Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrina Disaster

For YEARS they've been telling N.O. that their levees are only equiped to handle a cat. 3 hurricane and they've done nothing about it. Sure, funding wasn't there, etc., but doesn't public safety supercede funding?

Clearly the head of FEMA was overwhelmed and should be fired IMHO. If he can't handle his job they need to find someone who can.

I also find it sad that when a reporter asked Pres. Bush whether we had enough Nat'l guardsmen in the U.S. to respond to the gulf coast he said (indignantly), "of course! We have plenty of Nat'l guard being deployed as we speak"...And today they're pulling soldiers out of Iraq and Afganistan to come help.

As someone else stated in another post, if this had been an election year for Bush things would have been much different.

As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Hopefully the gov. will learn from this huge blunder and people will listen to hurricane warnings (those with the means to evacuate).
You know, if you really want to pull together as Americans to solve this matter and reduce the impact of the ones that will most definitely follow, you need to vote for a president who will sign the Kyoto treaty and then make good on his word to make sure the US does its part to reduce the impact of global warming.

Putting economic growth of the US before global warming issues is more than criminal.

I am surprised and greatly disappointed that only Nancy could see that the US government is indeed responsible for the impact of the hurricane to a large degree because it preferred to sell the wetlands for development rather than preserve them as the natural defence bariers they are meant to be.

There is a mistake in the original post which asserts that no other country in the world has rushed to pledge aid and that the US is the only country in the world who steps into the breach repeatedly to save other countries from themselves. It's a patronizing viewpoint and an imperialist attitude the US has to the rest of the world, including Europe. What newspapers are you reading? Offers of aid have been pouring in from all over the world. Aid has even been refused by Bush's administration from certain European countries. The problem may be, to a certain extent, whether the lion can accept help from the mouse?

And yes, race has everything to do with the social anarchy reigning in New Orleans. It is for that reason that the looting and violence that has erupted in NO does not surprise me. Those who are marginalized within society and then left behind when disaster strikes will express their anger.

I did not find the original post excessively long. I found it timely and, for the most part, refreshing.

Excellent post Clare!

Over 60 countries have pledged help to us, including, Cuba, France, and Venezuela...not exactly friends of ours. If only our President would put his pride aside for the wellfare of millions of Americans.
For an excellent rundown of the situation that is not clouded by emotions or politics, I recommend listening to the press conference given this afternoon by the secretary of Homeland Security, Chertoff. Try to find the whole thing, not the soundbites--it's excellent.
I totally concur with Clare's assessment and excellent post. It's always all about the money trail. As a land use lawyer it amazes me that the government lets developers buy their way out of wetland preservation and negative environmental impact. And then when massive flooding occurs (and it's EVERYWHERE folks - not just in the hurricane ravaged region that we're focused on right now) the officials shrug their shoulders and say that's the price of modern life!!! When are we going to wake up and realize that WE have the power to make a difference? But we have to pull together and act, not just complain. I really hope this serves as a wake up call to us.


PS - if you were GWB, how long would YOU let the FEMA director keep his job? Especially after the interviews with NPR and Ted Koppel where he said he didn't have confirmation of the deplorable conditions at the convention center. Anyone else see / hear those?
Yeah, I heard the NPR interview. He seemed utterly clueless. According to Maureen Dowd, Michael Brown's qualifications for the post are a stint as the head of some international Arabian horse association. Perhaps he has other qualities--like money to put in Bush's campaign coffers?
LOL- You really crack me up, Catwoman. Blame it all on Bush, will you??? If the sun blows up, are you going to blame it on Bush? When tsunami happened, I bet you blamed Bush. When cows get sucked into a spaceshuttle, blame it on the president of the USA!!!! If I were to blame someone, I'd blame that fat mayor of NO and the stupid b*tch Governor of La. as they had FOUR, I'm saying FOUR days of warning a CATAGORY FIVE hurricane was going to hit. Did they listen??? NO. I blame people down there because they didn't evacuate as they were supposed to. They had 4 days, too. I saw on the news on the eve of the hurricane, they were throwing parties!!!!!!!!! WTF do you call that?? They did it to THEMSELVES. The only people I feel sorry for in NO are people in nursing home and babies as their parents are too stupid to get their asses out. You know what else?? A part of missisippi is in a much worse condition than NO. Do we hear about it?? NO. Frankly, I do not give a crap if NO is wiped out. People down there are PIGS. I'm not saying everyone are but a lot of them are pigs. I'm so tired of people like you. You do not think, you do not gather information. You let your feelings get so involved you cannot think. And yes, we have plenty of military down here. I don't want to hear BS they all are in Iraq or whatever. I do not listen to the press very much as they all are liberals and they make up alot of crap. The mayor and the govenor should have done more for the poor as they had 4 days of warning. They didn't give a crap. I don't hear anyone bitching and whining in Florida when 3 major hurricanes hit them 3x in a row. They just sucked it in and cleaned up. People in NO are embarassment. Going around killing people, stealing, raping women, etc. I'm glad the military are on shoot to kill order down there 'cause I'd do the same if some loser were to shoot me from the roof of some house just for the gist of it. They really need to grow up.

