

Just curious if anyone out there does Jazzercise? I know a couple of people who like it. How is it "intensity-wise"?

I find it hard sometimes to find a good balance between taking fitness classes and still using Cathe's workouts. Any comments on how anyone fits in both would be great!

Hi Thea --

Jazzercise is an great cardio workout and it's up to you to make it either high-impact or low-impact. I went to Jazzercise for 11 years ('80's through the mid-90's) and I credit Jazzercise with taking me from thin but sedentary to very heart-fit. My first class I thought I'd never make it through the warm up. That tells you how sedentary I was.

At the time that I went to Jazzercise, it was only cardio, no weights. I went to a few classes a couple of years ago that had a weight section but they were too light for me. I had joined my friend for a few sessions. The only reason I didn't go back to Jazzercise as one of my "off" sessions was parking, not the work out.

In my experience, the instructor and her taste in music is one of the biggest factors as to whether you've enjoy the workout. I understand that the routines are choreographed to various styles and it's up to the instructor to select the music style she likes.

Jazzercise has a socialization aspect that is missing from doing videos at home and this can provide an "accountability" that a lot of people like.

jazzercise is not nearly as intense as cathe. i was the jazzercise queen late eighties...did 2 workouts a day...could never do that with cathe!! it did have a fun factor and i was quite thin too.
Jazzercise is what actually got me into working out. I had five kids, I was 25, skinny, and in horrible shape. The first time I did Jazzercise I couldn't sit on the toilet I was so sore. From then, I started teaching on my own and the rest is history.
Oh, speaking of Jazzersize, DH wears a Jazzercise shirt to work that he got at a thrift store.:p Also, he was looking at the Cathe gear and I told him I didn't like to wear hats. He said, "order me a blue one, I'll wear it." Gotta love him!:7
Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

Thanks so much for the responses! I recently moved and am trying to get out and meet people and thought taking an exercise class might be a good place. I miss my old gym--I don't care the one here or their exercise classes. So....thought I'd give Jazzercise a try! I have been on kind of a "vacation" from working out since my move and feel a little out of shape. I think I will give the Jazzercise a try, and of course combine it with Cathe's workouts! (Can't wait for the new DVDs!!!). I have most of Cathe's other tapes and love them! I will let you all know how it goes! Thanks again for the nice responses!

Thea:) :) :)

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