Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

Last night I worked out late again. I did Low Max Intervals 1-4 premix. It seemed harder than the last time I did it. Today I took a 3-mile walk and plan to lift weights later on tonight (chest, shoulders & biceps).

Catgirl, I hope you feel better soon! The last time I had a sinus infection it was miserable, but it cleared right up once I got on the antibiotics.

Thanks Catgirl and Cendrine for your input. I'd like to do more of a full body stretch than what my PT had me doing, but I suppose I could add stretches to the ones I am doing now so I get all my muscles. I'm a little nervous about doing yoga stretches. They seem to involve a lot of forward flexion.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. my weekend consisted of raking leaves, separating and replanting hostas and day lillies and putting covers over my pots due to a freeze warning tonight. I had such bad back spasms last evening, thankfully it was fine today. I find it strange I can do cardio and weights without back issues but if I clean or garden my back will bother me all evening.
Cendrine, My knees & back don't seem to like yoga either. I use to go to class 3 days a week but I would always leave with back pain. I really miss taking the classes and getting the mental benefits of yoga.
Catgirl, I hope you are feeling better. I did have cathe's stretch max dvd but gave it my friend. It was ok but I prefer a dvd called lastics more.The only drawback is it is an hour long. The instructor is very thorough and teaches you what not to do which I really liked.
Lisa, I hope you had a nice visit with your son. I spent last week cooking for my son as well. He goes to school about 1 1/2 hours from here so i made him some of his favorite foods to take to him.
I am going to visit my sister in MN for a few days this week. I haven't seen her for two years so I very excited.
Enjoy your week.
Busy weekend, never know when Mom will be needed :) . I only did spinning on Sat for 35 min, dog walk of 1 mile, then sunday woke up with huge knot in my shoulder blade, don't know why, I was a grump (you all know how it is, you hurt, you're grumpy because of it). Finally asked DH to press on the muscle to get it to release, he got it first time, should have done that vs the hot rice bag....told him he needs to go to massage with me next time and get tips from her on how to release it.

Catgirl, I've only had 1 sinus infection in my life, OMG, I feel for you, hope you feel better.

Cendrine, sounds like a fun weekend, better than cooking! or cleaning (I did that too). Made some Jalapeno creamy chicken enchaladas and chicken artichoke pesto lasagna, both in the crock pot...DS should eat well this week :)

Amy, I dont' have those stretch dvds, I think you need to do what is good for your body. I do some workouts on pilatesanytime.com (you can pause your subscription on there too), anyway, they mentioned something about forward flexion being bad for osteoporosis, I feel best forward flexion, I'm more stiff the other way, heck I'm just stiff :)

Katie, enjoy your visit, then promptly come rake my leaves! Ugh, hate raking leaves, hate yardwork, I just do not like!
Thank you all for your kind wishes. Started antibiotics today. I have a sinus infection, an ear infection and complete laryngitis. That's me, I never do anything half way. Have to go all out. LOL. My doctor stressed to me that I need to get lots of rest, so I probably still won't be working out this week.

I agree with Amy and stretching, you just have to play around and see what works for you. Anything forward I can do, can't do anything where I lean back for example. Just can't go that way anymore.

I hope everyone else is feeling well. Take care.
Hi everyone, yesterday I did the bootcamp/muscle endurance combo premix. I have never done this before and really enjoyed it. I think next time I do it I may add a few of the cardio's that were not included. Today I am planning on cleaning and packing for my trip. Tonight I am taking an "antigravity" yoga class. It is new to our area and I am hoping my back will tolerate this type of yoga. It sounds so intriguing to be suspended from the hammocks and do different poses.
Lisa, I will promptly come and rake your leaves after my trip, lol. I don't mind raking. but digging holes and dividing perennials I despise!!
Catgirl, get lots of rest and be sure to keep hydrated. Hope you start feeling better soon.
We were conditioning soil in our yard this weekend and planted spring bulbs. When we came in the Internet didn't work... Dh tried everything, no luck. He thinks we accidentally hacked the cable I the yard (not knowing where the cable is....) so we have been without Internet and will continue to be without until the cable guy comes... Using my cell as a hotspot to post, but it's sketchy... Sigh...
I did sts plyo legs 26 on Monday and intervals on the TM today for an hour.

