Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrina Disaster

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

We cannot compare this hurricane to the hurricanes in Florida. No offense for people who lost their homes in the Florida hurricanes, but they were a walk in the park compared to the devestation in the Gulf.

I have faith that things are going to be okay. Things are starting to improve. I still critisize the delayed response, but this is a extrememly complex situation and we cannot "blame" one person or group.

Like I said, let this be a learning experience so something like this never happens again.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Also, try this story:

Key passages (for me anyway):
Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

"We are facing a storm that most of us have long feared," Nagin said.

The storm surge most likely could topple the city's levee system, which protect it from surrounding waters of Lake Pontchartrain, the Mississippi River and marshes, the mayor said. The bowl-shaped city must pump water out during normal times, and the hurricane threatened pump power.

Previous hurricanes evacuations in New Orleans were always voluntary, because so many people don't have the means of getting out. Some are too poor and there is always a French Quarter full of tourists who get caught.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

This is why government exists. They have dropped the ball. It looks like the third world and it's horrible and disgusting how badly it is being handled. Shouldn't we have the most rapid response and the best resources in the world? It's heartbreaking.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Amen Bobbi!

Makes you wonder how safe we really are. I don't have much faith in the powers that be. I think this is a big wake-up call for everyone and we need major change!

My heart goes out to those victims. Despite social class, we are all human beings and deserve the basic necessities of life. It's hard to read the intolerant comments of others on this board. I certainly hope the people that wrote those comments never experience hardship and never find themselves in poverty due to econcomical or health issues. We need compassion at this time of crisis.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Bobbi: Questions to be answered:
About evacuation, this article asks a lot of important questions:

I'm wondering why these buses were not used:
There are hundreds of public school buses that could have probably moved a few thousand people.

I'm wondering why if evacuation to the Superdome caused problems in 1998 for a hurricane that did not even hit New Orleans why they had not changed the protocol in dealing with evacuees to the Superdome 7 years later? This passage is from an article I had previously linked to in a previous post:
Officials had already confiscated weapons, including guns, raising fears of the unrest that took place at the dome in 1998. Then, 14,000 people waiting out Hurricane Georges, caused $10,000 in damage and looted another $8,500 in property. In anticipation of the massive flooding, people in the shelter would likely not be allowed to leave until Tuesday, when they would then be relocated by federal authorities, said Terry Ebbert, New Orlean's director of Homeland Security.

Evidentially, they didn't have food, water, and portable commodes in 1998 nor 7 years later in 2005 for evacuees to the Superdome. They knew they would have a large amount of people in there for at least 3-4 days and probably with no electricity (we haven't had a hurricane yet where electricity wasn't lost). What will they have when the next hurricane comes?

I'm wondering why the Mark Morial Convention Center, where thousands were also evacuated to, has largely gone off the screen for days? The local government evacuated the people there and basically forgot about them. All attention has been on the Superdome. What about the people in the convention center? Which begs the question: What about other evacuation sites?

Yes, there will be questions for FEMA and the other federal agencies. But if all you do is blame the feds, as the original poster of this thread did, then aren't you doing us, and especially the people caught in this nightmare, a serious disservice? If the federal government is totally to blame, then we should do away with mayors and governors and just let the feds run everything.

In response to Lori: Yes, Florida has been lucky because our major cities, like Miami, have not been directly hit. But you can compare. Lets see the similarities: Large amounts of people who need to be relocated swiftly, the need for safe places to evacuate to for those unable or unwilling to leave the area, the need for potable water, the need for food, the loss of communication, the loss of electricity, the complete loss of homes, the complete loss of businesses, the need to establish law and order quickly. Sure, where I am we will not have to deal with flooding like NO because we are above sea level. But we could have storm surge that is basically tidal waves which hit with great force when they rush in and then again when they rush out. Thats what moved that massive casino across the highway and on top of the Holiday Inn in Mississippi. I've been to that casino. It isn't small, its huge! New Orleans unique problems: standing flood water which will not recede on its own and a large urban population that cannot be easily moved out. I hope Miami is taking note here, at least as far as the population evacuation problem goes.

I know passions are running high and all we see is devastation. Now we know (although I remember Hurricane Andrew and the tent cities and the national guard and people fighting for water, etc.) how quickly we can lose the trappings of civilization. Hopefully, NO will be back and better. Hopefully, they will also be better prepared as will other places. Hopefully, more people will take their own well being into their hands and get out if they can, have emergency rations, potable water, firearms (not pc I know, but if I was in NO I'd be a lot safer with one right now), etc.

Well, I'm sick with a cold today and must have a lot of time on my hands. But mostly, I love New Orleans. My husband grew up there. We've been there too many times to count. I love Mardi Gras. So far, people in his family have lost at least 4 houses and at this point don't know what will happen. Six of them are on their way to my MIL's house in Atlanta. We've invited them to stay here, too.

I hope the city comes back even better and safer and prepared.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...


Thank you so much for your level-headed, clear-minded posts and informative contribution. Those that enjoy bashing and hating President Bush will continue, and they'll dismiss the information -- but at least it's there if someone wants to read it and research it for themselves.

I swear, anytime something negative happens it is so predictable what comes next: "It's Bush's fault!" Now he causes hurricanes? Huh? That doesn't even sound rational. Lord help us if people are so filled with hatred that they want to believe that.

Michael Moore (and the more liberal-leaning in our media) are quite skilled at leaving pertinent information OUT of their reporting to shape opinion if it serves their purpose. They know very well that most Americans will not bother to check their accuracy.

