South Beach anyone?


I know I am probably going to get ridiculed for trying this one.....

But wondering if anyone is or has tried the South Beach diet? I just started yesterday mid-day, today is my official day 1. I feel GREAT! I can feel the bloat going away. My cousin who is a trainer suggested I try it for a month and see what happens. She said she has seen a lot of her clients have HUGE results w/it and help break them out of their plateau. I figured I am in this major plateau why not try something different? She has one client who lost over 80 lbs and has kept it off.

It seems to be a lot like BFL but with a more restrictive on what carbs you choose. Also, a little more freedom w/fats, nuts etc. I did it all day today 100% and feel really good! I think the fact that I transitioned from BFL helps a lot. I really thought I would be starving particularly since I just got back from vacation yesterday and pigged out on good ol' southern cooking the entire time?? But I am not hungry at all.

If anyone else is doing this maybe we can get a check-in going!?
I liked it. But then again i like the higher protein, higher fat type diets. I don't follow the south beach, i'm schwartzbein principle, but you get to eat fruit, vegetables, grains and loose!

HI Fitnut!
I was wondering how you have been doing!Glad to see you still have time to post.
I bought the book but didn't get to read it all. What I did read I didn't enjoy as much as the BFL book.I have often thought about doing the Stage 2 plan instead of the first one.I think that would be to restictive for me. I loaned the book out to a friend, who never did read it, I have been meaning to get it back and look at stage 2.I could probably manage that one and still see results!
Good Luck,
I tried this for a couple of months last year and although I won't say I liked it, because it was restrictive as any diet is, I lost a little belly fat that had accumulated. Also, I found after the first few days, I felt really good. I found I had to up the carbs a little because of my exercise routine.

I believe this is a very healthy way of eating as you are encouraged to eat foods in their natural form whenever possible.

Another thing, when I stopped the diet, I did not gain the weight right back when adding carbs like I did when I tried Atkins.
Lori- so glad to hear from you! I think of you often girlfriend! How are you? What are you up to these days?

I like SB so far! Once I get out of phase I it seems to be a bit less restrictive than BFL. I can't believe how I can already see my body fat going away. I started the diet somewhat on Sunday but officially started yesterday. I let myself ease into it. Geeeze..I can see the baby fat from my latest angel falling off my stomach! Yeah! I can also see my muscles on my legs a bit more. Really seems like the fat is already falling off. You don't know how happy I am about this as I have been working out so hard the past couple months and the scale nor my fat hasn't budged! Looks like this may be the diet I needed at least for the short term. Phase II really looks like something I can live with! I like that you can have more fats. I always had more success on BFL when I cut breads down anyway so may be why this one works for me?

Candi - thanks for the reply. Glad to hear you didn't gain it back. I have been a little worried about that!

How is the weather where you all are? It is sooooo hot here!
I live in Central FLorida so needless to say it's HOTTTTTTT! Temperature has been hovering around 95-100 degrees. When we don't get our usual afternoon thunderstorms, it just seems worse. But, on the good side, the dog days of summer are half over.

I just read where it was suggested you run to break a plateu. Interesting..... I decided to do that as well. I'm on week four and haven't really noticed much of a difference yet. I'm only run/walking about two miles. Takes me approx 30 minutes. The intensity is definitely killer.
Hi Fitnut,

I did SB earlier this spring and have used the info from the book to "clean up" my diet. I have let a lot of bad carbs back into my diet, so I need to get back to making better choices, but I like the concept behind the "eating plan."

Just one word of warning - You may need to modify the carb intake to sustain your workouts. I did okay for the first 4 or 5 days of phase 1 and then I crashed from a serious energy deficit. I had to add back in some complex carbs from whole grain sources. Phase 2 is much more managable. Dr. Agaston does not really address how to modify the diet to accomodate serious exercise. You will find what works for you.

It is amazing how cutting back on carbs reduces the amount of water you retain and decreases bloat!
Hi Fitnut,

I did SB this winter and did have great results. I kept the weight off for quite a while. I would recommend you follow this diet as close as possible, but if you are hungry, or desire something - like peanut butter or cereal instead of all those EGGS for breakfast, then don't deprive yourself. I use this "clean" eating as a guideline and do when possible. The weekend entertaining and happy hours I think kill me - too much fun this summer.

