STS.

Wow, Katie! Having a private lesson would be great.
I did afterburn yesterday, I was worried my legs would be too tired to complete this w/o, but I survived!! It amazes me how I burn less calories every time I do this w/o! It doesn't make sense to me how as you get stronger, and work harder you burn less calories.
I am thinking of trying one of the ripped with hiit w/o's today.
Ripped with Hiit came in the mail yesterday! Yay! I will do some previewing this week and then jump into a rotation, not sure which one yet next week. Fun, fun, fun!

Afterburn today!

Katie, I love that you got to have a private session again!

Amy, I'm glad the extended stretch works so well for you! How are your legs after round two of disc 3?
I did RWH low impact premix 2 (it includes w/u, both low impact segments for a 50" w/o). LI one was pretty easy, the second one was a little more challenging since it uses weights. The pace is very quick in both w/o's. I also did both ab segments, the first one has some standing core work and uses an 8 pd DB. The second one is traditional mat work, some moves were new which was nice. Overall very pleased with these w/o's. On fri I am going to try the HIIT w/o's.
Today I did low impact step. I don't have nearly as much DOMS after doing STS disc 3 this time, but I do have some.

Thanks for the info about RWH low impact, Katie. I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of mine. The USPS status says I should get it tomorrow, but I don't trust that. The last time I ordered something, the postal service misplaced it for a week! If I do get it, I will be trying it out tomorrow.
Katie, how fun you got to jump right in with the new workouts!

I'm a little distracted with some other stuff I'm researching and reading so checking out the new workouts have been on a lower priority level. I'm going to make sure I take this weekend to get ready.

Amy, I'm glad your doms aren't as bad this time around!

Workout was all out low impact hiit.

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