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Hi I'm another "newbie" and I just preordered Cathe's "Hardcore" series. I'm a fitness instructor and have been watching Cathe on Fitv. However, they keep airing the same shows over & over. I'm hooked on Cathe's workout and have noticed such a change in my own classes. I can't wait to get my Hardcore dvds.
Welcome CrazeeKat,

You are hooked now, get out your wallet }( . I hope you continue to post and let us know how you are doing. We will all be waiting anxiously with you for the Hardcore series.

Your friend in fitness,
Hi and Welcome CrazeeKat!

If you love tough workouts with great've found the right place. I've been coming here, well for a really long time now. There is so much good information and cool people here. Cathe is my biggest addiction. DH thinks I'm a little on the nutty side, but he's accepted it. He knows I'll preorder every series she comes out with. I'm even past the point of asking. I just say, can you believe that Cathe is putting out more workouts? He's response is always, how much did that set us back :D He's a sweetie!

Welcome Newbie! Glad to have you on-board. I know what you mean about FitTV - I keep hoping they'll play something I don't already have (cough*bootcamp*cough)

Hope we'll hear lots from you!
:D Wow, thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I know I'm going to love this community. I've been watching Cathe for 8 months now and have taped her shows on Fitv. However, I can tell many of the classes are editted in order to fit in commericals and that is irratating.

Now that I've preordered the Hardcore series, I can't decide which other dvds to purchase. I WANT THEM ALLLLL. }(
BODY BLAST series!!!! I know, I know, there are a lot who like Intensity Series get 'em both. Hope you get paid a lot as an instructor. :7
Welcome to you, Newbie, from a fellow newbie!

Hey Donna - FitTV DOES in fact run Boot Camp! Except they don't list it under Cardio Blast - it's just simply listed as Boot Camp! (if I'm not mistaken... I'll have to go home and check my tivo to be 100% sure.) However, I had to break down and buy BC, because I wanted to experience the dreaded "terminator climbers" that everyone was talking about. They conveniently edit those out on the FitTV version. x(
Welcome Crazeecat if you can, buy all the dvd. you are going to love the workouts and you will have a discount.When I discovered Cathe I thought: I only need a few dvd and I ordered the timesaver and the ctx series.It happened in the Spring. Now I have all the dvd and I have ordered the 11 dvd of hardcore.Cathe is really thr best.If you can not buy all I recommend the intensity series. Being a fitness instructor I suppose you are an advanced exerciser.You are going to love the IS.Welcome.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Welcome! A word of advice, you should just go ahead and order the whole yourself some cash on shipping and get the discounts--you are going to want all of them eventually!! Learn from my mistakes! I wished I had gotten them all at once, but at the time I had no idea about the power Cathe had over my wallet!}( }(
Hi and Welcome! As others said, you might as well get out your wallet! Or better yet, write a letter to Santa!

Glad to have you here! :) :)

Hi, and welcome! SO nice to have you here.

Ruth:) :)

p.s. You may have noticed how we LOVE to spend each other's money! LOL Fair warning!:p
:eek: There are so many dvds to select from. I'm going to have to sell a few more houses (I'm a real estate agent by day and a fitness instructor by night) in order to purchase ALL dvds. LOL
I'll keep everyone posted on which ones I order next.

All of you are great here and I feel so welcomed!

Thank you.

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