I told my husband, my body hurts from working out so much and haven't lost a lb. so I'm cutting out the processed foods that he LOVES, the breads and sugars and look forward to taking some lbs. off again. I want to lose 5 lbs. (Am 130 lb. now). I am only 5'2" so 5 lbs. would make a huge difference! Before I got to 126 so back I go again. By the way, it's my birthday today - 42, but still feel like I'm only 30!

Good luck to you with the SB - it's a few more $$ and more prep work, but its worth it!

Happy Birthday Cheryl! I bet 42 is lookin' GREAT on you. Have a special day![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I've been curious about this for a while - does anyone know why it's supposed to make you lose weight in your stomache?
Probably b/c carbs contribute to the bloating feeling we get most of the time.Its probably not so much the fat at first, but just water you may be retaining.
Just a guess,though.
I think about you all the time as well! Imagine, we've never even met! Still no baby for me,of course.Not to worry though, I am not upset.There was a point in time when I thought I wanted a baby but now I am not so sure.Most of my friends have started their families and I see how busy their lives are, I think the sleep deprivation gets me the most.:)
I know that if we want to have another child, it is going to take a long time,and alot of test have to be ran (poor DH;( ) I just don't want to get myself excited for a baby that may never be.I don't want to feel empty or like my life isn't complete.If it happens great and if it doesn't, thats o.k to.
My life is crazy right now.All I do is work.I have been getting extra hours and we are also short staffed.I can't wait to have my 3 days off in a row now.Right now my only day off is Sunday.It makes for a loooooooonggggggg week.
Keep us posted on how things are going.You can be our little guniea pig:)
DH and I are kind of loosly doing it. I started with Atkins, because my husband had to have a high protein diet because of his health. Then we learned of some things that we felt more comfortable about with South Beach, and are doing that. We eat healthy but limited carbs that are whole grains and lots of greens and as well as cheese and nuts. I've lost 20 lbs since starting it, (less than a year ago) and feel fine. I actually am not hungry as much and snack much less.
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
Re: the bloating - and why you lose it in your stomach area... WHO CARES! LOL!! It worked for me. All I could figure is everything you are eating gets digested (all natural type veggies, etc.) and you don't store the bread and processed foods (all that sugar/salt) as fat. When I was faithful the first 9 days I dropped a lb. for every day - my husband and I couldn't believe it. I even lost faster than him, and you know how hard that is!! Start with phase I, not phase II and you'll have better results. Phase I you do get hungry, so eat more salads or veggies. Also, the celery and the asparagus are important as they are considered diuretics (makes you go!) and all that cheese can have an adverse effect on you.

Anyway, try it you'll like it. Also, on Phase I, after a few days I did add in a glass of wine at night and didn't affect me.

Can anyone tell me how to turn on the smilies icon?? And, does anyone have the Timesaver DVD and really like it??
Have a great weekend,

My sister, who's name is Cheryl, and her husband also did SB and lost 1 lb a day in the first two weeks. Your not my sister, are you? Haha!

My DH followed Adkins for awhile and lost quite a lot of weight. It was somewhat loosely followed as I had a hard time feeding him all of that fat. Then I found the South beach diet. He has been able to keep up with his weight loss with this. I really do not think he needs to lose more weight. It is more how I eat normally with a few cheat days here and there. Like birthdays or a night out to dinner where I just want to eat whatever appeals to me. I do not eat fruit very often which is allowed in limited quantities on phase 2-3. I think for the most part it can be an all around healthy eating plan that someone can stay on to maintain optimal health benefits.
Diane Sue
I started south beach 1 week ago. I was doing great until the in laws came in for the weekend. They wanted to go out to eat at all the fun resaurants. What can you eat at PF Chiangs that is south beach? So I had a bad two days. Do I have to start over again at day 1?

But the first 4.5 days were great. I lost 4 pounds and saw fat the fat just go away.

I just read something today though that suggested women may have a harder time with low carb dieting because carbs produce seratonin more quickly. something to do with our hormones. I haven't looked in to this yet but I thought it was interesting.
I have tried Atkins, but not South Beach. For those of you who have tried both, is the Induction phase different. If so, how does it vary?
I believe that the only difference in the beginning is that Atkins tends to promote more fatty foods. Where South beach is saying eat fat in moderation in the beginning. Instead of bacon SB says use canadian bacon. And that is really about all that is different in the beginning, I believe.


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