Lisa, those meals sous delish!

Catgirl, it's a good thing you went to see the Doctor, I hope you bounce back quickly, but listen to him and take it easy!

Katie, antigravity yoga sounds interesting, I hope it's funand works well for you! We have some perennials to split and plant too. I have the same issue, can work out pretty well but yard work gets me every time. I guess it uses different muscles and for some reason it Is harder to maintain good form when doing actual functional work than working out with Dumbbells...
Today was PRS1 timesaver 1 premix, then just back work of XT CBS (I have to work only 1 UB part a day), then a 3.7 dog walk.

Cendrine, oh I feel your pain! Our internet was down, thankfully DH was on the phone to the cable company to get it up, he esp needs it for work.

Katie, hope your back holds up too, it sounds interesting, are you going with a friend? I am too shy to go to something like that by myself.

Catgirl, I hope you rebound quick, get rest!
I went to the anti gravity yoga class tonight, so much fun!!!!!! It is very joint friendly and my back felt great! We did a lot of inversions, it was so nice being upside down but not needing to be strong to do it. I could imagine doing this on a daily basis if it wasn't so expensive. If you get a chance to take a class i highly recommend.
Lisa, I did talk a friend of mine into going with me. I would have gone by myself but it was nice to have her there. I don't think she enjoyed it quite as much as i did, she gets nervous being upside down.
I think I will sleep well tonight, i feel like I am on a high, so exhilarating!!
Katie, I know what you mean about cleaning and gardening causing back issues. I hope you have a good time in MN! It looks like the weather should be OK this week. I'm just outside of St. Paul. I'm glad you enjoyed the anti-gravity yoga class. That sounds really interesting.

Lisa, I used to feel best with forward flexion. I've been more nervous about it since surgery though.

Take it easy, Catgirl, and get well soon!

I hope you get your internet back soon, Cendrine. I work from home, so if my internet went out, I'd have to take a vacation. Not that I would mind :)

Yesterday I walked and lifted weights (legs & abs), and today I did Low Max Intervals 4-7 premix.

I had a health screening for work yesterday. My blood pressure was down and in a good range, but my LDL cholesterol was worse than when I started eating better, losing weight, and exercising. My HDL didn't change, but it wasn't good before, so it is still bad. I was hoping 7 months worth of lifestyle changes would give me better numbers, but now they are worse! I made an appointment to talk to my doctor about it Thursday. On a positive note, I weighed under 200 lbs. for the first time in years this morning!
Amy, If you are eating better and your BP is down I wouldn't get hung up on the LDL, did you fast for this test? What are your triglyceride levels? You should read the book "wheat belly", a cardiologist wrote this book and his section on cholesterol is very informative. Keep exercising and your HDL should get better.
We got internet fixed temporarily, yay! Should be fixed completely by the end of the week or so. The kids were happy that the Internet was down, because there are a couple of things for school we do online and it meant they could skip it....
Workout today was plyo legs disk 29. It seems it makes no difference how often I do the half turn jumps, they never get any easier....
Katie, I'm glad the yoga class was so fun! Too bad that it's expensive...
Amy, congrats on the progress you are making weight and BP wise! It's encouraging to see progress! My dh's cholesterol and triglycerides were not manageable through diet and exercise alone, definitely hereditary on his side, but he got the numbers down using essential oils just a couple of months ago. Worth giving it a try if you are looking to stay off statins. Dh took the oil three times a day, now he wants to experiment if the numbers can be maintained by reducing to twice a day. The oil isn't cheap, but neither are statins, although insurance covers the drugs at least some.
Today I did 60 min of spinning, it had 10 HIIT intervals, Oh my! Then a 3.5 mile dog walk.

Amy, do you track your food? I just recently lost 30 lbs (again), it was weight from stress at work and then from depression after surgery, I got a fitbit and that's the best thing I ever did, it made me more accountable and I realized I wasnt' burning as much as I thought (darn this getting older thing). How about fish oil, i do have blood tests to prove it helped me and DH improve the HDL (he still had bad LDL...genes).

