Hi Everyone!
I hope it's ok to join this check-in- a little late,lol. I check in with the WW group too. Started the 90 day XTrain rotation on 1/7. So far I am really loving this rotation! I have substituted Ride in a few places and have never done the 80 min.leg workout. I always do the shorter premix simply because I workout in the morning before work and I only have 60 min. to devote to exercise in the mornings. So far I am seeing great results and I have always been very consistent with my workouts, so I'm thinking that there is something about this particular rotation that really works for me. I add in Zumba 2 evenings a week just for the fun factor.
I have enjoyed reading through these threads

. About me: just turned 50 in November, recently became an empty nester my twins are at college and I really miss them, 4th grade teacher- love my job

, I'm trying to make connections with other fitness minded people to help me keep my motivation.
Jann, congratulations on getting in to the RT. This was the first year I tried and I ended up on the waiting list. I was hoping that the idea of the RT would give me the extra motivation and also something to look forward to. I'm #17 on the wait list. I read one of your earlier posts about the pre diabetes, I am reading such an eye-opening book right now, it's called Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell. I'd highly recommend it. It talks about the pharmaceutical industry and diabetes or pre diabetes and how most type 2 diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes. Very interesting, so many things I did not know!
Sugarfree- sounds like you're very busy with the kids, I remember being there just a few years ago, shuttling kids everywhere, feeling exhausted etc. It will be gone so fast you wont believe it- and yes you will miss it ( although I do have to say I really enjoy being able to be more selfish)
Anyway, I think I've blabbed on enough. Off to do Cardio Leg blast after some more coffee. Jen