50 and over January check in

Btw...just wondering if anyone else is able to print the workout cards. I don't seem to be able to and cant figure out why.
OmGOSH!! :eek::eek: I read and reread it --- then I saw it!! :p:p:p

All out LI Hiit premix 1 - done! I really like this one! My heart rate was in the 160's and for me that's high!
Btw...just wondering if anyone else is able to print the workout cards. I don't seem to be able to and cant figure out why.
Hi Vicky and welcome! :)
I printed the cards that are in the booklet and did the math to get my 70%. SNM is still working on getting the cards up and running on the WM.
Hi Vicki -
Welcome. Today was a 12 hour shift for me at work. My third and final one for the week. I eat crap at work because I stress eat. so tomorrow I will work out and eat clean.
(I never found the previous typo):mad:
Hi Shelia - :D It's still there.... I misspelled doing.
Welcome back to your "other" life. ;)

I am going to try to do Burn sets CBS today and Cardio Leg Blast premix 1 to catch up... If I don't come back -- I am dead.
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I am back, barely!!
Burn sets CBS and Bi's and Tri's, I decided to add Bi's and Tri's instead of tomorrow's cardio. :rolleyes:

OMgosh! I went heavy! I knew I was in trouble when I didn't have the strength to push my disc back into the plastic spindle. I can hardly type.
Rest day for me! Tomorrow I get to do Cardio Leg Blast which has by far given me the most DOMS of any of the new workouts.

Yay Jann! Hope you aren't feeling it tooooooo much tomorrow. ;)

Hi Vicky! Glad you are joining us.
Jann - OMG!! CSB and bi's and tri's. I need to drink what you are drinking. :eek:
I did Burn set Bi's and Tri's but followed it with Les Mills Combat power Kata which is punching and kicking to burn some more calories. I'm feeling it.
Had a terrible weekend at work. Very stressful with some crappy eating thrown in. Stayed below my calorie goal but had some chips and chocolate. :(
Will hit it hard tomorrow. LEGS!!
Welcome Vicky

I got the low impact hiit done Saturday but didn't get the 80 min. legs until today.

Tomorrow is upper body with Josh at the gym. I need to figure out how to adjust this weeks wo.

Hi everyone.

Feeling better and getting ready to get back on the Xtrain because I'm getting over my flu.

Will do personals later.
I think I may know what it would feel like if I ever had my boobs done - :p

Glad you are feeling better Jenn. :)
Woke up this morning and threw up a little of supper. How rude. I had eaten quinoa with 1/2 cup chili followed by some popcorn so nothing really wild.
Then I proceded to get a migraine. Took my Imatrex and expect to feel better in a little while. I need to get busy, I have a leg workout to do.:mad:
OH no {{{Sheila}}}.

I am still trying to get excited about doing Cardio leg blast premix 1 today --:rolleyes:

OK -- I joined fitness pals... Now what? Is there a Cathe group?
Done! Cardio Leg blast premix 1 -- I was soooo tempted to do premix 1-6 only, I didn't yay for me!! :D

I just saw that the 80 minute premix is again tomorrow... -- really??? :confused:
Jann - I love My fitness Pal for keeping track of food. I never counted calories, fat or protein before but it sure does help. It is quite an eye opener at times. I will be low on calories today but I have done NOTHING today except fight my migraine. Lots of Imatrex and Excedrin migraine meds. I am under control but still having pain maybe a 3 / 10. Can't push it. This does not happen very often thank goodness.
I don't know if there is a specific Cathe group on there. If not, you could start one. ;) . I have several friends on there that are doing a variety of workouts including beachbody. I do not post my workouts there because I do not want to eat my calories back. I am sugarfree 123, you can friend me but I am pretty blunt if I see my friends eating processed crap. I have been unfriended before. :(
Glad you got your workout in. My biceps and triceps are extremely sore from yesterday. yea.
Thanks Sheila! I am really trying to watch my sugar. I never really paid attention to sugar in my stats. I am glad fitness pal gives me that option. I was diagnosed in oct as being per-dieabte. SOOOO I have cut back the carbs and sugar. The doctor wants me to lose 10 pounds by April. I have lost 5.5 so far. Just by cutting sugar and carbs.
I have journal my food for a while, not noting the sugar. After noting sugar it has made a big difference. I had not idea how many sugars I was eating. Calories were always good, it's the sugar!!!

I did a search for you and it didn't find you. :( I did find the Cathletes group. It does not look very active.
Hi ladies. This week I have done burn chest back and shoulders and a short premix of leg blast So far I'm loving the BURN. It reminds me of sts meso 3. Today I will do burn bi and tri.

Jan I try to keep track of my sugar also due to cardio vascular disease which run in my family. I measure my waist and divide that number by my hip measurement Anything over 0.81 is not good. Right now my number is very high 0.88 so I have work to do.

Jt I am glad you are back on the train

Hi Vicki.
Sheila I hope you feel better soon.
Jann - Pre diabetes is pretty serious stuff. MY Fitness Pal will help you get your sugar and carbs under control. I am sure that you will meet and exceed the 10 lb goal. My daughter had the same issue. She bought a glucometer at Walmart and started doing finger sticks to see how each food affected her glucose (and insulin release) She lost 20 lbs very quickly. The only carbs she will eat are like brocholi and green beans, kale. I also was addicted to sugar even though I am not overweight - my AIC was 5.9 which the doctor said was normal but since I am an RN, it was tooo close for comfort so I have changed my eating habits. I have lost most of the Dunlop around my waist.
I sent you a friend request on MFP.
Robin - I feel great today. No migraine!!!. Gonna get my CATHE ON!!
I Loved STS. Getting good burns on the TRAIN also. Today is a leg workout. Whoot whoot.
Burn Baby Burn!
Thanks, Sheila. My A1C is now 5.7 so that's why the doctor think diet will control it.

Robin I had a stent put in a heart valve back in 99. Gotta love DNA!

Legs today, was suppose to do premix 1 - 80 minutes. My legs are hurting so much I only did the standing, barre, and ball. No floor or delts. I am still feeling it!!! When I reached 200 calories burned, I quit. ;)
Yesterday I woke up and was starving and feeling rather light headed, which usually means I'm dehydrated though I really didn't think I'd gone to light on my water the day before. I had a really busy day planned, so opted to take an additional rest day.

Today Cardio Leg Blast was up, but I opted to try the strength only premix. I'm quite sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. There's really very little rest between exercises and it uses fairly heavy weights. I found that without the cardio in between, I was able to go heavier and used the same weights Cathe did except for dead lifts, which irritate my lower back.

On the downside, I realized that I'll either have to double up Sunday or workout on my rest day Monday, or I'll have to keep continuing to mess with dragging all the workouts around the workout manager for the rest of the rotation.

Jann you are really kicking butt with this rotation!

Glad that everyone is feeling better!

This morning I was sitting at the desk having my breakfast smoothie and apparently forgot it was there. The dog wanted up and when I swung round to get up it was splat on the floor. Trust me if I had paraded people through at that point, 99% percent of them would not have said it was smoothy. :eek: It had the most unfortunate look of something else entirely and what little was left no longer looked so appetizing.

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