50 and over January check in

The marathon is in February in Jacksonville. It's the Donna Deegan Breast Cancer Marathon.

Who else is on my fitness pal? I'm still trying to figure it out but I definitely need to watch my food intake. I have the knowledge of what I need to do but I must still be over eating. I weigh exactly the same even with all that exercise!

Good for all of you doing the rotation!! Week 3!
Well my day got off to an unfun start when Derek came out around 7 saying he had a really bad headache and we were supposed to leave at 8:20 for his game. He hadn't had one in months, but a couple times of year he'll get one centered over one eye, can't handle light and he throws up. :( Only good thing is they generally last less than an hour. He thinks it was from not eating enough last night and he was probably dehydrated, too. Knew it was probably futile, but gave him something which he threw up within a few minutes. But, by 8:00 he was trying to eat, though not successfully until it was too late to leave. By 9:00 he was just fine, but his game had started. If their game was scheduled any other time than first, he would have made it.

I ended up doing the standing portion of the legs disk, which I hadn't done before and can I say yikes!! Some of those exercises seemed extra nasty. Even as short as it was I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow. My side seems fine.

iron-Mom very cool that you are doing the marathon.

Sheila - definitely had mini skirts. Funny how now most schools have limits. The boys is length of fingertips, which is what our rule was for our cheerleading skirts, but regular clothes anything was fair game!
Iron - mom. I am on My Fitness Pal. I think I am sugarfree123. It took several tries to hook up with Jann but we can give it a try if you want to try to friend me. I have been posting for about 3 months I think. It really has helped.
Good morning. This is my first time with this checkin. I had to chime in on the hot pants. Mine were a parsley skirt type worn in one photo with a smiley face t- shirt ( I was 10) I just thought my outfit was the BEST. Yoga relax for me today and possibly another cross country ski if weather permits. I'm just learning how to do it, but phew what a workout even if going slow! My name is Nancy, by the way.
Hi Nancy - welcome! It's funny how we can look back and think of outfits that really made us feel special. :D Love it!

I am really enjoying fitness pal. It has brought sugar grams to my attention. I didn't realize that my fuju apple has 11 grams 1/2 of my daily amount!! gesh. :confused:
I am still not losing very quickly, but my over all calories are about the same as always so I didn't expect to.
Welcome Nancy!, I just learned to cross country ski this past holiday when we were in Colorado. I loved it and you are right about it being a great workout. But I live in Florida so.....

Sheila, I'll look for you. I am Beth.

Jann. Where does it show the nutrient breakdown and sugar? I have the app on my iPad so maybe it is not he full version.

So about the sugar... How many grams are recommended?
I am so glad Derek is feeling better but sorry he wasn't able to make his game.

Hi Nancy where do you live? I bet cross country skiing burns lots of calories

Jann how can I track sugar and carb grams on fitness pal?

Ironmon I follow Jorge cruise eating plan which allows 15grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs per day

Today's workout will be xtr chest back and shoulders. Got to give my knees a break today
Today was Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's. Can anyone do all of the triceps extensions with the tubing at the end? Those are just killer for me and I cave about 1/2 way through.

Nancy where do you live that you have snow? I'm in mid-Michigan and we've had hardly any this winter and none at the moment. I'll confess I am not an outdoor winter person.

Last night it got crazy windy here. Lansing had a gust up to 61 mph and I can't ever remember hearing the winds be that ferocious. We lost some shingles which will need to be replaced ASAP before it rains, so I have to find out if my brother can do it. I know he CAN, but whether he wants to do it in the middle of the winter is a different story.
Fitness pal: I changed what I wanted to see on my daily food check-in. I added sugar and fiber -- they are both important to me.

While in your "food" tab select the "settings" button with in the food screen.
You can add what you want to see with the pull downs. Up to 6 items. You can also add meals.. like if you want "snack" after breakfast etc.

Then select the "goals" button. Select "change goals". Select "custom" Continue.
There you can change your %'s. I upped my fiber to 25. My sugar to 24 I got from the diabetes site.
Unplanned rest day.

