Lat exercises


Active Member
What are the best exercises to do to develop nice lat muscles? I'm referring specifically to the thin muscle that shows at the side of the body, starting at the ribs and going to the waist. That is a lat muscle, right?
Im not sure what area but it sounds to me like the side of the waist but to answer your question I think planks will do some wonders. that is good for your back and abs+oblique if that is how it spell not sure. Im sure your get great advise from others.
Hi Nadia,
I like the front lat pulldowns with wide grip for this muscle. I also perform assisted pullups with a wide grip. Another that seems to work for me are one arm bent over rows with a dumbbell.
I am sure there are other exercises that are just as good that aren't coming to mind right now. lol!!
By the way, you are correct in your description of the lat muscle. :)
Good luck!
To me it sounds more like the oblique because she is referring to the side of the body down towards the side of the waist. Or you saying the total back from the neck down to the middle or from under your arm down to the waist?
No, it's not part of the obliques. It's part of the lat muscle. On a well defined person such as Cathe, you can see it on her side...
Nadia Trevor gave some great advise. Also what works wonder for me is doing the arm drill from kickboxing. You really feel it in your lats the next several days.
On your front side that muscle is the obligue, on your backside it is the Latissimus Dorsi. So depends on which side your speaking of.
... Rhonda ps.... I have a little picture of some of the muscles of the body. :7
If you go look at the preview on the Kickboxing or Cardio kicks you might see it. It is where you do uppercut, jab, and hook punches which really involves the lat. You first do it at 50% then do it at 100% meaning give it your all best. Hope this help.

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