Who has been skydiving?


When i was "younger" i really wanted to do this! so, the plan was, as soon as it was legal (18yo) i was going to do it. But then i never had the money...well, four years ago when dh and i got together, i still wanted to and he was adament that it was not happening b/c it was too dangerous...i didn't want him to be an astronaut...we compromised. I am rambling....for my 25th bday last year (holy crap it just occured to me that i am about to be 26! ;( )he bought me skydiving because he thought i still really wanted to and he didn't want to deny me one of my dreams. very sweet. well it's about to expire and i haven't gotten around to it yet. now that i am obsessed with Cathe, i am afraid of breaking a leg or something and not being able to workout......so it's wasted money i guess, which is ok, but i still want to hear about your experiences!

so, what i want to know is, have you done it? did you like it? did you get hurt? would you do it again?

So you "ARE" Freakin! Nuts Jes

Only kidding

A friend of mine did (tangem with a instructor) and promply threw up all over him the minute they jumped. There is also a great wind factor way up there so the sick actually came back at her...............enough said on that I think.

Im curious about the thrill of it all, but the chicken side of me wins everytime, but I say YOU GO FOR IT!!, others you will kick yourself for not even having done it once.

You just gotta let us know if you decide to..........so I can feed of YOUR addrenalin



:) :)
Jes...haven't ever done it....haven't ever wanted to:p
I'm terribly afraid of heights! A friend of mine did it and I watched the video that was taken. He had a blast!
We could be twins in this! The only difference is that on my 18th (many many years ago) I called and the airport that did the full day lesson with jump had closed:-( Now my mortality has set in a bit too deeply. It started with children and the knowledge that I could not be laid up with so much as a broken/sprained anything and then it became so set that they still need me. Perhaps when they are grown....didn't President Bush Sr. just do it? Maybe I won't be too old;-)
Exactly. who would take care of my dh and dogs if i bit the dust? it's not looking as appealing as it did when i was younger and invincible. i would have no second thoughts if i was all by myself and already skinny. i refuse to die a fat ass! }(

Hi Jes,

I never been skydiving, but my DH has. Actually he has completed 53 jumps and he loved it. He never got hurt, but he is also the VERY careful type. He never trusted anyone to pack his 'chute. I've always wanted to try it at least once but never got around to going. He decided to let his insurance lapse and he sold his 'chute. Now that we are older, we haven't thought much about it. Let us know if you decide to do it. :)
I've done it once before @ Skydive Texas. When I went back to work that Monday, all I kept hearing was "Why would you jump out of a perfectly good plane?" It got old.

As a matter of fact, I got old. I'm not such an adrenaline junkie anymore. I'll leave that to the young'uns.

I skydived about 4 years ago. God it was a blast!!! I still watch my video all the time. I would say go for it!!! It is such an awesome experience. It's totally something you have to decide for yourself...but it is soooooooooo much fun.
Jes ~
My DH & I went this past Sept. in San Diego. (Tandem) We went on a whim! It was awesome. The guys we jumped with were in their 20's (we're 40 somethings!). One of them actually had a woman pass out on him and he landed (w/ her) safely. I could not believe how easy it was for me to just roll out of the plane! The freefall is amazing (extreme adrenaline rush!) and after the chute opens you'll feel like a graceful bird gliding back to earth. I landed on my feet (the instructor talks you thru all the way). So long as the outfit is reputable (because you will have to sign a release that absolves them of ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY should the unthinkable happen) I say - GO FOR IT and you'll never have to wonder what it's like! Plus you get to cross it off your "100 Things I Gotta Do Before I Die" list!
~ Kim
I have never done it. I'm afraid of heights. DH on the other hand LOVES to sky dive. He actually hasn't done it in a few years as he did have a bad fall. Altho he did not get hurt. He is going to start going again in a few months. He said it is very addicting if you enjoy those kind of "thrills".

I have never been skydiving, but my 67-year-old father and 20-year-old nephew just went this past summer and both loved it. My father has ALWAYS wanted to go, convinced my nephew to come along, and off they went! Their first jump was a tandum with a "seasoned" jumper. My nephew had his actually videotaped, and it was very cool!

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