Cendrine, I do the half turn jumps with one foot on a disc these days, seems effective enough for me.

Katie, so now I have an excuse for not gardening....I'll tell them it's bad for my back :) . Enjoy your trip!
Katie, I did fast for the test. Since it was just a screening for work, they did not check triglycerides. I'm due for my doctor to run all those tests next month. I will check out that book, thanks!

Cendrine, I'm glad you have your internet back temporarily! My cholesterol issues are genetic as well. My numbers have never been good, but they are getting worse. I do want to stay off of statins. Was it lemongrass oil that your dh used?

Lisa, I do track my food, and I also have a fitbit. I take fish oil, but I think perhaps I'm not taking enough? I'm going to ask about that at my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I hope he doesn't just push statins on me. He's already suggested them before.

Today I walked for 2.5 miles, and I plan to lift weights in a few minutes.
HI ladies, today did XT CBS, but only 1/2 of the chest exercises and then only shoulders, then a 2.5 mile walk.

Amy, remind me, what surgery did you have? Microdiscectomy or something like that? Did docs say you have to be careful with stuff with your discs in your lower back? I know mine lifted all restrictions, but I try not to joggle my neck too much and skip running (though they said I could ) because I don't want the discs above and below the fusion to go next, they already have tiny central protrusions!
Today I walked almost 3 miles and will lift weights in a bit.

My doctor is not very concerned about my cholesterol levels. He said to keep doing what I'm doing (losing weight, exercise, etc.), but I did have him refer me to a dietitian to help with further modifying my diet.

Lisa, I had a microdiscectomy (L5-S1). I think all restrictions have been lifted as far as that goes, but I'm still careful and have no plans to do any running. I haven't gotten any advice since I finished PT. Last I knew the recommendation was just to be careful and tilt my pelvis.
Amy, the oil dh uses is a blend of several different ones. I get it here http://heritageessentialoils.com/cholesterol-maintenance.php you can read about the ingredients and why they are included on this link. Dh asked his dr who had put him on statins if they could do this experiment and recheck his levels after two months. Dr was so happy with the results, he doesn't want to see him for a whole year... Lol.

Lisa, half turn jumps on the disk is such a great idea! I would not have thought of that! I understand why you are being careful, as not to have other discs go bad, I'm thinking the same thing here, prevention. Don't want to go through recovery of another one, that's for sure.

Workout yesterday was intervals on the TM and today disk 32 of plyo legs. I have one more week of plyo legs now, I think I'm ready for a change... It's intense stuff.
Happy friday! Today I did a 3.3 mile walk and plyo legs disc 26, wow, been 2+ years since I've done that one, I just love the STS music when you load the dvd.

Cendrine, just to be clear, half turn jumps on discs are more like quarter turn jumps :) . You inspired me with plyo legs :)

Amy, I used to work for a bit for a nutritionist. She had people taking 1000 mg fish oil pills 3x a day (must space them out for best benefit). I think docs don't restrict you if the science doesn't 99% back it up because they'd prefer people to be active and enjoy what they like to do. Although last winter they did tell me not to ski....a fall could have compromised the fusion. I didn't specifically ask if I could ski now, mainly because DH's knees can't take it anymore and the lift tickets are too pricey these days ($100-$130).
I walked 2 miles yesterday and 3 miles today. I also lifted weights today.

Cendrine, thanks for the info about the essential oils. That is so great that the doctor doesn't want to see him for a year!

Lisa, the fish oil bottle says I'm supposed to take 3 a day, but I've only been taking one a day. Apparently one a day doesn't help, so I will start taking 3 a day.
Plyo legs disc 35 today, for the last time in this rotation. I agree with you, Lisa, the music when you start Sts is awesome, I love it every time!

I was working on figuring out my next rotation since this is my last week of plyo legs. I initially wanted to do the undulating xtrain/low impact one, but I realized it would feel too repetitive for me, since I work out legs more due to my limitations for upper body work. So I started out with the undulating and added in all the last new workouts, which I realized I had barely done, in fact I haven't done the step DVDs at all! So not like me! Not sure what happened there... Lol

Everyone have a great day!

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