New to the forum...want to say Hello!

Hello, I am new to the forum. Actually, I have been lurking for a few months but just signed on officially.

I have been using Cathe workouts for over a year now and am 100% hooked! I have the intensity series and love it. I bought the Hardcore series and I am very excited about getting those. I have the Power Hour DVD on my Christmas list. No big suprise for DH, my list always consists of workout stuff. Good thing is, he knows those items will be my favorite and they won't collect dust.

I use to do the Firm workouts and still do on occassion (getting back into shape after surgery) but find they are a bit too easy and I spend too much time trying to modify to make them more challenging.

I have kept you long enough. I just wanted to say hello to all of you. I must go, PUB is waiting for me!
Don't you just love PUB!!! Welcome to the forum....:)....I lurked awhile myself! I am also a former Firmie, but find Cathe so much more challenging. The Power Hour DVD is one of my favorites too...Hardcore should be awesome.....:)...Carole
Welcome forum "newbie"! Glad to have you on board. Funny how so many of us were former "Firmites" who have discovered the true path to enlightenment.

Hope now that you're over your shyness, we'll hear from you lots!
Welcome Imafitnessfreak. I have PH in dvd, now I have all the Cathe's dvd, and you are going to love the PH dvd. IT is one of my three favorites endurance weight workouts with ME and CTX upper body split.I don't regret about the money I have spend in these workouts. They are the best I know and I have done workouts of Cristhy Taylor, Jannis Safell, Marcus Irwing, the firm, Karen Voight etc. cathe is the best.Welcome.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Imafitnessfreak AND Joanna!

Just wanted to say Hi and WELCOME to my neighbors! (I live in the Akron/Canton area!) Glad you decided to jump in and post. We look forward to getting to know you. PH is one of my fav strength workouts. ENJOY!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi and welcome! I'm new too and am just now trying to get back in shape after being a slug for too many years.

Lee Anne:)
Hi, welcome! SO glad you decided to come out & play!:p

You're going to love of my very favourites.

Have fun,
Ruth:) :)
Welcome!! I'm also new and I did the same thing about lurking a few months. I actually registered, but I kept procrastinating on preordering the Hardcore series until I read so many posts here about Cathe's workout. I was already hooked from watching FitTv, but I wasn't sure about spending the money on the DVDs. Now I can't wait for them to come in and don't regret the money spent and the money I WILL spend. ;)

I know you're going to like it here.

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