50 and over January check in

Jann you are a strong woman.

I plan to do biceps plus 100 rep challenge for biceps. Next week I will try to stay on the rotation because I am confusing myself lol

Wow I finished my workout 20 mins ago and my biceps are still on fire.
My arms are on FIRE!!! And I only used 15# barbell for 100 rep challenge. It wasn't boring because cathe talks the whole time. My arms are still shaking.
Way to go!
Sorry to be MIA! Been a strange week. Boys only had 2 full days of school and I had extra things added in. All good, but they wreak havoc with my usual schedule. So, I didn't work out Tuesday or Wednesday. Doubled up today with Legs and Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's and since my next two days will still be out of whack I'll have to double up one of those days. Probably Sunday since I'll actually be home all day!

I hope everyone who was under the weather is feeling much better!!
Jazcam - 15lbs for the 100 rep challenge. omg no wonder your biceps are burning. wow.
I did burn bi's and tri's today then did the Hiit and core 1 so I could finish out week 3. Burned almost 400 calories. Then had to go to my mom's to try to get her computer working. yech. I will have to go back next week with my daughter who knows how to do that stuff.
Had a quick salad for supper so I know I stayed under my calories for today.
Hope everyone is feeling better. KPP
Morning my arms are fried. I will try to do another 100 rep tri next week. It would be a good idea if cathe made a total body 100 rep DVD including a core workout.

Sugar free good calorie burn.

Peaceful you girls knock me out with you double workouts. Good job.

Today I have to do some leg work. I work this evening and I pray it doesn't rain because it may get icy. I can't wait for spring. I remember when I lived in queens my it was so icy that I slid through a stop sign. Thank God no one was coming the other way.
Hi all! I decided to just pick up where I left off from the original 90 day rotation. Cardio Leg blast premix. My heart rate was souring -- that's what happens I guess. :confused:

Cathy that is some double!! :)

I have to run to the sitters and pick GD before the snow starts for the kids. Later!
Flying by to say I did Hard Strikes today. Barely squeezed it in between all my running today. Now trying to squeeze in kitchen clean up before the boys and I leave for the varsity basketball games.

More this weekend!
Got up early and did Chest, Back and Shoulders. Derek has the early basketball game and then I'm off to K'zoo to my parents. My sister and nephew are up for a quick visit as he was visiting Hope College yesterday.
Good morning. I had a short ski yesterday and then Afterburn was on for last night. Geez, after AllOut low impact Hiit Friday night, I couldn't get through all the Afterburn workout. All those floor based intervals can have my lower back screaming. It gets overworked do easily, so I often have to omit some of them. Today is yoga relax and boy it will be welcome. I don't even feel up to church today.
This has been a crazy week and I am glad it's over - :)

Hard strikes yesterday, as best as I could strike it... :rolleyes:

New week. Actually week 3 day 3 CBS today! One of my favorites!
We got pushed to the second page, so I'm moving us back up. ;)

No workout for me today, so I'll do something on my rest day tomorrow, I still have 2 workouts left for the week, but they are too similar to do both of them, so I'm going to look at next weeks schedule before I decide which one to do. If I remember correctly, there are a couple new workouts added this week.

Enjoyed spending time with my sister and nephew yesterday. My brother and his wife also came and the three of us hadn't been together in years.

I've decided that I'm going to spend the next couple months cleaning up and organizing various parts of my life in person and on line, so that things are all nice and tidy and under control by baseball season. Every year we have streaks of up to three weeks of straight games/practices so lots of other things get shoved aside and pile up. Hoping I can go into that time with the house especially so organized that it takes minimal effort to maintain.
Hi ladies. Today I did legs xtrain warm up and chair stuff and then I got a bight idea to do a leg challenge So I did 100rep squats with 20#barbell. It was good but not hard enough for me.

Peaceful did Derek team win? It's good to enjoy your family.

Nsaeolian I rented afterburner and sent it back I can NOT do that workout

Jann I'm excited about week 4.
Jazcam - great way to do the squats. I'm sure I will do that this week. Worked this weekend. Today was ROUGH. I hope I can recover enough to do legs tomorrow. Starting week 4 already. Time flies.
Morning ladies!

Cathy I 100% believe in organization. De-clutter is one of the best ways. Good luck! Sounds like your family reunion was a good one. :)

I am going to try to catch up a bit today also. I have legs and burn sets bis/tris and if I can all out -- :eek::eek: I'll see how it goes. I am feeling like my ol'self this morning. The cardio may have to wait until tomorrow. :rolleyes:
I am going to try to catch up a bit today also. I have legs and burn sets bis/tris and if I can all out -- :eek::eek: I'll see how it goes. I am feeling like my ol'self this morning. The cardio may have to wait until tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Well that didn't happen!
I did get legs minis the barre and bis/tris(went liter than I normally do - still feeling it in my shoulders from yesterday)
This morning I did the low impact hiit step and disk portions. And ok, I'm caving and going to set up my own rotation. The whole thing of not having the right rest day is really messing me up and I really want to play with some weeks of one part per day for weights and more of the 100 rep challenges. So, later I'm going to sit down with the Xtrain book and figure something out.

Derek's team lost Saturday and he was VERY upset. Normally he wouldn't be but they were playing another team from their own school and they have to see the kids again. Not that these kids are the type to rub noses in it other than it, more the idea that they could I think. They were actually up at half time and then had a bad third quarter. I can tell he's heading into an emotional age, his brother was the same at that age, and he was actually holding back tears when he came over to us to leave. Announced that he was going with me to my parents, which turned out to be a good thing. During the 50 minute drive he finally talked about the game and he enjoyed the visit. Better than sitting at home and fretting about it.

Jann in a lot of ways I've got the decluttering thing down and have done a great deal, but we have a couple areas that get out of control. Like the storage area in the basement where we just pile things up instead of actually putting them away. Out of sight (behind a door) out of mind and all that. Not sure how much stuff I'll actually find to get rid of, but I'm hoping for some of that, too. And kudos' on you workout today.

Jazcam did the 100 rep leg challenge feel comfortable to you? I just felt like my positioning had to be wrong, but I couldn't see where.
Jann I'm excited about week 4.
Am I missing something here? I just looked at week 4 -- it's legs premix 1, Burn sets Bis and Tris, All out Low Impact, hard strikes, Chest Back and shoulders, Cardio Leg blast.
These are the same 5 workouts plus super cuts that I have been doing for 3 weeks...
I am following the 90 day undulating rotation from the booklet. Is this correct?
Am I missing something here? I just looked at week 4 -- it's legs premix 1, Burn sets Bis and Tris, All out Low Impact, hard strikes, Chest Back and shoulders, Cardio Leg blast.
These are the same 5 workouts plus super cuts that I have been doing for 3 weeks...
I am following the 90 day undulating rotation from the booklet. Is this correct?

Yes that is right I can't wait until I finish week 4 so I can do the new workout in week 5.
Am I missing something here? I just looked at week 4 -- it's legs premix 1, Burn sets Bis and Tris, All out Low Impact, hard strikes, Chest Back and shoulders, Cardio Leg blast.
These are the same 5 workouts plus super cuts that I have been doing for 3 weeks...
I am following the 90 day undulating rotation from the booklet. Is this correct?

I can't wait to do the new workouts in week 5.

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