Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

I could not do cardio today because it is much too hot. I did my legs, and I was sweating doing that. I did wear my trusty MCDavid knee brace. I am washing the clothes I worked it in.
What wonderful pics from the RT. It sounds like you had a great time and congrats for keeping up. I'm glad your neck held up well.

I haven't posted in a few days. I'm not sure if this is allergies or a huge head cold, but I have been down and out. I have so much congestion, I have to cough several times a minute, I've gone through boxes of Puffs Plus, and I haven't been able to sleep in days. Oh, and I'm losing my voice. Today I felt like I got a workout. I managed to drag myself out of bed and take a shower and get dressed. LOL.

Take care.
I did an hour of intervals on the treadmill. Then I spent most of the day standing around watching the kids enjoy all sorts of mazes and other fun fall pumpkin patch type activities out at a farm with friends. I was very glad to be sitting down finally! Going to bed early tonight!
Sorry, I missed your posts...
Catgirl, I know how you feel when you feel like you worked out just by getting yourself out of bed and ready for the day! Not fun! Hopefully you will beat this soon! Hang in there.

Caitlin, where do you live? It's definitely no longer hot enough here in Portland to not want to work out....
Today I took a 2-mile walk and lifted weights (chest, shoulders & triceps).

Caitlin, I know what you mean about not being able to do cardio when it's too hot. I have a very low tolerance for heat. We had an unusually pleasant summer this year where I live, but usually I just want to hide in the basement all summer.

Catgirl, all that coughing is probably also giving you an unintended chest workout! I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.

Cendrine, that sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. I love fall pumpkin patches, corn mazes, etc. I haven't gotten out to one this year, but I always think about it when I go for walks and see corn fields along the way.
Hello, all,

I live in New York City, and it is 77 out today, and wam in my house. I will only do my upper body today. At least I am doing something. I also have herniated and bulging discs from my neck to my waist. I wear a size 1 Enell bra, because I am only 5'1" and too big on top.

I used to run all the time, and I ran the NYC Marathon, and about six half marathons. I can't compete now because you have to drive to the races, and I have no car. I hope to get to know you all. I can't wear a barbell on my neck and shoulders; I have to put the weights on my sides.
Sts disc 32 plyo legs this morning. It's funny how on different days different plyo segments do me in... Finished out the workout with PT exercises. The weather is rainy hand the wind is howling this morning. Makes me want to curl up by the fire all day...
Our deck is rotten through pretty bad,so we are tearing it out and restructuring the yard. We found what we think is a raccoon home and a dead skunk... How were they there all this time without us noticing?! There's your random bit of news for the day...
Hi everyone,
Rainy, humid and windy here today in Pa. Today i did CLB with core 2, and the 100 rep hip thrusts. Yesterday I did the bi/tri disc from xtrain. I am really enjoying these w/o again. I love when you come back to w/o you haven't done for awhile and realize how much you enjoy doing them. I cannot wait for the new w/o to arrive. Did you guys pre-order these w/o?
HI girls, I'm still trying to recover! GLutes, Hammies, oh my! I've been walking 3 miles a day, today I finally added in xt bi/tri. I met a personal trainer at the rt and she suggested doing bicep curls wit my back and elbows up against a wall so as not to involve the neck. I think it helped! I think all these years I've been using some of my neck. I felt it so much more in my bi too. try it sometime! Oh, and I went at my pace, I can't keep up with cathe anymore. Someone asked if I would do another RT, no, I'm a one time experience type of girl. I didn't get to see Cathe all that long and I didn't want to infringe on her time but others (that must know her) did. It's beautiful here, mid 70's perfect, daytona is too hot for me, I grew up in fl, I hate that hot humid weather. I'll try to get back to doing personal tomorrow!
Lisa, I would love to go on the RT someday but worry that it may be a little "too much" exercise for me in such a short period of time. I find it hard to recover these days. Did you feel you had enough recovery time in between w/o? Thanks for the suggestion on doing bicep curls on the wall, that should really help my friend. I always need to find creative ways for her to keep her form.
Since it is rainy here I ended up cooking a batch of chili and spaghetti sauce, getting ready for the cold that is supposed to arrive. I definitely am not looking forward to the winter !! I would love to live somewhere where the temp is in the 70's year round, I would not miss the change of seasons anymore!
Caitlin, I am sure you will be getting the cold weather in NYC soon as well. My son loves NYC, he is in his second year of medical school and is hoping to do his residency somewhere in NY.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Today I took a quick walk and did an old '90s aerobics video.

Caitlin, I've never heard of an Enell bra. I looked it up online and am really interested in buying one. I am too big on top as well. I will probably wait until I've hit my weight loss goal before I invest in one.

