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  1. J

    name change

    how can i change my user name. i tried to make a new account, but can't. states this email address already taken. i just want to change joanna33. i do not want to change email address!!! anyone experience this. i remember when luv cardio changed her name...and i think she had to create a new...
  2. J

    cathe or educated crowd concerning lunges

    connie..i will try your advice...i think i am trying to be too straight lined. i have so much better balance with lunges when i take a step.
  3. J

    cathe or educated crowd concerning lunges

    i hate static lunges...i've tried and tried, and will keep trying but is it the same if i just do forward lunges or am i missing other muscle fibers? i like forward and reverse lunges.
  4. J

    How long did it take?

    if you have dvd's try what i did; i would watch and practice combos in the slower motion mode. major help to me as i am a klutz. there are some combos that i had to do over and over, but once you get them down, it is a blast.
  5. J

    Cathe vidoes for sale

    video fitness trading is could probably get a few tapes for just one cathe tape
  6. J

    Excel Spreadsheets

    the spreadsheets are not at the web site video fitness; they are at fitnessvideo fanatics. there are several of them. i use them all the time
  7. J


    jazzercise is not nearly as intense as cathe. i was the jazzercise queen late eighties...did 2 workouts a day...could never do that with cathe!! it did have a fun factor and i was quite thin too.
  8. J

    Low Carb Diet

    the best deal is to avoid simple carbs. eat plenty of lean meat, low fat dairy,tons fruits and veggies, and COMPLEX carbs..legumes, whole grains etc. many vitamins/ minerals missed out on super low carb diets; also missing alot of fiber. i agree to avoid "white" . ask your MD or a RD...i doubt...
  9. J

    Lat exercises

    i love the dumbell pullover as cathe does in pyramid upper bdy...really heavy up}(
  10. J

    Firm Core Cardio 1 &2

    can you tell me what orig. videos the footage is from. isn't 1 much more intense than 2. you can email [email protected]
  11. J

    Sept Rotation check-in

    lori, i hate static lunges too...what do you do instead.
  12. J

    Sept Rotation!

    after i read the 1st line of your post...i had to run to the rotation forum...sounds great...i'm in too}(
  13. J


    RE: S&H i vote for the 40 lb weighted vest. and need leaner legs!!}(
  14. J

    How did you find Cathe?

    i found here from the collage simple forum when i was browsing to get an idea of what fitness video's were out there!! there is no going back!!!
  15. J

    Home Stepper Works

    which brand was it...brenda dygraf"s??.saw her infomercial on lateral thigh trainer but my new years resolution last year was NO MORE FITNESS INFOMERCIALS!! haha. I also saw one at Dick's sporting goods store
  16. J

    Hi, Has anyone got this?

    i love the range of motion with the 14" step from the firm. i will be getting the high step and donating the fanny lifter to a friend. i feel i need the 14"inch height .
  17. J

    what do you'll think about bootcamp?

    it is one of my all time favorites!!! there is nothing to compare it too!!}(
  18. J

    another ? about the stability ball size

    take a tape measure and check it out. i'm 5'4 and i prefer the 65" ball. can't say why exactly..but i do!!
  19. J

    Its times like this that...

    oh no...i can't remember what i did!!x(