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  1. J

    South Beach anyone?

    I started south beach 1 week ago. I was doing great until the in laws came in for the weekend. They wanted to go out to eat at all the fun resaurants. What can you eat at PF Chiangs that is south beach? So I had a bad two days. Do I have to start over again at day 1? But the first 4.5 days...
  2. J

    I am very hurt and sad and need advice!

    I've read all the responses and I feel compelled to respond. Please don't bite my head off anyone, please, since I have a different perspective. As a Physics undergrad and a computer consultant now, I work with men most of the time. And I kind of get in on the real scoop. I would say the...
  3. J

    Are you from Canada, eh?

    Like Jill, I married a Canadian that grew up in Winnipeg. We now live in Minneapolis. We visit there ALL the time though. I know all the funny Canadian quirks. The weird thing is then my sister married a canadian and moved to Vancouver. I guess the countries had to even out and make a trade. My...
  4. J

    Tingling In My Leg

    I would recommend seeing a chiropractor in addition to talking with your doctor. It could be as simple as a misaligned bone pinching your nerve, your MD can't do much for that but a good Chiropractor could.
  5. J

    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    I know I'm replying to a thread where everything has been said, but I had to add my 2 cents! I was appalled when I read your post! I can't believe someone would be so ignorant. Truly, it is her loss, you were obviously a great mentor to her and she will loose out because of it. Hopefully...
  6. J

    DVD Players

    I really don't think you would need a multi disk, I do just fine without it. Especially if its just for your workout room then no need to spend the extra cash.
  7. J

    Recommendations for DVD Player

    Hi there! You will LOVE your DVD player, the only bad thing is you'll want all your stuff on DVD, I've been replacing my VHS tapes now with DVDs. Anyway, I don't know what you plan to do with your DVD player other than workout, or what other things you have at home as far as TV and electronic...
  8. J

    First Cathe video?

    Well I had power hour first and I didn't like it, so I didn't try any more Cathe's for a long time. Then i bought the new intensity series when it came out and Boot Camp was the first work out I did from that and I just LOVED it. That is when I fell in love with Cathe workouts. I have...
  9. J


    Like some of the other people, I would definitely recommend running shoes for running, they are lighter and designed specifically for running. Wearing them will reduce chance of injury and long term damage for sure. I used to run quite a bit, lately I've been doing a lot of Cathe cardio but...
  10. J

    I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, please input. Thanks.

    RE: I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, pl... Well I think what happens is Step Aerobics lifts your butt, which is a good thing, and it definitely builds the muscles in there, and if you don't loose the fat layer on top then your butt will be bigger, but when you keep doing it you...
  11. J

    New to your programs...

    Hi, I am not Cathe but I wanted to say that I think you will love Cathe. I did the Firm for a long time and finally found Cathe and now I'm hooked. I go back to do a firm now and I'm bored and not at all challenged by the cardio. I love Cathe because I love the cardio intensity as well as the...
  12. J


    Hey Lisa, I'm in the same boat as you. About 2 months ago I ordered the intensity series and I haven't been able to put in a firm video since. Well I did once and I couldn't even stay motivated to make it through. Since them I've ordered nearly all the Cathe DVDs and I'm hooked. Be warned...
  13. J

    Hello Cathe - A BIG THANK YOU!!!!

    Danielle, thanks for the welcome! :-) I still like to go to the firm forum, I even ordered the new BBS2 but I just can't get myself to put in a firm video? Am I horrible? Or if I do I am just so bored I can't even finish the workout. Of course I don't knock the firm and I don't say anything...
  14. J

    Hello Cathe - A BIG THANK YOU!!!!

    I just wanted to add a quick THANK YOU here too! I too was a Firm devotee and I'm a truly a Cathe convert now. Ever since discovering Cathe I have a new love for working out. I actually LOOK forward to going home after work so I can pop in a DVD and get moving. Thanks Cathe for all your great...
  15. J

    What's FitPrime?

    RE: sued for what? On the working out without shoes, I saw this really interesting show about feet and shoe development on TechTV yesterday. They actually said that the foot is better able to compensate for variations in the surface you are on (probably more relevant for runners) when working...
  16. J

    Shoe advice anyone?

    Also how old are you shoes? They do wear out. I've noticed mine wearing out, my feet were hurting quite a bit. Last night I went and bought new Reeboks (they fit the nicest on my feet) and my pain is already nearly gone. Basically you have to try on some different shoes and see what works...
  17. J

    Working out on cement floor

    I was working out on a carpet remnant until I got my flooring. Its definitely better than nothing. But some kind of floor I think will provide more absorbtion for the shock to your joints. So to minimize future pain or joint (knee) problems I would (and did) invest in flooring with a little...
  18. J

    Working out on cement floor

    I workout in the basement and its cement floor there too. I bought the interlocking mats at Home Depot. They actually weren't too expensive, the nice thing is you can start out with a few and build up and increase your space as you have money! it definitely works for me for all aerobic activity...