Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

I was still tired from last week and a busy weekend, so I just did yoga max today. I don't usually do yoga and my mind usually goes all over the place.... But some of those poses brought on some burn!
Cendrine, I would love to do yoga at home but my dog would pester me the entire time. She won't come near me if I am doing cardio or wts because she is afraid I'll step on her, the minute I go to do "down dog" or stretch she is right next to me pestering me for a "pet".
I am going to try x10 today since I won't be able to work out for the next week with the holidays, wish me luck.
I hope you all have a nice holiday season.
Funny dog! ☺️ Pets are cute creatures. Good luck with your x10!
I did sts total body, figured I'd get my whole body a good work over just In Case I don't get to revisit workouts until next week. Maybe I'll get in some cardio but I'm not going to worry over it. We will be out of town I. A hotel for the next three days, I know they have a gym, but I don't always make it...
Merry Christmas, everybody!
Yesterday I did STS disc 6 again. My cats usually want pets when I'm doing floor work. And they walk under and on top of me. I decided to use this to my advantage. When I can't get one of my cats to come out from under my bed, I do a plank in front of it and he comes right out!
Good luck with x10!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We came home yesterday and are feeling pretty beat because we were pretty much going non stop. I did wake up really early and so I hit the gym once during our stay.
I just finished making my rotation for January. None of the rotations that came with ripped with hiit suited my fancy so I just did my own. It's going to be a fun smorgasbord of my favorites while trying to stay with a template of working upper and lower body separately once and together once with two additional cardio per week.
I'm also embarking on a detox program that is addressing Candida as well as other pathogens and leaky gut for the next six weeks. So I spent most of today shopping and preparing food. All four of us tested positive on the Candida test and the Candida diet allows for no grains or fruits for the first few weeks, which is a mayor adjustment for us, so I had to get prepared...
How are you guys doing?
I had a good Christmas. The dinner I prepared didn't come out as good as I had hoped (stuffed turkey breast), so I don't think I'll be trying to make that again anytime soon. My daughter's came out really good though. I got a Roku in the hopes that Cathe will have a Roku channel at some point in the not-too-distant future :) I hope everyone else had a good Christmas as well. I hope your detox goes well, Cendrine.

Today I did STS disc 8.
Hi, I had a nice xmas with family. We always have xmas eve with my husband's family and then travel to Pgh to be with my family on xmas day. It is always hectic but a lot of fun. My two boys and their girlfriends are here until NY eve, I may need a detox plan after all the drinking and eating we are doing. What detox program are you doing, Cendrine?
I am going to sneak in a w/o this am before they wake up, not sure if I will have much energy so it will be an easy one.
Workout today was tabatasice 1 and pyramid lower body. Was a good start after a semi week off...

Amy, the program I'm doing is called Gut Thrive 5, it is very new and completely holistic, so all supplements are herbal and they are very big on food being your medicine. The general eating guidelines ae avoiding all sugar and artificial sweetener, soy, gluten, fermented foods, and eggs if you see sensitive until week five. Limiting grains and maximizing veggies and very clean meats. Because I tested on Candida, I also have to limit fruits tremendously at the beginning. My supplements have not come in yet, but I'm starting on the diet today.
What detox might you be thinking about?
Today I did RWH, lower body circuit, my knees don't seem to like this w/o. I noticed the last time I did this that it bothered my knee but thought it was because i did too much of the plyo w/o's that week. I really like this w/o, I will need to modify a few moves if I want to do it more often.
Cendrine, I have never done a detox before so i have no idea as to what it entails. I just know my body isn't happy lately and wondered if it would help. I am so limited already with my gluten and dairy allergies that the thought of more restrictions may kill me, lol.
Sorry to hear your knees aren't liking the high impact! But I'm sure you will find ways to break a sweat during the I tervals that don't hurt your knees, right?

There are so many detoxes out there, it can be confusing. My advice for anyone wanting to do a detox is to just eat really clean, nothing processed, lots of greens and make that a life style, then the need to detox goes away and never comes back. The reason I'm doing this program is because apparently the Candida can keep living in my system if I eat fruits and such, it is even fed by starchy things. So I'm starving the bugs by not doing fruits and grains right now. That is really the only thing that I'm doing differently than how I already eat.

