I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, please input. Thanks.


Active Member
Last night, my friend came over and as we were discussing what works for us as far as exercise goes (we are very different in our tastes of workouts), she told me that step aerobics makes your butt bigger. I told her, I've been doing step aerobics and I love them. I told her all about Cathe Friedrich's video's and how happpy I am to have finally advanced to her routines. My friend cannot do step aerobics and claims that it hurts her feet...so she borrowed all of my pilates and yoga type video's and a firm video, but I insisted that she should just stretch her calves more and warm up longer before doing step video's and that might help, since I think they are too fun not to try. She claimed that nothing helps and her calves always hurt afterward. Myself, I have tendonitis in my own left foot, and at times it's painful, but I've never had a problem with doing my step aerobics, assuming it's because I warm up my calves enough.
Do you all suppose she said that step aerobics makes your butt big because perhaps she is jealous of me or is it really true? I told her, that it might be that her muscles respond faster than her fat layer burns off and it gives her the appearance of bulkiness in her buns, but that eventually the fat will burn off and her patients is crucial to seeing results. AM I WRONG? Please put my mind at ease and let me know your opinions on this. Thank you.:)
She's wrong. If you haven't noticed your butt getting bigger with step aerobics, then what are you worried about?

Unfortunately, there's a subclutch of exercisers out there, male and female, who think the only way to exercise is the way they themselves exercise. It may or may not be jealousy with your "friend" (and I use the quotation marks very deliberately here), and it may or may not be the Exercise-My-Way-Or-The-Highway Syndrome, and it may or may not be just simple mis/disinformation on her part, but whatever the case, keep doing what you're doing as long as it's working for you!

Thanks. I noticed at one point that my pants were tighter in the butt, so I was a bit conserned, but the video's are so much fun, I don't want to quit doing them. So I will keep it up, as you say...what works for me, right.:) I'm not sure what you mean about the deliberate quotations around the word friend. could you elaberate on that? I know, I'm a little out of date with things like that, I'm sorry.
RE: I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, pl...

Well I think what happens is Step Aerobics lifts your butt, which is a good thing, and it definitely builds the muscles in there, and if you don't loose the fat layer on top then your butt will be bigger, but when you keep doing it you loose the fat and have a firmer and lifted (not all saggy) butt which is what we want.

So you might notice your pants fitting differently because the shift in where the bulk of it is.

And who wants a flat butt these days anyway, a not flat butt is definitely in right now, its funny how styles change with regards to our butts, but think of JLo??

But I agree too, that your friend probably does have a case of "My way or the highway" like mentioned above, so if Step Aerobics are working for you then get to it.

RE: I can't believe this. It can't be true, someone, pl...

Thank you Jolene. I just want to say, I love your name, my daughters middle name is Joeli after her father Joel, and I was sooo close to naming her jolene, after the song by Dolly Parton. I love it, I sing it whenever there is kareoke. I couldn't do jolene joeli, just didn't sound great, but if I weren't out of it from all the meds due to c-section, I would have named her Angelique Jolene. As it was, My husband named her because I was allergic to the meds and couldn't stop sleeping or barfing for 3 days. major bummer. So he named her Angelique Joeli....possibly after Angelina Jolie. Anyway, I love your name.
I think you're right too, thanks for the input.;)
Please disregard my comment about putting the word "friend" in quotes, and indeed actually putting that word in quotes. I was a tad batty and over-caffeinated when I responded to you, although I stand by everything else I said.

Step forever!

Hi in2aerobic ;o)

My god woman. I just looked at your picture. If you look like this, WOW....you look really awesome, keep up the excellent work. By the way, what workouts have you been doing to look so great?


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