Does the Free Shipping offer still apply?

Hi Cathe, I preordered the Hardcore Series in October and no other dvds at the time. If I place an order now for an available dvd...say HSTA, would I still be able to receive the free shipping deal? Thanks for your time!
Great! So when I place my order for another workout, how will you know at check out that I was one of the excited ones who ordered Hardcore way back when and therefore gets free shipping on the current order?
You guys are awesome! Just one more reason why I have no need for other workout videos! So accomodating! Thanks so much! I'll get my order out as soon as I get my toddlers content with applesauce!
Actually, make sure that you make the 1 in the amount box for shipping a zero. Otherwise you still might get charged. I did this the first time, ( I left the 1 in shipping qty) but had a comment in the box & was still charged for shipping. The next two times I ordered, I made sure the 1 in qty box for shipping was changed to zero & made a short comment as well. No problems those times.

So, if you ordered more than once after purchasing the hardcore series, you got free shipping on all thos orders?
WOW! How nice is that? This may be enough incentive for me to order 2 more DVDs that I've had my eye on and forgot to get at the time of my pre-order.

Thanks so much!

Yes, I ordered The Terminator first but that's the one I got charged for shipping. Then I ordered RS/IMAX/MIC DVD. Then just last Friday I ordered SH; CTX & CK/CM all on DVD. Those last two times I made sure I removed the qty for the shipping on the itemized sales receipt & put in a comment. Voila! No shipping charge.

How long does the preorder last? I would like to order some HC and the whole Intensity Series and wonder if I'll still get free shipping on the IS?
As long as you order the DVD version of "IS" along with your presale order there will be no additional shipping charges for the current DVDs. The presale will last until a few days before we ship the new DVDs. This should be sometime this month.
Do you think I could order the high step and the High step challenge DVD and get free shipping on the total order. I bet that's really pushing it?

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