Workout today was rhythmic step, I really enjoyed it!
Thanks for the detox info, I do eat pretty clean, I think my problem right now is the "holiday crap and booze". Everything I ate over the holidays was gluten free, but I ate a lot of nuts which don't always agree with me, and drank too much wine (I never drink except at xmas when my family forces me, haha). Once the New Years is over I will get back on track and be fine.

I think my knees are hurting today due to the impending rain storm, having arthritic knees really stinks! I took a year off of doing all high impact after my MCL tear and the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. I was finally able to do the high impact without pain but this new series seems to bother my knees and back. I will be very disappointed if I can't use them. I know i can modify but I hate modifying!!!

Do you all have plans for the New Years? We stay home and invite our neighbors over, this way nobody has to drink and drive.
Enjoy the New Year
"Holiday crap and booze" is my issue lately too (well, not so much the booze). I don't eat super clean, but cleaner than I used to. I had a hard time keeping the saturated fat in check over the holidays, and I discovered some new foods to stay away from (some of the junk I bought for the holidays did not sit well in my stomach). I'll just stay home and have a few beers for New Years eve. I can't wait to get back on track later this week. Today I did STS disc 9.
Pyramid upper today for me. The triceps were hard... But I'm thrilled that I'm able to do upper body weights again at all. Last month I eased in and the tendonitis actually seems a bit better. Yay!

If the two of you want to help your liver, one thing right off the back you can do is eat beets. Beets are very helpful for the liver. I have a yummy smoothie recipe if you are I terested. Another thing to help gently detox is drink fresh lemon juice in warm water first thing in the morning. You can also get a good detox going by drinking a green smoothie every day. I have lots of recipes...

I'll check what else helps with liver detox.
Here's a list:

1. Beets and Carrots: Carrots are rich in Glutathione, a protein that helps detoxify the liver. Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene. Eating beats and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function. (Source) (Related CE Article: The Mother of All Antioxidants)

2. Tomatoes: They have abundant amounts of Glutathione (see article above) which again, are a great detoxifier for the liver. As a side effect Lycopene in tomatoes will protect against breast, skin and lung cancer. (Source)

3. Grapefruit: Another source of the liver cleansing glutathione. It’s also high in vitamin C and antioxidants, this boosts the production of the liver detoxification enzymes and increases the natural cleansing process of the liver.

4. Spinach: Raw Spinach is a major source of glutathione that triggers toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver.

5. Citrus Fruits: Lemons and Lime contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which helps stimulate the liver and aids the synthesizing of toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water.

6. Cabbage: The isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from cabbage’s glucosinolates provides liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins.

7. Turmeric: Turmeric is the liver’s favorite spice and helps boost liver detox. It does this by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

8. Walnuts: Walnuts are a good source of glutathione, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acid arginine, which support the normal liver cleansing actions, especially in detoxifying ammonia.

9. Avocados: The nutrient-dense superfood, avocado helps the body produce glutathione

10. Apples: They are high in pectin and other chemicals essential to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. Apples make it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

11. Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are high in sulfur and antioxidant glucosinolate, which forces the liver to release enzymes that block damage from environmental or dietary toxins.

12. Garlic: Garlic is loaded with sulfur that activates liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

13. Dandelion: Dandelion root tea assists the liver in breaking down fats, producing amino acids and generally ridding it of toxins.

14. Leafy Green Vegetables: Green Veggies are extremely high in plant chlorophyll’s that absorb environmental toxins, increase bile production, neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, which lowers the burden on the liver.

15. Cruciferous Vegetables: Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase production of enzymes glucosinolate in your system that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

16. Asparagus: Asparagus is a great diuretic helping in the cleansing process and sharing the detox load of the liver and kidneys. (Source)

17. Green Tea: Green tea is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function.

18. Olive Oil: Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great support for the liver, providing the body with a liquid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body.

19. Alternative Grains: Gluten rich grains such as wheat, flour, or other whole grains increase the load on the liver’s detox function and enzyme production. Switch to alternative grains like quinoa, millet and buckwheat.
Thanks for all the info, Cendrine. I would love the beet smoothie recipe, actually any good smoothie recipe would be appreciated. I do eat a lot of brussel sprouts and spinach. I need to use turmeric more often due to its anti inflammatory properties.
Amy, are you enjoying STS? I might try Cathe's rotation that includes RWH and STS. I like the idea of doing a rotation but I only seem to do that with STS.
No w/o for me today, I need to go shopping and clean for tonight.
Here's the green smoothie template I use when I'm making my own concoctions, I will send specific recipes in a little bit.

