50 and over January check in

Jann - That is so crazy that you had to have a stint back in '99. How old were you at the time?
cathy - Sorry you woke up feeling bad. It sucks to have to pull a double to catch up. Had to do that today.
Breakfast smoothie on the floor!! What a mess!!

I did the Legs workout today - All of it. All 80 minutes. standing, barre, ball, floor and delts. Then since I had a migraine yesterday I did Hard Strikes premix 16. I was so tired. Burned over 600 calories all together.
Then I decided to hoop dance for an hour. I'm toast! :eek:
:D:D Cathy your breakfast sounds um, well. :p What is your dogs name?

Shelia I was 41, is was feb 99. I was walking up the street from my office and felt this really weird pressure in my chest. My biological parents had heart attacks very early 30-40. So I didn't hesitate to call a cardiologist and he sent me to John Hopkins for an angiogram and they found 1 artery with a blockage and had to do an angioplasty. Stent. If I had not went in I could of had a heart attack. :confused: A couple of years ago I went back in for another angiogram so that they could verify the stent was still working. I have not had any other problems with my heart since. :D

Sheila -- OMgosh!! You must be hurting a bit today! That was some workout day!
Jan thank God you had that checked out.
Some women don't know that they are having heart problems. My mom had her heart attack in her early 40s and suffer with angina she passed away from massive stroke in 2000.

Sheila double workout you go girl !

Cathy another option may be to do the time savers.

Today I will do legs premix 9. I can't wait to do super cuts
Jann are you doing My Fitness Pal? If so, what is your user name? I thought I sent you a friend request but I still don't see you on my friends list. You can try going to Community, go to members search, and type in sheila123 and see if I come up.

I am so glad that you took your symptoms seriously and got checked out. Even though genetics plays a big part in our health, we have it within our means to change our destiny by changing our habits. This also shows me that when I am working in the ER, I need to take chest pain in younger women more seriously. So far, I have never had a young female that was actually having a heart attack. Scary.

Well, gotta get busy although my buttocks are sore today.
Are you on MFP as Jann? You are still not my friend. :mad: :D
I did the Hiit and core 1 workout today. OMG. It is winter but I had both the windows open and the fan going. Burned about 350 calories.
I am JannR37 on MFP. Jann and JannR were taken. :(

Rest day! I can't seem to go more than 4 days with out a rest day.:confused: My hamstrings are still talk'n to me from yesterdays legs. I feel tired so, I am taking a rest day. :)
Have my granddaughter this afternoon and evening. My dil is taking classes to complete her masters and son is working late. yay for Granny time!!
Are you on MFP as Jann? You are still not my friend. :mad: :D
I did the Hiit and core 1 workout today. OMG. It is winter but I had both the windows open and the fan going. Burned about 350 calories.
I sent you a friend msg...
Today was Chest, Back and Shoulders. The last two days I find myself stalling and putting off my workout, but at least I did it. Up until last year, my boys were homeschooled and I always worked out first thing in the morning. It's been 1 1/2 years now and I still haven't come round to wanting to workout at any other time. You'd think by now I would have adapted. :( I'm hoping next year is better because they will both start school at 7:40 and I can be back home by 7:30. This year my youngest is still on the later schedule, so I run one to school get home at 7:30 and then later take Derek to school and get home at 8:30. By then, the desire to workout is dwindling.

Jann the dogs name is Sparty. The shelter named him. Undoubtedly for Sparty the Michigan State mascot, and it fit him so we decided to keep it. He's a lab, golden, shepherd mix and once we got past the first year of destruction he's been a great dog. Note that apparently the lab dominated as we got him when he was a year and he stopped feeling the need to steal and destroy things when he turned two.

Gotta run pick up Nick. Hope you all are having a great day!
Ok did anyone else here ever have hot pants! The thread on the open discussion forum reminded me of them - not the same thing they are talking about. When I was in 6th grade my parents got me a set of purple velvet hot pants and a vest that came with a fancy white blouse from the Sears Christmas catalog! I adored them and still can't believe my parents actually bought them for me. That was about the same time that I had these crazy white bell bottom pants that were a silky material with huge purple/blue/pink flowers on them. I thought I was so cool. (my rolling eye smiley didn't work :-(((
Jann - Tag, you are it!. I did not get your friend request so I tried to send you one. If we keep trying, we are bound to find each other eventually!. I should be on there as sheila123.
I know I mentioned it earlier but my buttocks are SORE. I try to make my legs sore but always end up sore in my well -- in my end. lol.
:D Cathy I remember hot pants I don't remember if I ever wore them though. I am 5 years older than you...;) I do remember the wide bell bottoms and wore those! Seems my shortest shorts were the ones with the two feet on them, I can't remember the brand. :eek:

Sheila -- yay! My hamstrings are feeling it more than any other place in my legs.
I remember hot pants. I had a pair of polyester ones. Lol about Greg. Burn bi and tri Greg looks so off beat and funny during the warm up. I will take a rest day today So tomorrow will be hard strikes or hit.
poor Greg... that's all I am going to say - :p

I did Hard Strikes today premix 16 -- short and sweaty! I didn't put my gloves on I held 1 pound weights. Now, that's lazy! :p I added some abs just because...

I am looking forward to Hiit... I like this version. I know a lot of gals thinks it's too easy. I like that you can make it harder by jumping... modifying, something I've been doing in reverse for a while with other series. I like that you can modify the low impact to make it high impact version. Am I alone on this? Is my age showing -- :rolleyes:?
Did Hard Strikes, took a shower to get ready to go to the basketball, came up and sat down and have a weird pulling sensation in my right lower side. Not really lower back, it's on the side/back. :( I hope it's just some temporary weird thing and goes away fast. It almost feels like a catch more than an actual strain.

Jann I too like that with the hiit workout you can opt to go higher impact because some moves I prefer to do the impact version.

Time to do some dishes before leaving.
Jann - Now I really feel out of shape. I did not make the HIit workout harder, I kept it low impact but it was tough! Its winter and I had the windows open and the fan on. You are strong.

I remember hot pants but I never wore any. I did wear bell bottoms though. I also wore mini skirts and very short dresses.

Cathe - sounds like you had a stitch in your side. I googled that once. Seems like it had to do with the ligament or something that holds the liver getting stretched or bounced around when someone jumps around. If it lets up when you hold your right side that may be it and it may do it again the next time you jump around.
Hello everyone!

Just popping in to say hi! I have not been able to keep up with al the posts or the workouts. I've been training for a marathon and I can't seem to get to the rotation. At this point I don't know where to start. But I have enjoyed following along with your thoughts on it!!
HI Beth!! So glad you popped in! I am so proud of you for doing this marathon! You can always just say hi!

Sheila I was saying that people who wanted to make it harder could, I like it the way it is too!! :)

Cathy I hope it is just a stitch. They come then go quickly.

All out low impact hitt this morning already DONE! I was looking forward to it and it did not leave me down. My face is red, my heart was beating strong, and I am sweaty!! wooohooo!! :D
Now, we are getting the house ready for the real estate gal tomorrow. Take about incentive to clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Hi ladies I can't believe we are going into week 3 of xtrain.

Cathy sorry about your side stitch. I had those when I was pregnant
Jann I am with you. I've been modifying for years.

My workout today will be low impact hit.
Hello everyone!

Just popping in to say hi! I have not been able to keep up with al the posts or the workouts. I've been training for a marathon and I can't seem to get to the rotation. At this point I don't know where to start. But I have enjoyed following along with your thoughts on it!!

Good luck with you marathon. When and where is it.

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