Any other blame you want to place on Bush??? For all I know, he's one damn good president. I feel sorry for him because the press really chew him out. What for?? He's not coming back on the next term so there's no point. This makes me laugh so much. People are so busy pointing fingers at each other instead of helping out. If you feel so sorry for these people, why don't you park your asses in NO and Miss. and help them clean up and rebuild their homes??????????????

Have a great weekend. Jeez.

NOW I remember why we really don't like to talk politics on this website. Good thing we can all work out! :)

Claire, I agree with the Kyoto part of your post. But looting is NOT a form of expressing anger. Looting is plain stealing -- regardless of any circumstances. Mari
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

>Claire, I agree with the Kyoto part of your post. But looting
>is NOT a form of expressing anger. Looting is plain stealing
>-- regardless of any circumstances. Mari

But what if your infant baby were starving to death? You wouldn't go get some milk for that baby in this kind of cirumstance? You'd let the baby die?

I think there's a difference between getting milk/food for your dying baby and taking stuff from a jewelery store. If my son were starving to death, I'd be grabbing some food for him, that's for sure. I'm not ashamed to say that. I'm no thief either. Just my .02.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

First I feel sorry for those who lost loved ones in this great tragedy!

It’s funny how many Monday night quarterbacks are coming out of the wood works.
It was stupid for Lincoln to be sitting right off the stage where he could be shot so easily!
It’s was sure stupid of us to have all the pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, when we knew there might be problems with Japan!
Luke is stupid for not knowing Vader was his daddy!
I’m so smart, if they listen to me now, I could have prevented all this!

1. The States Governor is the one to call for federal help NOT the president!
a. When asked for help the President responded quickly, he even oked the area for disaster funds prior to the event. (A first)
b. The President put 10 billion dollars towards funding in the area.
2. You don’t stage rescuers in harms way. Pulling troops in or near the path of the danger would be stupid!
3. The vast majority of the people that stayed did so after MANY warnings to leave but opted to stay anyway.
a. Some (very few) stayed because they just couldn’t get out. (At a hospital etc...)
b. Some were just to lazy to get up and out.
c. Some stayed with the intention to loot, and steal anything they could get their hands on. (You don't steal jewelry to feed a hungry baby!)
d. Some stayed because they were too stupid to believe they might be effected.
e. Some were in jails and couldn’t leave.
4. Should we flush money down the toilet they call New Orleans anyway?
a. That city has been a dump for years.
b. They built a city BELOW sea level, located next to the ocean, in a hurricane area.
5. Solution:
Don’t rebuild what shouldn’t have been there in the first place! Use the money wisely, and use it to help relocated people, and business to higher, and safer ground.
Last comment: This all makes too much since and is NOT “PC”, so of course won’t be done. We will flush billions down the “NEW” New Orleans toilet instead.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Some points responding to various posts: First of all, I've known my DH and his family for 16 years. My MIL lived in NO all her life until last year. Her favorite expression for the past 16 years is "New Orleans is the city that never should have been built, Honey." They've known for years that the city is under sea level. Heck, they've got pumps all over town to keep it dry from normal rainfall.