The Highest and Best Use of Your Time in the Kitchen!

Tip: For beginners and those trying to convert children, consider using LESS greens and MORE fruit (especially berries and bananas) in the beginning, gradually working up to a 50/50 ratio as described here. Use just the mild flavors in this transition phase, like spinach, kale, collards, and chard. With kids, consider using only spinach the first few days, then gradually sneak in the other mild but excellent greens (chard, collards, and kale). Add other savory or bitter greens only when your family are “experts” in green smoothies! Add a bit more water if you feel the smoothie is too thick.

  1. Put 2 C filtered water in the high-power blender.

  2. Optionally, add:

    3⁄4-1 tsp. stevia (herbal sweetener) or 1/3 C agave syrup (low glycemic index) 1⁄4 whole lemon, including peel (anti-skin cancer, high in flavanoids)
    2-3 Tbsp. fresh, refrigerated flaxseed oil (Omega-3-rich oil)

  3. Gradually add the following greens until briefly puréed and the mixture comes up to the 5-cup line (or less, if you are “converting”), and then purée the mixture for 90 seconds until very smooth.

    3⁄4-1 lb. raw, washed greens:
    spinach, chard, kale, collards (your mainstays)
    turnip, mustard, dandelion greens, arugula (use more sparingly, as they are spicy or bitter) lettuces and beet greens (also good—use freely)
    avocado or cabbage or 1-2 stalks celery (try, to see if you enjoy their inclusion)

    edible weeds from unsprayed fields (For the adventurous! Purslane has a mild flavor and vines are along the ground everywhere. Use stronger flavors of lambsquarter leaves [not the woody stems], morning glory, and thistle sparingly.)

  4. Gradually add the following fruit until the container is very full, then blend for 90 seconds or until smooth:

    1-2 bananas (for a creamy texture and sweetness)

    1-2 C frozen mixed berries (tastes wonderful and makes the smoothie purple rather than green)

    any other fruit to taste: our favorites are pears and peaches, but can also use apples, oranges, apricots, cantaloupe (with seeds—very high in antioxidants!), mango, pineapple, anything!
Makes approx. 8 C of 100% raw smoothie.

The more frozen fruit, the tastier your smoothie will be—and your high-power blender can handle it! You can save your smoothie in the fridge for up to two days—just shake well before drinking.
And here's the one using beets

Hot-Pink Breakfast Smoothie (3)

I have been drinking this every morning for quite a few years, just because I love it. Raw beets are an excellent blood purifier and coconut liquid is packed with minerals and electrolytes—and how many breakfasts do you know that taste great and contain raw carrots and beets? A 450-calorie breakfast that has four servings of fruits and vegetables, 15% plant protein, and good fats in the cashews. (You can view the GreenSmoothieGirl YouTube video on how to open a coconut easily: www.tiny.cc/3X3Xi.) Makes 1 qt.

11⁄2 C coconut liquid (best raw, or use from a can—both can be found at Asian markets) 1 large carrot, cleaned and cut into 3 pieces (or 5-6 baby carrots)1⁄4 of a medium beet, raw, peeled1⁄4 C cashews

1⁄4 C chopped dates (inexpensive in bulk foods at a health food store)
2 tsp. vanilla
12 frozen strawberriesoptional: 1-2 Tbsp. hemp protein or SunWarrior brand fermented brown rice protein powder optional: 2 Tbsp. kefir or yogurt

Purée all ingredients except the strawberries and hemp protein in your high-power blender for 90 seconds. Add the strawberries and purée on high until smooth. Add the hemp protein for the last 5 seconds.
I did low max today, felt a little bit weak, but powered through everything but the last blast.

This is day four of the Candida program and I'm down 3.5 lbs... I didn't think I was eating less salt but I'm assuming at least some of this is water loss. My protein intake is way higher than my regular diet and carbs are very low, but I haven't limited my portions. It will be interesting to see how things progress. Someone said when you lower inflammation, you loose weight. I have been adding a ton of turmeric and ginger the last few days. Maybe that's what it is...

You guys have any workout or other goals for this month or year?

My goal for the moment is to fix this Candida imbalance, and continue working on healing the leaky gut issue so I can eliminate more of the food sensitivities. Other than that I will focus on maintaining the fitness level I've reached, possibly increasing some weights, but am basically happy with where I'm at.

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