Double Stepping!!


I love this new concept of double stepping. It makes it so different and fun stepping with 2 benches. I would love Cathe to do something like this!! It is a lot of fun and very fresh!!

Hey Aila!:)

If you don't mind the silly question please...exactly what is double stepping??

I have never heard the term before? I am picturing 2 steps set up next to each other with some space in between and doing a routine that alternately uses each step:eek: I close? If that's what it is, I think I need about 10 mores years of SINGLE stepping before I venture on to double! LOL ;)

Hi Wendy,

Yep..that's exactly what it is!! You have a home bench and an away bench. I guess they are about 2-3 feet away from eachother side by side vertically. It is so much fun though. I have taken a couple of classes with my sister and it is a ton of fun!! I also have "The Next Step" workout with Seasun Zieger and she does a double step bonus on there for 20 min. My sister and I love this type of stepping!! It's a different kind of stepping, but a nice change of pace!

LOL Cathy...but what I would really worry about is having TWO steps to trip over or fall off of instead of just one! x(

I just started stepping with Basic Step and Body Fusion this week...I don't think I'm ready for double stepping! lol

Take Care!:)

It's not as bad as it seems. It's actually a lot of fun and maybe you all should try it. A lot of clubs are offering it nowadays. It gets quite boring doing the same ole same ole when you have been stepping for over 16 years like I have. Cathe is always adding new equipment everytime she puts out a new series, so it would be nice if she would put out a workout like "The Next Step". Cathe is great with coming up with "fresh" advanced workouts!!

If I ever get to the point where I am very good at stepping and really into it, I would certainly consider trying it. I guess once you have conquered advanced choreography, adding another step probably is NOT as mind boggling as it sounds! :D

I love double stepping. I do at my gym. The steps in my class set side by side. It's not hard at all, but you need good cardio endurance. It's a nice twist from the single step routines.

I had the same idea about Cathe doing a double step routine, but then again I realised that people would need to buy a second step and then need the room to set it up. It would be too much of a space hog.
Hey Aila!

I just wanted to tell you how freakin' proud of myself I am right now! :7

After doing the Basic Step and Body Fusion work outs only a few times each (and I haven't even "mastered" body fusion yet), I had the urge to try a harder step routine so I threw in Power Max! I kept it all low impact (have no choice for now) and I can not believe it but there were only 2 or 3 moves that really tripped me up! I was able to catch on to most of the footwork pretty quickly and was even able to string it all together with minimal confusion!!! I am beaming with pride right now!lol :+

Well, I just felt like doing a little bragging there!;-)
Thanks for listening!:)


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
Hey Wendy!!

I love Power Max!! You should be so proud of yourself!! Keep up the great work!! Wait until you try the rest of her workouts!! You'll have your credit card on fire}( !!

This sounds very interesting to me. I wonder if you could use the high step rather than a 2nd step. That might eliminate some of the space issues, and many of us have both a regular step and a high step already.


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