Recommendations for DVD Player


Hello All!

Patricia from Toronto, Canada here!

Well . . . after much hemming and hawing, I've decided to bite the bullet and buy a DVD player. Cathe's new Body Blast workouts have nuttin' to do with it (ya, right!)

Do any of you who have DVD players have any recommendations? I think I'd like a multi-disc model -- 2 to 5, maybe. I have printed out the VF Reader-Approved DVD Models from Video Fitness but wanted to get some feedback from you pro-DVDers.

I don't at this point have a price range in mind. Well, maybe a ceiling of $600 (Canadian), but that's not carved in cement. I have no idea what's out there since I've never even shopped for one!

I'd especially like to hear from any of my fellow Canucks out there re your recommendations for make and model and where you purchased your DVD players.

I don't want to take a chance and not get the right model, only to have to return it. I don't have a car so either have to use local transit or taxi it.

Anyways, I'd really love to hear your input. Thanks in advance, guys! Have a nice evening!


P.S. Silly me, I put my order into CK Sales for the VHS Body Blasts this morning. Guess I'll have to cancel my order now!
Greetings from Nova Scotia Patricia!

You will NOT regret going DVD, but if I were you, I'd save some of that $600 for Cathe DVD's!;-)

I recently bought a Panasonic RV32 single disk player, and I really like it - the only thing I don't like is the remote design, but Panasonic has always been weak on remotes IMO. There's just too many buttons :) My previous DVD player was a Zenith with very few features. If you can swing it, you may want to get a 5 disk player that is programable across disks so you can mix and match parts of different DVD's. I did some research on the net before getting mine at a local electronics dealer that I used to deal with through work. He gave me $20 below the Future Shop price. I paid $169 (plus tax of course x(! BTW Future Shop's website has some reviews of DVD players they sell which may give you some info too. HTH,

Hi there! You will LOVE your DVD player, the only bad thing is you'll want all your stuff on DVD, I've been replacing my VHS tapes now with DVDs.

Anyway, I don't know what you plan to do with your DVD player other than workout, or what other things you have at home as far as TV and electronic equipment. You can get a DvD player for as low as $60 US. I know you said a price cap of $600, that can actually buy you quite a decent player and way more than you would need for just working out.

If you are worried more about quality and how it will show up, if you have anything in your home like HDTV then be sure to get a progressive scan DVD player, I won't go in to details about that here.

The best way to learn about it is to go to a local electronics store and ask questions or research online. Read reviews and comments.
Hi Patricia. I'm not a Canadian, but I would recommend your getting the Sony 5 disc changer, model #DVP-NC655P. This is a great unit. It is fully programmable (I've heard some of the Panasonic and other brands are not), across all the DVDs, so you literally have limitless choices for your workouts. You can also play MP3 and CDs on this unit. It is ~$180 USD. I'm not sure how that translates to Canadian dollars, but I think it is less than your $600 limit. :)
I have a JVC 3 disc changer that I bought a little over 3 years ago for about 350-400 ( can't remember exactly). It has worked wonderfully, and the multi-disc changer is a MUST for mixing and matching Cathe DVDs!
I started out with a 5 disc Toshiba player but found that it took forever to cycle one disc to the next one (just like my CD player). I then exchanged it for a single disc player and like it much better. It is faster to just pop the disc out and put a new one in than wait for the darn machine to change them. Also I tend to like to change my workout "on the fly" as I go so I can't really pre-program my entire workout before I start anyway.Some days I just run out of energy and have to skip the last step section and other days I have a lot of energy and want to add on an extra cardio section before going to my abs. So, for that reason, and its lot cheaper too, I like the single disc player just fine. Mine cost $70 US at Best Buy.
RE: Sony DVP-C615 5-Disc Player

Hi everybody!

I cannot express how thankful I am for your replies! Murky buckets! (Merci beaucoup).

The Sony DVP-NC655P 5-disc player that a couple of you mentioned really titillated me so I went shopping on the web - Radio Shack and Future Shop. Both stores don't carry that model but they do carry the Sony DVP-C615 one. Anybody have any experience with this one?

Consumer Reports has the NC615 listed as excellent under the heading "Standard Multidisc Players" and the NC655 also listed excellent under "Progressive-Scan Multidisc Players". Is there a difference? Hhhhmm . . . I just read the actual CR article, not just the ratings table. Is says "When connected to a regular TV, this type of player delivers the same high picture as a standard player. But when paired with a high-definition TV (HDTV), a progressive-scan player delivers a smoother, almost filmlike image." So that basically answers my question. I don't have HDTV so I don't have to worry about it. I thought it had something to do with scanning for chapter or whatever -- I am so illiterate in the ways of DVD's! It was near the end of the LP records (for those who are too young to know what that means, think big, big black flat plate-like thangs that played music. And you put them on turntables where they went round and round and round. Ah, you ask, what's a turntable? Well, that's a whole new lesson in medieval history!) Anyways, it took me years just to get a CD player!

Ok, I've gone on long enough. Guess I'll get the 615 (unless I hear from any of you that it's a piece of crap!

Thanks again, guys!


P.S. The 615 was listed as $279Can at Future Shop and on sale for $229 (reg. 249) at Radio Shack.
RE: Sony DVP-C615 5-Disc Player

Hi Patricia!!

I made a mistake when I told you what model I had. I just put my glasses on and looked REAL close at the model number and it is the 615! Oops, sorry about that. I'm really pleased with it. I can't remember that I told you I got it at Sears, since I can't see my post, but anyway, that's where I purchased it from.

BTW, remember eight tracks? :+


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