Welcome Lisa, isn't Cathe fun. Now don't get scared of the S&H series it's a breeze......do you own 1 and 2 lb weights????? JK ;-) ;-) ;-)

S&H is my alltime favorite and why not try IMAX while your at it...this could go on and on....enjoy S&H.

>Welcome Lisa, isn't Cathe fun. Now don't get scared of the
>S&H series it's a breeze......do you own 1 and 2 lb
>weights????? JK ;-) ;-) ;-)
>S&H is my alltime favorite and why not try IMAX while your at
>it...this could go on and on....enjoy S&H.
Briee, that's sooooooo mean! But it's true isn't it?

Did you get my e-mail?
OOOOh I'm so sorry....I did not mean to be mean. I just want to emphasize that you don't need to start at Cathe's weights, just do what you can do and don't get your underwear in a bunch if you have to start at lower weights. There.....was that a better translation???

Deborah, got your email and I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Will get the check in the mail hopefully today or tomorrow for those little doohickies. Thanks soooo very much.

Hi Lisa!

A big HELLO & WELCOME to Cathe's place! Glad to have you join us. I, too, THOUGHT I was in great shape til I tried my first Cathe, which btw was MIS! It was the beginning of NO RETURN! I own all her vids or DVDs now. There is no one on the market that compares to her intensity or professionalism. She makes pain FUN too! :7 Let us know what you think after giving S&H a whirl. Your'e in for a big treat. Again, WELCOME!!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hello again! I discovered Cathe back in 1990. I was working out in a gym & had a personal trainer who turned me on to Cathe. My first tape was "Mega Step Blast" & even though I was able to keep up its been a slow & steady climb up the ladder since then. Usually I do advise anyone who starts out w/Cathe to back track & start with a simpler tape; to get used to her choreography. Go easy & in no time at all you'll be picking up the pace! Have fun! Kathy;-)
OH NO I MEANT MEAN AS IN FUNNY MEAN! I so totally agree! That is one tough series!!! And I have to tell you I was so concerned that you thought I thought you were mean as in GRRR mean & saw underwear & thought you said something about working out in your underwear! LOL

Just wanted to make sure you had gotten the e-mail. No hurry! I live less than 5 minutes from the store that sells them so I can go anytime.
Okay Deborah, I would never recommend working out in your underwear if your doing the slow and heavy series, there's just no need for that. NOW....if your doing IMAX I, II, CK or maybe even bootcamp underwear alone may be exceptable as one tends to get fairly hot. I personally prefer wearing underwear for all of Cathe's tapes as I am a fairly conservative person and I'm sure she would agree that this is a politically and hygenically correct position I'm taking although I'm sure this could be debated.


Just for the record.....I prefer grey. Jumpiman on the other hand prefers green.
RE: Hi Lisa!

hey everyone you have all been so nice!!!! i did recieve s&h but to be honest i am scared to try it!!! does anyone do segments of tapes...mix and match or mybe just do the legts from one tape one day and arms another? soemtimes the whoe tape is just too much!
RE: Hi Lisa!

Hey welcome to the gang!!!

Wanted to also say don't pass on those older step videos of Cathe's it's a good idea like KathyH said to get Mega Step Blast and Step Max and Step Heat so you learn how Cathe does things.

I know your gonna love it and want them all. I'm a die hard Cathe fan.

Hello Lisa
Welcome to the forum!!!!!
I'm also new to the forum and everybody seems so pleasant!!
I have 2 of cathe's tapes too and she makes it so much fun!!
The one thing I was wondering!! Does anybody know if she has fake knees? I seen a scar and was wondering!!
Im enjoying this forum and Im sure you will too!!
RE: Hi Lisa!

Hey Lisa and welcome. I did what you did, I brought 1 and found out that Cathe can keep you motivated. Well now I own most of all Cathe's workout. Hey Im from NJ too. I live in New Providence. Have fun with your workout!

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