
I'm back to S&H and I am finding that I just can't get a good leg workout with it. I think I am uncomfortable hoisting too much weight on my shoulders because I'm afraid that I'll hurt myself getting it back down again. It's ridiculous how much weight is necessary before I can even feel my legs working at all with S&H. With Power Hour I can use no weight at all and exhaust my legs. But I love S&H for the other body parts. Anyone else have this experience?
I LOVE S&H for upper body, but not so much for lower body. The possibility of doing some shoulder damage when hoisting heavy weights on and off my shoulders is one reason (which could be solved by getting some barbell racks). The lunges also feel really nasty (I only tried them once) for my knees.

I prefer a different type of workout for the lower body, such as PLB. I feel it's fine to mix-and-match, and that building for strength on the upper body while working for a leaner look on the lower body can make better proportions for those of us (um...many of us with two "x" chromosomes!) who have more on the bottom than the top!
I agree, and I have a rack on the wall for my barbell to sit on. I just prefer it for UB. Those endurance tapes really do the trick on my legs!!! I have such a hard time with rotations, and sticking to them. Lately I have been changing up every week to keep myself interested. Last week I did the ME/BC Bonus, 3 cardio's, and the Pyramids, this week I did ME/BC Bonus Combo, MIS, then I will do another full body, probably PH, and 3 cardios. I was thinking next week, I might do the S&H UB, one part a day, plus 2 leg workouts, and 2 cardio's. I don't know if my resutls will be that great, but it is keeping me going....
Lori S.

Hi Nancy,
I feel like it's really hard to exhaust my lower body with SH also. I've found that if I do something to pre-exhaust my legs before SH legs, it helps. Something like the floorwork of Voight's GWW. Or like Clare,if you're feeling like superwoman, PLB, than SH. I tried that once and boy, did I ever feel worked out! Hope this helped a little!:D
Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

I think you're doing it right. Staying interested is the number one priority! As long as you keep a good mix of everything in there, as yo are doing, I'm sure your results will be excellent.

Hi Sherry and Kathryn! You're right. As I recall, PLB really gets my legs every time. Don't think I would be interested in doing both together though, thank you very much. I'm just glad to make it through PLB. :p

I've been weight training for about a year now and I've been surprised to learn that my legs are my second weakest area after my chest. My chest is so weak its pathetic. Meanwhile, I can match Cathe's weight on most of the back and shoulder exercises, and my abs are obviously toning up somewhere under all my fat. Who knew? :)
Hi Nancy! I must be the only one out there that feels this workout. I use 60#s for my barbell but I do more sets than Cathe does on her tape. I'll do at least 5 sets. Then I do the stability ball work from PLB yowsa! I really feel it. See if this works. Kathy:D
I agree with you. LL is a different story. I always get a great workout with that one.

Although I don't do the S&H workouts, just a suggestion:

Consider investing (pardon the pun) in a weight vest to add weight load to the lower body, so that you don't have to hike as much weight over your shoulders with a barbell absent a weight rack.


I don't have the S&H series, but I want to purchase it as soon as I can. What weight does Cathe and crew use during the leg workout? This discussion has me curious.

Yes, I am going to try S&H with my weighted vest now that it is getting cool. I bought it right when summer started. I tried it with LL and it made me really hot(maybe it is my age).


Just a warning. I hurt my knee on the lower body workout from SH. I had a 40 pound barbell and ten pounds of ankle weights wrapped around my chest. So be careful and don't increase the weight too fast like I did!

I agree that S&H isn't a great leg workout. I prefer Pure Strength or the Imaxes. All those plyos really work my legs.

I just started using a stationery recumbent bike, and I was surprised at how weak my legs are, even though I've been doing SH Legs regularly. And when I get on the treadmill and jog, I discover muscles I didn't know I had. :)

Just another reminder about the importance of cross training.

As for upper body, SH is the single most effective tape series I own. Nothing gives me the definition and strength it does.
Hey Nancy:

seems a lot of us agree here that the S & H legs just doesn't quite cut it for fatiguing the muscles, even with the pre-exhaust exercises. But S & H upper body gave me tremendous results this Summer, I've never been stronger!

Since you already have found that the PLB works great for you, just keep going with it and alternate it with leaner Legs and you will continually challenge your legs. Leaner legs, with just a 35 pound barbell is exhausting, I love this workout as is. And PLB is fabulous too, isn't it?

Sherry has a good approach too and it's on I often use: make up your own pre-exhausting session, either with a previous strength training workout, or with some cardio. I often do a CTX cardio, such as Att Atep or 10 10 10, as my warm up for either PLB or LL. A longer tape like Powermax is too much I find, and takes too long. I don't want to spend my life working out and nothing else!

When I do PLB I still have to go up to 50 or 55 pounds for the squats and when I do S & H with 50 all the way through, I cannot lift that much onto my shoulders and I am not going to cause an injury trying. I can safely lift to 45 pounds but after that, I lift the loaded barbell onto my work/dining table (it's old so there's no marking problem), and then squat beneath the table and roll the barbell onto my shoulders and then push up out of the squat, which is part of the exercise anyway, thereby eliminating all risk of injury to myself and to my husband, who began a second career as my spotter but lacks the patience for the job!

Hope some of these idea may work for you,


Hey Nancy,

I'm not sure if this will do it for you or not, but I like to tack on weight workouts after cardio workouts. I'm always warmed up(very well!) and my legs are generally exhausted a little. When I was using my one-month, injury-free window to get into shape before I left for vacation I would do Imax 1 or 2 and then do Slow and Heavy Legs & Shoulders. Of course, I wasn't in the greatest shape after 5 months off from injuries, but it felt great to me! I used 35 to 40 lbs (in dumbells, so 15# and 20# dumbells). It was difficult, but yet relaxing after Imax. If nothing else, do it when you are feeling *blah*. Everybody needs a workout that they like, but don't quite get a huge burn from :)

Good luck

It's almost impossible to really lift heavy at home without a squat rack or spotter. Besides, I don't want football player quads anyway.

I'm also one of those who subs in Leaner Legs, then onto S & H shoulders.

However, when I restarted after stopping exercise for a while I used S & H Legs. I used very light weights, and only did two sets, but I liked the slow pace and low number of reps. They were great for a restarter, and prevented a lot of soreness. The slow reps are also great if you have to be extra careful about form.
PLB is great, but my fav is Pure Strength. I'm not trying to encourage folks here to buy another workout, but if you can, try those sit and stands in PS. They are the only squats that really make a difference for me. If I remember correctly, you sit on your bench for a moment, then lift one inch above and HOLD for several seconds before standing again. I think it's a count of 7? As little as 30 lbs. go a long way when you hold the position like that!

I don't have LL. Do I need it? If so, I'm game. :)
Here's a vote for LL - it gave me better definition in the quads than SH or PS. On the other hand, PLB is my favorite for working the hams - a particularly weak area for me. That floorwork with the ball still kills me. I think it's been more effective for me than deadlifts, which seems odd.

I've seen some folks don't like PS and SH because of splitting the upper body, but wow - the results! I tried SH chest and back the other day after using PUB for quite a while and was really sore in both areas for two days after! Great workout!


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