What's FitPrime?

Fitprime is a spin off of the Firm. One of the firm's producers "defected" and started her own company. You will find Tracie Long and Susan Harris there.
When you check them out, also be sure to check out some of the reviews on the other forums before purchasing. They have a reputation for "innovative" workouts--working out barefoot for example. However, they also have a reputation for looking like bad home movies--Tracey Long does her own makeup for the shoots & the editing is bad--or so I've read. I don't own any.

FitPrime is Anna Benson's new company. She is the maker of all the pre 2001 Firms(the good ones!). Anna, her ex, and her sister had to sell to Goodtimes when a former employee sued them. They had to pay for legal fees so they had to sell(unfortunately). FitPrimes are great workouts. I own all of them. The editing is no worse than other videos out on the market. There are a few mistakes here and there but you don't notice too much because you are too busy sweating!In my opinion, the music is the best on the market. They are intermediate/advanced workouts w less impact than Cathe. They are a combo of weights and aerobics plus yoga. Susan Harris, from Vol 1 is coming out w 2 new videos this summer. Tracie Long and Heidi Tanner also lead videos. Tracie worked on a lot of filmings of The Firm so she is good at doing makeup! Anyway-who cares who does makeup in an exercise video? You should check out their website.
I also own them all. Yes, the workouts are different, but I have noticed great changes in my body since doing them. Alot more firmness and tone. Along with Cathe's great workouts, I'm achieving good success.

RE: sued for what?

A response mentioned Anna Benson, etc. were sued by a
former employee. Sued for what? Just curious.

Another response mentioned working out barefoot. What's
the deal with that? I would've though that would be bad
for us, but I trust them to do what's safe....
RE: sued for what?


There is a lot of info on the MUM website. I think they were sued by one of the music composers. I can't remember exactly. As far as barefoot goes-1 video called From the Ground Up w Heidi has Heidi doing the moves barefoot. Youi can do it w shoes. I tried it once barefoot. I actually felt my legs working more and it definitely works your balance. I have also done the workout w my shoes. The workout doesn't have a lot of jumping so I don't think it's dangerous to do it barefoot. I wouldn't do a heavy cardio video barefoot. Most yoga and pilates classes prefer you workout barefoot.
RE: sued for what?

On the working out without shoes, I saw this really interesting show about feet and shoe development on TechTV yesterday. They actually said that the foot is better able to compensate for variations in the surface you are on (probably more relevant for runners) when working out barefoot. The foot is designed to sense the surface and your knees and joints bend differently to accomodate. Now they weren't saying to go out and run a marathon with barefeet, although they did show a guy that is doing just that.

But they are trying to make changes to our foot wear to allow the foot to use its natural ability.

The interesting thing about it was the barefoot runner they showed has never had a running related injury of any kind.

Ok, so that being said, I do wear shoes while working out except while doing FitPrimes From the Ground Up. I really enjoy it. I think its low impact so you're not bouncing on your feet, its a nice change of pace.

And about Fitprime, the production quality is not nearly as nice as Cathe, they are still fun effective workouts and provide a nice change of pace. I rarely do my Firm workouts anymore, I do mostly Cathe and then I'll throw in some FitPrimes when I want an easier cardio day but not heavy weights.

The cardio is not nearly as intense or fun as cathe.


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