Tingling In My Leg


And I don't mean in a good way! I have noticed in the past two weeks a slight tingling down the outside of my left leg. From my little toe up to my hip. Any ideas? Just FYI, I have a bad ankle and have to wear a brace whenever working out. Also, I - how do I say this - have not much of a toenail on my little toe. Yikes, I knnnow!

I don't know much about ailments, the only thing that came to mind was Sciatica? (Did I spell that right?). All you educated people out there, please let me know if you have an idea of what I need to do!
That does sound like sciatica. I believe, but I could be wrong, that sciatica generates from the back. You could also have a pinched nerve. I would suggest going to the Dr. because wherever the pressure on the nerve is, you need to try and relieve it. Sometimes nerve damage can become permanent. Not trying to scare you but I had sciatica with a herniated disc in my lumbar region, so I did a lot of research on this.

Good luck and feel better. :7
That's kind of what I thought - I'll call the doc tomorrow...I don't want to let it go and get worse!

Your the best,
Sounds like a pinched nerve, but I thought sciatica went down the back of your leg, not the side, so maybe it's another nerve that's pinched.
I would recommend seeing a chiropractor in addition to talking with your doctor. It could be as simple as a misaligned bone pinching your nerve, your MD can't do much for that but a good Chiropractor could.
>Sounds like a pinched nerve, but I thought sciatica went down
>the back of your leg, not the side, so maybe it's another
>nerve that's pinched.

I had sciatica once, and it does go down the back of the leg rather than the side. A chiropractic adjustment got rid of mine.

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