
Active Member
Hi everyone i am new here! i only have one Cathe tape but after doing it i am ordering a tonmore!! i ahve been doing the firm for years but wow Cathe is incredible!!! i am in good shape but i could use more muscle i just ordered the slow and heavy series i can't wait to get them!!! I am a 24 year old female from New Jersey:)
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to Cathe's forum. You will have fun here. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help answer questions, and just plain talk about fitness. :D
Alot of us did the Firm for years before discovering Cathe. Some of us still incorporate the Firm and other videos with Cathe. But just a warning }( LOL :D:D once you start ordering Cathe videos, it becomes addictive. You will have to get them all. ;-)
Have fun and enjoy your workouts. And....soon, Cathe will be selling workout gear. This is a great place to max out your credit card. LOL
Welcome Lisa,

So glad that you found Cathe, I am relatively new to Cathe too, I have 2 of her tapes so far and as soon as I get some money I am ordering 3-4 more. You will love her.:9 I never did the Firm I was into taebo before getting involved with Cathe, I still do taebo also.

Keep posting.:7
Hey Lisa, I'm in the same boat as you. About 2 months ago I ordered the intensity series and I haven't been able to put in a firm video since. Well I did once and I couldn't even stay motivated to make it through.

Since them I've ordered nearly all the Cathe DVDs and I'm hooked. Be warned that once you've tried Cathe you can't go back!

Hey everyone and thanx for the warm welcome!! i am from north jersey...rockaway actually...i just started seeing a personal trainer last week she said cathe is great but i think this might be my last week of personal training due to money and the fact that i enjoy working out at home better!!! anyone else belong to a gym??>
Hi Lisa: Greetings from the oil and petrochemical refinery state! I'm in Westfield, NJ and also did the Firm almost exclusively before discovering Cathe. Just out of curiosity, which Cathe tape is it that you have? I'm POSITIVE that you'll be ordering more soon. They're like Lays potato chips--you can't have just one! Maybe that was a bad analogy . . .
Deborah, You live in Mount Laurel??.. that's where my sister lives. What a coincidence. Not sure if you'll see this post so maybe I'll post something in our tank top rotation challenge since I'm a member in that. :)

Hey Lisa! I too am new to Cathe. As everyone else has done, let me warn you...her workouts are tons of fun and you will want to buy, buy, buy! Since February I have acquired the following tapes and DVD's - Rythmic Step, Maximum Intensity Strength, Body Max, Step Heat, Circuit Max, The Intensity Series, and now I have ordered her Cardio Hits DVD. I want them ALL!!! I originally intended to give one a try and then pretty much went crazy. I have incorporated one Taebo tape since I started doing Cathe and I had to made myself do it. I know that I need to crosstrain, but right now I am having so much fun, I just can't make myself do it. Have fun and enjoy your new discovery!
Hi Lisa and Welcome! Congratulations on finding Cathe! You are going to love ALL over her videos! We promise.

We are warning you now.... you have found yourself an addiction! Trust me... I only found her last fall and I think I own every single one of her videos except 2-3 of the VERY old ones.

You will also love this Forum! There are so many educated, loving folks here. I have learned so much from them and have been able to truly take my fitness to the next level!

Congrats and Welcome :+

I look forward to getting to know you :7
Hi Lisa!

I'm going to go ahead and just repeat what everyone else has told you:

there's no such thing as owning just one Cathe video!!!

I'm a starving grad student on a limited budget, but yet somehow I have miraculously found ways to rationalize all of my recent Cathe purchases (my husband doesn't fully understand it, but I guess it's just a Cathe thing!). It's almost a reflex action now to reach for the credit card for "just one more video"! I just tell myself that eventually (or fairly soon if I keep going at the rate I'm at right now) I'll have them all and won't need anymore. . . . .Oh, but then once I get that final one, I just know she's gonna come out with some new ones (and I will NOT be complaining!) :)

Sarah :)
Welcome! You will find good info here on the forum. And you'll find the real you once you start working out with Cathe on a regular basis!

I used the Firm workouts too before I found Cathe. I am happy they were there, and their forum too- that's where I learned about Cathe!

Hi Lisa and welcome! I started out with The Firm a couple years ago and was happy to have the introduction to cardio and weight training, but Cathe is where it's at! I have all her videos except a few of the original ones and I can honestly say that you will become addicted! You'll see incredible improvements in your body that The Firm just can't provide. Good luck to you and keep us all informed with your progress!

Welcome aboard! I hope you have as much fun here as I do. You'll also find these ladies to be very informative and willing to share advice. Have fun with your new Cathe videos! Susan:D
Hi Lisa! Welcome aboard!! Oh my just you wait. In no time at all you'll be buying up ALL of them! Kathy:7
wow you guys have been so great....i have a questin did you struggle when you frist did cathe?? i am pretty fit and i was DYING the first time i did MIS!!!
Well, you sure picked a goodie to begin with. Yes, I struggled. I thought I was so in shape from all of the Firm workouts I'd been doing; but I think that any new workout targets your muscles in a slightly different way, and until your body adjusts, you will struggle a bit. I think that's why it's good to change things up a bit from time to time. Just keep plugging away, and slowly, but surely, you'll be struggling less and less. Then you'll be able to see just how far you've come.
MIS is a killer!!!! But you just wait to try Meaner, oh wait that's Leaner, I mean Leaner Legs!

As everyone else said, you will soon find that you have more Cathe tapes than you can do in a week!

By the way, I know where Rockaway is! Used to live in Parsippany--for about 6 months & shopped at Rockaway Mall!

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