Left to many things go to last minute that had to get done before real estate gal get here. :confused:
Tricep press with tubing is a burner. I have not done all the reps but hopefully by next month I will be able to do them.
I live in Nova Scotia. The last few years have been very low for snow, lots of rain or worst of all , freezing rain. So when we see any window of opportunity for skiing, we take it even if only for an hour. Ha ha. Winter is a lot more tolerable if we can do something in the fresh air. Otherwise I'm counting the days until beach season, thanks all for welcoming me.
Cathe - That wind sounds awful. sorry about the shingles. I got tired of replacing my shingles every 10 years or so because of hail damage or wind. I finally got a metal roof. Should be there for the rest of my life.
As for not making it through the burn sets, that's the goal isn't it? Just to go till your muscles can't go any more. Its rough but I love it.
today was just a work day for me. I will work out mon, tues, wed and thurs as usual.
Today was supposed to be my rest day, but since I doubled up on those last week, I did a premix from the low impact Hiit. I opted for step and disk as I had only done the floor premix previously. I'll admit that when Cathe decided to surprise everyone and double up on the running mans I called her an impolite name. :p

Everyone's home today as it's a day off for school and DH works for the State so it's a holiday for him. Derek's having a friend over and I'm going to pick him up at noon. We actually got 1-2" of snow last night, so I'm hoping the roads in decent shape by then. His Moms a teacher and has to work, so she'll pick him up, so at least it's only one trip.

My BIL is from Winnepeg, but has lots of relatives in Nova Scotia. I can't remember specifically where they live though. I'll come out of hibernation when it gets back up to 50's. ;) I tell myself I should suck it up and get outside at least for a few minutes, but it rarely happens. Which it actually is supposed to do sometime next week. This week bits of snow here and there and frigid, next week 50's and rain.
Good cooooold morning to you all! Here in MD it's suppose to be below 30 all week. brrrrrrrrrrr!! We have crazy winds here also. "knock on wood" we have never had anything blow off.
Well the Ravens won last night. If any of you follow football. Raising two boys I got interestred not seriously in your face interested, but, enough to follow along. So everyone is really happy around here.

Robin I don't use the tubing for those triceps; I pick up my weights. I am actually afraid to try, I had a band snap on me once and I had a bruise for a week! I ♥ working my upper body!!

I am sitting here looking at week 3 it is basicly a do-over of weeks 1 and 2. hmmm.. Picking week 2 from the 30 day cardio and strength combined rotation to do this week. I want to try this tabatacise. :rolleyes:
I hate winter. In fact the only thing I like about it is the fresh air and Christmas.

Jann I am like you. I am planning to do some substituting this week by adding in high reps legs and maybe trying tabata it's so hard for me to follow a rotation I can't wait to do the one month rotation. Cross train express is one of my favorites

My fitness pal said I am not eating enough calories. I may have to add in some smoothies.
I hate winter. In fact the only thing I like about it is the fresh air and Christmas.

Jann I am like you. I am planning to do some substituting this week by adding in high reps legs and maybe trying tabata it's so hard for me to follow a rotation I can't wait to do the one month rotation. Cross train express is one of my favorites

My fitness pal said I am not eating enough calories. I may have to add in some smoothies.

Today's workout will be lower body blast premix 4.
Jann my husband is a 49ers fan and what's worse is he's a SF Giants fan and I'm a Detroit Tigers fan. Needless to say the World Series was not fun! And to make it worse he's bought the DVD's and is now rewatching it all.

I think I'm going to just stick with this rotation as is for now. Though it is more repetitive than I generally care to do. And leaping into it and having a different day than normal as my rest day wasn't the brightest thing. Next time I start a rotation I'll be changing that for sure!
Cathe - Well watching all those games will keep your husband out of your hair. :rolleyes: When my boyfriend gets bored, he thinks I should entertain him. NOT.
I will follow the xtrain program as it is written except for making it fit my work schedule. I will double up some days to try to keep up with everyone. today was Cardio Legs and core 2. Burned about 380 calories. Good workout.
I deleted the 90 day rotaton from my calendar and started over again with the 30 day strength. With all this running its about all I can handle.

I have a friend who owns a home in Nova Scotia and spends alot of time there. Ill have to ask her again the name of the town.

Jann, I had a ball burst on me once. I was training at a new gym with a group of friends, and the trainer had us rotate around stations. One of the stations was like Cathe does with flies on a ball. When it was my turn, I leaned back and the ball burst and I fell HARD with the weights. Of course I was so embarrassed, because of the obvious fat jokes to follow- but I really think the ball had a deformity or something.;)

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