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  1. C

    Hardcore Shipping Announcement

    Yippeeee!!! I can't wait. I'm so excited.
  2. C

    Who has been skydiving?

    Hi Jes, I never been skydiving, but my DH has. Actually he has completed 53 jumps and he loved it. He never got hurt, but he is also the VERY careful type. He never trusted anyone to pack his 'chute. I've always wanted to try it at least once but never got around to going. He decided to...
  3. C

    I'm scared !

    Amy, that was too funny. I almost spit up my coffee here at the office. However, this is all very good information. I have been looking around to purchase a stability ball and have wondered the same thing about it being burst resistant.:)
  4. C

    Please say a prayer for my friend

    Winter, I'll keep Karla and her family in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  5. C

    Does the Free Shipping offer still apply?

    Wow, that is really great news.
  6. C

    OT Lost cat...

    Lee Anne, I am so glad Chester returned. I'm sure he was so glad to see Pasty and followed her home. That is so sweet and such a relief. I've got two indoor cats and wouldn't know what to do it either one got out. The only outdoors they see is my screened-in back porch.
  7. C

    Chistmas present for Cathe

    Merry Christmas Cathe. 5 Reasons I truly appreciate you: 1. Your workouts are NEVER boring. Each one is challenging and allows me to have hope that I'll one day get as strong and in shape. 2. Your form and cueing is right on!!! 3. Your workouts have helped me with my own...
  8. C

    Moves you don't look graceful doing

    All of you are killing me!!! I'm laughing so hard that I can barely breathe. How am I ever going to workout w/o thinkging about all of you. :7
  9. C

    New to the forum...want to say Hello!

    Welcome!! I'm also new and I did the same thing about lurking a few months. I actually registered, but I kept procrastinating on preordering the Hardcore series until I read so many posts here about Cathe's workout. I was already hooked from watching FitTv, but I wasn't sure about spending...
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    Telsa, Great information. I'll have to remember that Thanks:-)
  11. C

    This is one reason why I work out

    >>I still can't open jars though, despite all the weight >>training. > > >I hate that! It is such a puzzle to me that I can do a heavy >weight workout and feel strong, but a bout with the pickle jar >always makes me feel like a wimp! :7 LOL!! That is so funny. I'm so glad I'm not...
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    squats vs lunges

    I also teach a "pump" class that uses barbells and my observations are very similar to Laurie's. I have to keep a close eye on the class to make sure they are executing the exercise correctly, especially the squats, deadlifts and lunges. I'm not an expert nor do I have a medical degree...
  13. C

    Double Stepping!!

    Yes!!! I also agree. I love double stepping.
  14. C

    New here

    :o There are so many dvds to select from. I'm going to have to sell a few more houses (I'm a real estate agent by day and a fitness instructor by night) in order to purchase ALL dvds. LOL I'll keep everyone posted on which ones I order next. All of you are great here and I feel so...
  15. C

    New here

    :D Wow, thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I know I'm going to love this community. I've been watching Cathe for 8 months now and have taped her shows on Fitv. However, I can tell many of the classes are editted in order to fit in commericals and that is irratating. Now that I've...
  16. C

    New here

    Hi I'm another "newbie" and I just preordered Cathe's "Hardcore" series. I'm a fitness instructor and have been watching Cathe on Fitv. However, they keep airing the same shows over & over. I'm hooked on Cathe's workout and have noticed such a change in my own classes. I can't wait to get my...