According to the governor Blanco, Bush called her and asked her prior to the hurricane hitting NO that she declare a mandatory evacuation. This seems a little damning of her because she should have taken that initiative on her own.

As far as the National Guard, by law, no one state can have more than 50% of its guard go out of the country. This includes LA. The percent of people we have in Iraq and Afganistan right now is only 12% of our personnel. Florida, where I live, has 12,000 guard. Only 2000 are stationed in Iraq. Even so, it would not have been a good idea to deploy the guard prior to the hurricane because 1) the traffic trying to escape it would have prevented troop movement in and 2) the guard are needed afterwards and probably would not be effective stranded on rooftops or worse, drowned.

Our system of government does not allow the president, the judiciary or the senate to appropriate and spend money. The president can propose and veto budgets, but he can not approve spending. That is the job of the U.S. House of Representatives. Just so some of you know where federal monies actually come from and who gets to spend them.

As far as Mr. Moore's letter, I know from experience because I live in Florida that you don't know 4 days out where a hurricane is going. You have projected paths. If the weatherman Moore listened to knew right after Katrina hit S. Florida it was going to NO and it would go to cat 4 by then, than we need that man's name and we need to be paying him about a million a year to keep us informed where the next ones are going because that is some valuable info he is sitting on.

For example, last year we evacuated for hurricane Charley. We live in central Florida. As we were driving south to Boca Raton we passed the Punta Gorda area at about 11 am. The local people on the radio were saying how it looked like the storm was passing them by and how sorry they felt for Tampa Bay (where I am from) because they were going to be hit for sure. My DH wanted to stop there instead of driving all the way to Boca Raton but I said no because we had reservations. By 3pm that day the hurricane turned and devasted Punta Gorda and Charlotte County. That area had less advance warning than NO.

Last year Ivan blasted up the gulf and was predicted to hit NO. My MIL was still living there and refused to leave(I know, stupid, considering she lived through hurricanes Betsy and Camille). My husband drove 8 hours in a bid to get her out. At the panhandle the roads were closed going west and a trooper told my DH if he proceeded he'd be arrested. Fortunately for her, at the last minute, Ivan shifted 2 degrees east and hit the panhandle. NO and my MIL was spared. How did Moore's weatherman know now that Katrina was going to hit NO and not the panhandle like Ivan? Must be some crystal ball he's got. Wish I could have it since I live in a hurricane prone area.

Also, Moore criticizes Bush for how he came to NO. Would it have helped anyone in the immediate aftermath to have the president go in with all the security that has to be worked out into a disaster area? Wouldn't it be a better use of resources to rescue people? Its not like the president is Shep Smith or Soledad O'Brien who only go in with a couple of camera men. BTW, on the day the hurricane hit, what was Moore doing?

Also, helicopters need a staging area to land and refuel. A staging area has to be established before they can be used. Not easily done in a disaster area.

Personally, if we are to play the blame game, I'd start with the local level and work on up. Sure the feds could be negligent here, but the people closer to home should bear scrutiny, too, and not be allowed to scapegoat the feds. The people in NO have known virtually since the city was built 200 some years ago that it was below sea level and prone to hurricanes. Hurricanes are not recent developments caused by global warming.

Again, just last year NO dodged a major one. They had to have seen the devestation in Florida last year. Plus they had to be aware of their unique vulnerabilities. What plan did they have to deal with widespread flooding? NO is home to a huge public housing area and the people don't have the means to leave as easily as middle and upper class people. What plan was made to evacuate or deal with the 100,000 people they know cannot leave? Since the Mayor of NO was very quick to start blaming I'm a little suspicious that NO had much a plan to begin with. Why were the hurricanes handled so much better last year in Florida? And it wasn't just one, either. Could it have something to do with local leadership that did not immediately degenerate into blame finding?

I'd like to know how all levels prepared and responded. I'd also like to know how we fared this time compared to previous disasters. I remember, the 1st President Bush was criticized for waiting 9 days after Hurricane Andrew to declare it a disaster area. How does the time line compare to the hurricanes from last year? Or in comparison to 9/11? Anyone know? Did anyone get this far in this post?
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Dani, I'd do the same for my children, but I'd be sure to pay the store back as soon as I could, even if it took a few years. I'm not a thief.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Religion and politics, two subjects we can debate but will never win because everybody thinks his party/religion is the right one. What a shame. Shame, shame in a time like this. So much passion and hatred... it's just terrible, terrible. I guess I could say a lot more but right now it's not important. What's important for me personally is to see how I can help. History is still writing this story and trust me there are definintely two sides to it.