This is a sad, sad moment. We feel helpless, but we're not. Send money, and do it now. The second I sent my money for hurricane relief, I felt better -- a little less helpless.

I sent my money through Feed the Children. They've already had fleets of trucks moving in with food & supplies, but they need help with fuel costs.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

>Dani, I'd do the same for my children, but I'd be sure to pay
>the store back as soon as I could, even if it took a few
>years. I'm not a thief.

Same here. :)
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

>Michael Moore (and the more liberal-leaning in our media) are quite >skilled at leaving pertinent information OUT of their reporting to >shape opinion if it serves their purpose. They know very well that >most Americans will not bother to check their accuracy.

I think this is very true of BOTH the right and left leaning media.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

interesting article....note written in September 2002. And the draining of the wetlands are caused by levees on the Mississippi, and are needed because cities along the Mississippi keep expanding. That is not Federal, that is the cities....

Guess I have too much time on my hands....another interesting article:

I am from Illinois and well remember the floods of 93, in fact my daughter was born in April and the whole month there was no sunshine, just rain, rain, rain.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

For anyone interested: This book, Isaac's Storm by Eric Larson, did more to change my DH and my cavalier attitude about hurricanes, evacuating and preparing for them than Hurricane Betsy, Camille (my DH lived through those as a boy), Andrew, etc. ever did.

You can see it here:

We've been struggling against nature for a long time.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Buttercup, thanks so much for your logical and well-thought posts and the info from the links...those took some time! Also your perspective as a Floridian and your DH's link to NO. Your posts have been refreshing to read in light of the news stories.

We live in southeastern VA and just about two years ago we had a much smaller, weaker sister of Katrina roll through NC and VA: Isabel. She came calling on 18 Sept. 2003, as a Cat. 1. And we learned a lot! First the initial storm can be rough (Isabel wasn't...she could have been far worse), but it's what follows that can be sheer hell. We got off so much better than NO and MS and AL (say what happened to Biloxi and Gulfport? Just because they have been virtually wiped off the map, is that any reason for the media to act like they aren't news anymore????), but the power outages, the clean up (we are still amazed at how many trees came down with so little damage to homes and so little loss of life!), the shortages of gas, food, water. We had stocked up and had a generator and living right by a school, power early..but a lot of folks depended on the Red Cross to feed them.

And we're watching the situation on the Gulf now and trying to learn all we can. Because it's just a matter of time before VA gets another big one...all our own:( We have a spit of land in Norfolk called Willoughby Spit, created by a colonial-era hurricane; now full of houses and business.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

>you see Bush in New Orleans feeding an infant so his/her
>mother could get a sandwich and water??
That is PR, spin, whatever you want to call it. Like the old "politicians kissing babies."
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Thank you Buttercup. As Marla/Jumphigher stated, it is refreshing to read your level-headed and informative post.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Thank you Buttercup. As Marla/Jumphigher stated, it is refreshing to read your level-headed and informative post.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I haven't checked the links yet but my husband is very tuned in and he'll watch things I just can't anymore. I heard a story about non-essential personnel being evacuated from the private Tulane (sp?) Hospital while critically injured patrons of a public hospital, which dealt mostly with the poor, were not. There's an element of discrimination against the poor that's more about class than even race although some of the racist stuff I have heard second hand is very ugly and disturbing and disheartening. :(
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I'm not usually confrontational on boards, so I'll just say this.

I wonder how long it took for all 75 of these posts to be typed and read by hundreds of women. What could you have been doing in all that time that would have HELPED the victims rather than sat here and spouted all the hindsighted wisdom (from both sides) that doesn't really help in the long run?? Is some top government official going to read the Cathe forums and find some insight in one of our monologues? Does it make you feel better to point fingers and debate which side was the sinner? What if you spent all that time and anger and EFFORT, and cleaned out your closets, garages, and attics and took stuff down to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Even if your things don't get used directly by a hurricane victim you'll be helping someone else in need. If you think things have been handled so horribly, step away from the keyboard and do something about it. Words don't help right now, hearts and hands are what's going to help these people. If I had a dollar for every word in this thread I bet I could set up a displaced hurricane family for a month.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Well, you don't and this is a discussion board so get off your high horse because that is plain silly. Confront away but, honey, you are wasting time you could be spending aspiring to be Mother Teresa. I had a garage sale a few weeks ago so my closets are clean and what was left over did indeed go to Goodwill long before Katrina hit but that's not any business of yours, really. You have no idea what any of us has done in addition to our discussions so please, go do something good for someone so we can do what these boards allow us to do. openly discuss any topic we chose.

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I filled my long bed truck up twice yesterday and took it to goodwill. You live in Texas, have you taken in one of the families or any people into your home from the buses?
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

So Bobbi, I guess because I have a different opinion than you that I am not allowed to openly discuss the same topic that you choose to? Is the discussion board only for people who share your opinion? Makes for a pretty boring internet, one would think.

As for me, I've spent the last two days trying to do everything I can think of to help people. I live in a city that has thousands of refugees coming to find shelter. I drove 20 miles to sit in a line of cars for 40 minutes to donate goods. The suburb where I live is housing at least 300 refugees alone in a private camp. I'm volunteering at our library to accept drop off donations for the families who will be staying at the camp. I'm not saying that I'm the only one that is doing anything like this. It's midnight, so I'm taking a bit of time to decompress from my day. I just think that some people have a really twisted view of what is really happening here. I think we SHOULD be scared, because it could be any one of us, no matter where we live, or who is in the oval office.

Wake up and come look some of these people in the face and see if it's really that important that we have someone to blame.

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