Katie, I pre-ordered the new low impact workout.
I'm taking today off. Pushing through period discomforts is no longer something I do to myself. I allow for the first day off, learning to be kinder to myself in every way.

Lisa, I know I would be sore and exhausted myself too, after spending the weekend with Cathe! Lol! I understand what you mean about not wanting to infringe on Cathe's time with others, I would feel the same way but also wanting to hang out with her and not getting to...

Caitlin and Amy, there is nothing quite like working out in a perfectly supportive bra! Way worth the search and money to get the real thing!

Katie, I'm looking forward to the new DVDs too!
today I walked 3.3 miles and did 60 min on the pilates reformer. My body is just telling me to get a nice gentle stretch on. I've been bad for the last week doing my stretches.

Cendrine, I do not miss those times, and am glad you are taking a rest. With age comes wisdom?

Katie, I do think it was hard not having too much down time during RT. And now my body just feels like it's been put thru the ringer. My roomie on the RT says she's fine, and she's 51, hmmmm. Must be those pesky genetics again :) . I'm glad I did it and glad I had a buddy with me (someone from my other checkin thread)
Today I walked 2.5 miles, lifted weights for legs, and worked my abs.

Lisa, I've been slacking off on stretching lately. Thanks for reminding me. I will try to remember to do them before bed tonight.
I finished plyo legs disk 35 today. I'm glad I get another two days off now that it's weekend.
Is anyone doing anything fun this weekend? I don't have any plans yet, kind of hoping for a lazy, book filled, fireplace warmed kind of weekend...
Today I did the fat burning w/o from x10 along with lean legs and abs. Normally when I do x10 I do the entire w/o which is exhausting! I really enjoyed only doing one segment.
I don't have any exciting plans for the weekend, probably get the rest of my yard work done. There are so man leaves to rake!! I hope you all have a nice weekend.
I did supercuts and 3 mile walk. I think I'm almost recovered from RT and travel.

Katie, that a lot of working out! And yes the entire x10 is exhausting, I've only ever done the x77 premix which I think is the entire thing? I've only done it once (had to prove I could before the RT).

Cendrine, I haven't done sts or plyo in a couple years, I want to get back to it someday. My shoulder blade knot area is feeling so good after my massage in that area, I am in no hurry to make it hurt again so I'm trying to be sensible with weight load and amount.

Amy, even some of the die hards at the RT were feeling glute pain, so maybe it wasn't my age and lack of stretching :).

This weekend my youngest DS is in from Kansas, he just graduated as chemical engineer and got a job out there. He had to visit a plant that was exactly 1/2way between where he lives and our place so since he is so close he is coming to visit with his GF. So, I have a weekend of cooking (he loves taking leftovers back with him).
Yesterday I did Low Impact Step and lifted weights for back & biceps. I worked out late because I took a nap after work. I was so tired because I could not get enough sleep all week.

I have no exciting plans for the weekend. Tomorrow's weather looks like it will be very nice for walking, so I'll probably try to get chores done today so I can be outside tomorrow.

Lisa, I've been thinking about stepping up my stretching program this week. Does anyone have Cathe's Total Body Stretching and/or Stretch Max? If so, what do you think of them? I am thinking about getting them.
Hi all, still very sick here. I do believe that it is now a sinus infection. I'll be calling my doctor on Monday. I think I'm going to need antibiotics to get rid of this.

Amy, I have total body stretching and stretch max. Out of the two, I do stretch max more. I like that it has three different 20 min segments. When I have time for a really good long stretch, I go for yoga relax.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Amy, I have all Cathe's stretch DVDs but I honestly don't do them anymore. I used to like the extended stretch on sts the most, but most yoga stretches are no good for me. I did all the back stretches from yoga thinking they would help me get better and I ended up getting worse. I finally learned that any of the stretches that have any kind of twisting quality to them are the worst. But others are not ideal for me either. So my stretch routine is completely based on exercises given by the PT for my specific issues.

Catgirl, I feel for you! I hate sinus infections! I have had bad bouts of allergies turn Into sinus infections before as well. No fun!

This weekend is turning out to be productive. My mom is coming to stay with us from Switzerland in November and I wanted to get things a little organized. So dd and I are finishing two of her sewing projects this weekend, almost done with a reversible drawstring patchwork backpack she's had sitting on the table for months, and she is making a patchwork tablecloth for her american girl doll's table.... We have so many scraps from a friend who has a clothing line that it seems patchwork is all we do for now.... Lol!

Katie, I have yet to tackle doing all x10 in a row! Nice work!

Lisa, I hope your time with your son is wonderful! What are you cooking for him?

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