Katrina, not the "Hurricane" or from "Waves"
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I have a question for all of you. How safe do YOU feel now knowing that if disaster strikes you and your loved ones will not be protected? Something is desperately broken in this country. We are spending billions of dollars in Iraq. FOR WHAT I ASK YOU? Our people are in trouble and we don't even take care of OUR OWN.

Yes, I do blame president Bush. I think he's an a political warmonger. Remember Harry Truman and "The buck stops here". That's the kind of president I want. Not teflon George. He accepts responsibility for nothing.

And, I do think it's a time to be angry because anger tends to make things happen more quickly. It's sad but true.

And, Dani, I would steal to put food in my child's mouth as well. Any mother who says they wouldn't is a liar!
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

These passages from the previously posted news story:
Concerning Bush's not caring:

Katrina's threat was so acute that President Bush joined the chorus of officials who urged New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco to order a mandatory evacuation, issued Sunday morning after lower-lying areas outside the city were cleared Saturday.

Concerning local preparation for the evacuees:

Officials had already confiscated weapons, including guns, raising fears of the unrest that took place at the dome in 1998. Then, 14,000 people waiting out Hurricane Georges, caused $10,000 in damage and looted another $8,500 in property. In anticipation of the massive flooding, people in the shelter would likely not be allowed to leave until Tuesday, when they would then be relocated by federal authorities, said Terry Ebbert, New Orlean's director of Homeland Security.

Portable bathrooms had not been set up inside, and the dome's water system could be affected by the storm. "That's why these people are going to be very uncomfortable," Ebbert said.

Looking beaten, Tim Duchene, 48, grimaced as he stood near the front of the line. He had waited three hours and tried in vain to take his medication to ease a ruptured disk in his back.

"Nobody brought us water. I tried to get one from them but they told me to get back in line," Duchene said. "They weren't prepared for this. I'd like to know how they're going to feed all these people."

Leon Moore, 55, the left side of his body paralyzed for the past 12 years because of a stroke, pulled his weathered red truck up to the Superdome and angrily decried Mayor Nagin. "The mayor of the city didn't make preparations for the handicapped," he said.

The criticisms of Nagin came from above as well. Numerous officials urged him to evacuate the city, but he worried about the legality of ordering people out when New Orleans has few safe hurricane shelters for them to evacuate to. Also, National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield in Miami called Nagin at home Saturday night and told him: Get people out of New Orleans.

By the way, this story was posted on Sunday, August 28th.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...


I did read your whole post. :)

You make some very good points as well.
The hurricanes were handled so much better last year in Florida.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

"They did it to THEMSELVES. The only people I feel sorry for in NO are people in nursing home and babies as their parents are too stupid to get their asses out. "

I am saddened to read such a cold hearted post on the thread, which has for the most part remained quite civil.

Calling people (fellow Americans whether you like it or not) 'pigs' and blaming the poorest of the poor (blame the victim at it's most cruel incarnation) for not leaving is just, I don't know, heartless. Where were they suppose to go? How were they suppose to pay for anything?

There was a very interesting article about looting in yesterday's Washington Post Style section. A lot of people who are looting don't see it that way - they're trying to survive.

I have no experience of New Orleans. I understand it to be one of the most multicultural areas of our country. It's contribution to American music is immeasurable. And what's happening is a shame, a terrible tragedy, and something that will take months, if not years, to recover from.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...


What wonderful, well-researched and informed posts. Thank you for the information and the links:) With the situation in NO appearing constantly on the news, it is difficult to keep some type of perspective when it comes to questions of preparedness and response, and too easy to leap to conclusions. Your posts (and several others in this thread) are a reminder of the need to be cognizant of the facts and timeline of events, which is admitedly difficult with so many conflicting views being presented by various news channels. However, your posts did an excellent job of clearing things up. Again, danke schoen.


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